Center Point Assembly

Pay Attention or Drift Away - Audio



Sunday, January 22, 2023 - The message today is simple: "Pay Attention or Drift Away," yet how many underestimate the danger of casually drifting along in life without a care in the world? Humanity's inclination is one that, given its course, results in growing separation from God. It's a result of the curse of sin that everyone is born with that chooses to wander away from God, not toward Him. Even good people tend to become less godly over time. Our text given in Hebrews 2 provides an explicit instruction to "listen very carefully to the truth we have already heard, or we may drift away from it." To drift away from the truth of God's Word doesn't require an active effort; instead, it comes from neglect to pursue it. That's why scripture is adamant that we pay attention to what God says and take action to obey, or we will find ourselves drifting with the current of the evil society in which we live. Even though we are redeemed, and on our journey to eternal life, we are still in enemy territory, and the tide