Elaine Lindsay Keep Breathing!

Frank King Mental Health Comedian Suicide Prevention



Frank King believes "You can make a difference. You can save a life. I can show you how." In 2016 Frank King began coaching potential TEDx Talkers, when a number of his speaker coaching clients approached him and asked if he would coach them on scoring a TEDx Talk opportunity. Since then, those half-dozen clients have all done their first TEDx Talk, one of those is scheduled to do her second early in 2019, and four of them are also in the second round of auditions for DukeTEDx! Frank King was a writer for the Tonight Show for 20 years, and he holds the record for the longest non-stop comedy club road trip ever. Beginning the day after Christmas in 1985, he and his wife (who must have the patience of Job) were on the road 2,629 nights in a row, comedy club to comedy club and cheap motel room to cheap motel room, with no home, just a PO Box and voice mail. Along the way he worked with Jerry Seinfeld, Jeff Foxworthy, Ron White, Adam Sandler, Dennis Miller, Ellen DeGeneres, Rosie O'Donnell, Kevin Nealon, Bill