Creative Thursday

300 Letting go of You’re Limiting Beliefs as an Artist - with guest Artists Jeanette Bergstrom, Erwin Ong and Marie-Laure Delage-Carlson



How do you go from owning that you’re ready to be an Artist to having your career as an Artist support you in owning a house in France?   Yes it’s possible! But first...when setting out to accomplish your dreams   Ask yourself if you’re taking advice from people who are living what you want to live?   Or listening to people who tell you, you can’t accomplish your dreams versus the ones who tell you, you can?   We're celebrating 300 episodes today and since the original mission of the Creative Thursday podcast was to share my journey as an Artist wanting to become a Professional not only to share what I was figuring out with you but to inspire all who are wanting to be creative and/or build a business doing work you love to do just that ~ I thought there’s no better way to celebrate the 300the episode than sharing Artist Success Stories with you   Featuring our guest Artists Jeanette Bergstrom, Erwin Ong, Marie-Laure Delage-Carlson   In this episode we talk about: How to let go of limiting beliefs when it com