Movers & Shapers: A Dance Podcast

MSP 148: Davalois Fearon



Stepping Out into the World with Davalois Fearon Today we bring you a beautiful and inspiring conversation with Davalois Fearon, whose work as a dancer, teacher, and choreographer brings together her family history, early years in Jamaica, and a dedication to moving the art form and community forward.  Expect to come away with some fascinating insight into her process of connecting the different parts of her life and experience into a unified artistic voice.  Make sure to join us for this great episode, with the one and only Davalois Fearon! “From birth, I was surrounded by movement and music.” – Davalois Fearon, MSP 148 Key Points From This Episode: Davalois' early years in Jamaica and initial attraction to dance and performance.  Moving to the Bronx and the playground training that started Davalois' learning.  Joining the Stephen Petronio Dance Company, touring, parties, and the excitement of the early years.  Davalois' internship at Pentacle and the entrepreneurial lessons she learned.  The period of rese