Rehabilitating Your Investment Portfolio

Investing In Precious Metals For 2023: Here's Why You Should Do It



Top 3 reasons our call to own Gold [PHYS] & Silver [PSLV] that we made on this very broadcast at the start of November is gaining steam. 1] The 'Barbarous relic' argument is over 2] US$ [$UUP] inwind is underway 3] armrAlgo entry point from November '22 confirmed this week & gains steam  Bonus: Copper [$COPX] Natural Resources [FTRI] & Uranium [$URNM]  If you've ever wondered how to know when to buy, what to buy, and how to profit in precious metals this discussion will provide the foundational education you need — at exactly the time you need it — so that you are prepared to invest when the time is right. We like to say: "Prep now to profit later." Tune in to hear how we're doing that on our virtual hedge fund trading desk. The ARMR Report is a virtual hedge fund that teaches individual investors, traders, and portfolio managers how to reduce stock market losses in 90 days or less — without fear, frustration or guesswork. Learn more about how you can manage your own capital as an ARMR portf