Elaine Lindsay Keep Breathing!

what is Your Go-to Emotion?



I find that all of us have a single emotion which is our fall back. I realize this sounds odd but hear me out.   In any given day one can run through the gamut of emotions. I find I seem to always gravitate to one emotion: NOT that the particular emotion actually fits the scenario it just seems to be the comfort zone of emotion. for many many years that emotion was anger. It wasn't always appropriate. in fact, probably most of the time, 'anger' was not the emotion that fir the scenario. It seemed to be the first response to a lot. i now know it was triggered by pain.  Living in pain 24/7 can be exhausting, and frustrating and can make you feel like a pot about to boil over at any moment.   “When someone suffers from pain for an extended period, this can affect their mood negatively,” Dr. Cosio explains. “These mood changes can negatively impact their levels of activity. People begin to engage in more unhealthy behaviors and less in healthy ones.” Interestingly, a study Conducted by Dr Cosio's research team