Unstress With Dr Ron Ehrlich

ARCHIVE | Charlie Arnott: Dominating or Enabling Nature?



Charlie started his Regenerative Farming journey 15 years ago. Previously he and his family had been farming conventionally on their 5,000-hectare property “Hanaminno” for over 35 years, in an industrial high input/ high output farming business model, heavily reliant on pesticides, herbicides and man-made fertilisers. After a series of epiphanies and through education Charlie found the Regenerative Agriculture movement, a movement which reflected his instinctive connection to the land and his ethos of producing quality food for his family and the world. Today, Hanaminno is managed using organic, biodynamic and holistic grazing principles. Charlie Arnott joins me to discuss one of the most important topics relating to the health of our planet and our own health - regenerative agriculture. We discuss holistic land management and the important role it plays in our environment. We know that nutrient-dense food is important for our health, but so too is the way it is grown.   ----  For more on Charlie Arnott, head