My Business On Purpose

12 Week Plan LIVE Event: Workshop 2- Stirring In The Substance: Backing Up The Spectacle With Your Process



Thomas just talked about some amazing recruiting practices and you had time to put ideas on paper of how to recruit great talent. Now What?  You have some resumes that look promising and you're excited that all your prayers might be answered with one of these resumes.  Now it's time to start interviewing. This is the recruit's first impression of you and your organization. This sets the tone for everything from this point forward. Are you professional? Are you organized? Are you intentional? Are you mission-driven or chaos-driven? If you are professional, well organized, and intentional, then the recruit knows you mean business. They will either get scared and run or they will show up and show off for you because they want the job. Wouldn’t you want to scare them off now, instead of 3 months from now when they have cost you over $10,000 to $25,000 in your time and resources, and then you have to do this recruiting, hiring and onboarding all over again? So, How are you giving the first impression to recruits o