Matrix Breakers

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 98:46:28
  • More information



The matrix is real, and it conquers the mind, body, and spirit of the masses. We all have a duty to break free from this shackling matrix, and help others do the same. Matrix-Breakers is a podcast that empowers people with truthful information on a wide variety of topics that include, but are not limited to; business, leadership, geo-politics, current events, freedoms, individual liberties, tyranny, history, the subconscious, mindfulness, spirituality, God, relationships, sex, health, fitness, well-being, and vitality.


  • Tyler Nixon: Politics in 2020, Insider Details On Joe Biden's Character, American Exceptionalism, Politicial Censorhip, & Political Victory

    04/09/2020 Duration: 01h10min

    An absolutely powerful podcast with Roger Stone's attorney Tyler Nixon. His experience as an attorney, politician, author, and speaker is an excellent source for political thinkers who want the truth about a wide array of political topics. This interview is a refreshing take on what's been happening in politics over the last few decades and how it will look in the future. You will be walking away from this podcast with a new clarity on political affairs and world events. I want to thank Tyler Nixon for taking the time to come on and enlighten the audience on these important topics!  Share this with your family and friends so that we can inform everyone about the truth. Your word of mouth sharing of this podcast could help people understand the tidal wave of confusion that surrounds us in politics in 2020.  Connect with Tyler on Twitter or Parler (A new social media without censorship) Twitter: @realtylernixon Parler: @Tylernixon

  • CDC numbers adjusted: How this affects the Corona narrative

    02/09/2020 Duration: 26min

    This is the link for the ACT Energy Drink from Youngevity!  It comes in a powder form that can be mixed with a blender cup full of water. I have used this daily for the past 4 years with incredible benefits through the energy I get all day long. Give it a try!  Here's the list of the points I made in this podcast: 1. The CDC is incompetent, so in essence it doesn't really matter, but it DOES matter to the politicians who continue to cite it as their reason to shut down the local economies.   2. To blindly say that covid was the cause of death for people who really died of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, etc. is intellectual incompetence.  3. We know that many people have died from other causes, BUT they test the dead bodies as a part of burial procedure and those positives ARE counted. So, the number is inflated no matter how you spin this! 4. Hospitals were making up to $13,000 for every POSITIVE Covid test. You'd be stupid if you think that hospitals, who aren't seeing regular patie

  • Melanie Jaramillo: Personal Growth & Law of Attraction

    24/08/2020 Duration: 01h14min

    Melanie Jaramillo is a wonderful woman dedicated to empowering others through her social media and in her circle of influence. She has recently committed herself to live passionately in her effort to help others. Being well versed in a wide variety of personal development topics gives her the ability to share these different concepts with a dazzle of personality. I found her to be an enthusiastic speaker and a great entertainer.  Melanie's Instagram 

  • 2020 Election: Communism vs. Capitalism- The End of Freedom or The Launch of a New Renaissance

    20/08/2020 Duration: 31min

    The arguments against candidates or for candidates is not the political theater we have in 2020. It isn't Trump vs. Biden it is Capitalism vs. Communism. Even if democrats won't admit it, socialism and communism have taken over their party. Previous party officials and politicians who have been voted out of the Democrat party have exposed this. Their policy is established by the United Nations. They layout the end of freedoms for the wishful thinking of a false utopian society. It's history repeating itself!  The American system is under attack by professors who write fictional history books that depict America as an evil empire. This is a lie, but is plagued throughout our culture and universities. Best selling books are espousing a revisionist history of the United States that are based on Marxist class warfare ideals. This has caused a rebellion against the very American system that has established the most freedoms and prosperity the world has ever seen.  I'll be referencing the book "United Sta

  • Preserving The World of Innovation: How Individual Liberties Create Flourishing Societies & How To Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind

    12/08/2020 Duration: 47min

    The ideas shared in this podcast are extremely important yet obvious. There is a war on the idea of individualism in this world to be replaced with collectivism which is the fundamental mechanics of a matrix dominated society. The creative thinking and innovation that builds great civilizations is under a full on assault by the matrix. It's been this way for a very long time. In this episode I go over the history of suppressing innovation, how we are born creative individuals, the American system, and how to reprogram your subconscious mind.  The information covered can help shed light on a topic that often goes misunderstood in the minds of most people. Thank you for listening, and please feel free to comment any questions you may have, or share this podcast with friends & family! Here is the article about the NASA study conducted on creative genius:  NASA Study Here is the article referencing the 10 Rules For the Subconscious Mind: Subconscious Mind 

  • Counterculture: How The Silent Majority Wins In the End

    25/07/2020 Duration: 28min

    After having multiple private conversations with people who are like minded, but less vocal about thier opinions I made a conclusion that there is a silent majority out there that doesn't speak up but understands the truth. This episode is a break down of why and how there is a counterculture happening in the world today. A great message to understand why people are moving in the more truthful direction as a whole but it's not as well known.  Here is the link to my store as described at the end of the podcast: Join Youngevity To Get Discounts 

  • America's Second Revolutionary War 2020

    10/07/2020 Duration: 34min

    America today is truly undergoing a second revolution. Instead of breaking off from England we are breaking away from globalization. Similarly, there were disagreements between different states and leaders about how the country should move forward. Should we fight for our rights as Englishmen or demand complete independence to become The United States of America? This was the major question of that time. There were a lot of arguments for both sides. It was a very tough battle intellectually. They did not all agree. Ultimately each state voted to sign the declaration of independence, which was written by Thomas Jefferson throughout June 1776 in Philadelphia. To get to that point where each state could agree was very difficult believe it or not. The way the Declaration was originally written was altered to the dismay of Thomas Jefferson who saw himself as a very great writer. Contrary to what one might think, it took a lot of discussion to come to the decision to declare independence from Great Britain. Today w

  • Meaning Behind "The Man In The Arena" by Teddy Roosevelt

    01/07/2020 Duration: 32min

    There is true wisdom in Theodore's speech "Man In The Arena". In this podcast I go over the value of never fearing the critic because they are merely a "cold and timid soul that would know neither victory nor defeat." Most people go through life without making even a splash in the world. They only criticize those who are actually leading in their lives.  Here is the full speech by Teddy Roosevelt:  "It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, and comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he

  • Jennefer Payne: The Divine Order of Things, The Purpose For Jesus, Religion vs Relationship, and The 90 Essential Nutrients

    17/06/2020 Duration: 01h35min

    Jennefer Payne is a homeopathic doctor, mother, and all around incredible human being. We've known each other for over 5 years now and I consider her one of my most significant friends. We have learned so much from each other through our life experiences that we have decided that at a time such as this we knew that our lessons were valuable for others to know as well. She has a wealth of wisdom about many things, but today we got into some commonly asked questions referring to the bible and spirituality as a whole. So as our way to fight the Spiritual Matrix we took the conversation into that realm. We hope you have an open mind to learn something new, or perhaps even enjoy the dialogue!  We got into a variety of topics mostly pertaining to a true understanding of God, who Jesus was & his purpose, who we are in the world, God's divine order of things, our body's divine purpose, and how to nurture the body correctly. She will be a revisiting guest on the podcast to give us her view on the world, wealt

  • Welcome To 21st Century Warfare

    16/06/2020 Duration: 28min

    The full Facebook Post is here if you want to go to it and add commentary or share it! Fake pandemics using a weaponized flu, forced medical tyranny, selective outrage over race relations to divide & conquer, the grand reveal of a communist uprising, the destruction physically & technologically of history & culture without any appreciation for the struggles & triumphs to create a better world, sports & entertainment utilizing their forced occupation of the minds of the people to propagate false narratives, political incentive to abolish police with the intention of replacing them with international “peace keepers,” and an overall lack of honest hard working people with the confidence to fight for our republic. Just to be clear: The same international bankers who run the World Bank (along with other institutions) out of DC who refer to themselves as globalists are weaponizing the same warfare tactics on America that they’ve used against the third world and have partnered with China to buil

  • The Truth Behind Defunding The Police: Communism & The United Nations

    12/06/2020 Duration: 29min

    This is an upload from my previous Facebook Live that I did a couple days ago. Very important information to listen to. In this episode I go into detail about the reasoning behind the push to get rid of the police.  I'm going to read to all of you from the State Department's own words: "Freedom From War" By  understanding this you are going to be more informed than 99.9999% of  Americans. This has been in the works for YEARS. What I will be sharing  in this video might frighten you, but in the end we will win if we can  expose this. Share this NOW! Also,  please feel free to comment with any additional articles or information  regarding this topic for people to read. It's time to break this Matrix   Here is the book I read from on amazon: Killing The Planet

  • The Future of Space Exploration: How We Can Unite By Aspiring To Become An Interplanetary Species

    09/06/2020 Duration: 37min

    In this episode we are going to lay out the exciting developments in space  exploration and the potential for human beings to become an  interplanetary species. With these amazing aspirations ahead of us we can clearly see the contrast occurring with Covid-19 and the Race War being  propagated by "The Matrix" to destroy us before we reach our greatest potential! The brain enhancing supplement that I detailed in the podcast is available here: Renu IQ Brain Performance Formula You can sign up for FREE as a member to get wholesale prices on all the products by enrolling here first: Preferred Customer Link Articles & Websites Referred to in this podcast: 1. NASA Plans For Moon Base 2. Space Force 3. Space X 4. Boeing Space Overview 5. Blue Origin  6. Trump's Executive Order On Moon Mining

  • This is what war with Communist China looks like- Warning: Mass shootings/bombings imminent!

    02/06/2020 Duration: 28min

    Thank you for listening to the podcast! A lot was covered here from my research about what’s been happening all over the country. This is all by design just like Covid-19. They have run simulation and predictive programming to divide and conquer the United States. This podcast will give you the details about what’s really behind it all and what’s going to happen next. Please feel free to share this with family & friends! You can also check out the online wellness store I promote here: Youngevity Store Get all the highest quality supplements for your health & wellness needs through one place at a DISCOUNT. Contact me directly if you'd like to know what you need from Youngevity to improve the quality of your life. Or just browse and buy products yourself, either way works! Your purchase of any products support my mission to continue to inform the world!

  • 3 Steps You Should Take As America Opens Back Up

    12/05/2020 Duration: 01h04min

    The importance for all of the matrix breakers out there to explode with the truth, logic, and common sense has never been more critical. This is the moment to step up and shine like never before. As I've mentioned in my previous podcast, "A Call To Action For Leadership," we all must take a stand to break the matrix once and for all at this point in time.  Here is the list of products I mentioned to get to protect your health and keep you & your family safe:  1. Ultimate Microbiome- For gut health  2. Tangy Tangerine- Multi Mineral & Vitamin Complex  3. Killer Biotic- Immune System Boosting Herbs & Minerals (Zinc)  4. Colloidal Silver- Nano silver that is anti-viral and anti-bacterial  5. Eucalyptus & Honey Winter Thyme Syrup- All Natural/Organic Sore throat and coughing syrup Here is a list of the articles I referred to in the podcast:  1. End the lockdown, start the takedown 2. Medical Tyranny  3. To Zinc Or Not To Zinc  4. Vitamin C & Immune

  • A Call To Action For Leadership

    18/03/2020 Duration: 46min

    As 2020 unfolds we are experiencing a huge amount of fear and uncertainty. This podcast is dedicated to give each matrix breaker a sense of urgency to go out and become their best selves. You are needed in your circle of influence to step up as a leader. This is your opportunity to seize the moment! The products I mentioned in this podcast are listed in the links below: Tangy Tangerine- 87 of the 90 essential nutrients Colloidal Silver- The natural anti-viral immune system booster Killer Biotic- A combination of herbs and mushroom extracts to radically boost your immune system I would be thankful if you decided to leave a 5 star rating on my podcast if you enjoy the information :)  

  • The Truth About The Corona Virus

    03/03/2020 Duration: 01h08min

    This is THE topic of discussion going on all around the world which means theres also a lot of speculation and propaganda being spread everywhere. What a perfect thing to break the matrix with! After completing this podcast about the Corona Virus you'll be more informed about this than most people and you'll be ahead of news that has yet to come. It's important to be informed about current events such as this one in order for you to prepare accordingly and share with others. This podcast is always dedicated to helping people make the right positive decisions for themselves, and more than that this is about empowering you in the ongoing fight against the matrix.   Here is the Colloidal Silver I spoke about early on in the podcast. Order yours today not just because it is anti-viral, but because it also does incredible things to help boost your immune system which is responsible for detoxifying your body and maintaining energy throughout the day!  Become a member for free through March to receive

  • Adrian Chenault- Contact Mapping: Humanize Your Address Book

    26/02/2020 Duration: 24min

    (The audio may be unstable at times) Adrian is a successful entrepreneur who has launched an app called "Contact Mapping." He created the company because he is dedicated to connecting people in a personal way. We all have a duty to keep up with our relationships because staying in touch with our network will not only make us successful, but happy as well! Contact Mapping is a way for us to achieve that. Break the Matrix by maintaining your friendships and family relationships instead of staying plugged into the digital world.  Contact Mapping Website Contact Mapping Apple Store App Adrian Chenault Facebook If you'd like to support this podcast feel free to check out the energy products in my online wellness store

  • Strategic Productivity & Planning

    07/02/2020 Duration: 37min

    Productivity & Planning are a crucial methodology to implement to break the matrix. The Matrix wants you dumb, stupid, distracted, and entertained. For people who consider themselves high achievers you're going to want to listen to the strategies in this podcast. Some of them are probably being put to use in your life currently, but regardless I hope you can take a few more and enhance your productivity immensely! I mentioned the coffee I take as a part of my morning routine. Here is the link to that coffee to get directly:  Cinnamon Hazelnut Coffee (Buy 1 get 1 FREE)   If you'd like to become a preferred customer and get discounts on all future purchases sign up with me here:   Preferred Customer Form   Here is the Panda Planner I mentioned in the podcast that I love and use everyday!  Panda Planner (Amazon)  I also mentioned the book Outwitting the Devil By Napoleon Hill 

  • The Truth About Iran: From Persia To Now & The Future

    24/01/2020 Duration: 01h26min

    This has been my longest podcast to date, but I believe subjects like this are extremely deep and profound. I did not get into everything dealing with Iran, but I wanted to simplify things for the average person to understand the overall situation. Please feel free to comment what you'd like or message me some of your thoughts on this topic. I'd especially love to hear from Iranians about what their country is going through and the potential their country has to be powerful like it once was! I mentioned the coffee I drink everyday on this podcast. Like I mentioned it is BUY ONE GET ONE FREE. Read about it:  Be The Change Coffee is grown and harvested at our very own plantation in the high-mountainous region of the Nicaraguan rainforest. It is grown under the strictest standards ensuring the best 100% Pure Arabica, Rainforest Alliance Certified™, Fair Trade Certified™, and environmentally-friendly coffee is produced  Try The Cinnamon Hazelnut Cream Coffee- BOGO (For retail customers) Become a preferr

  • Vegan Becomes Carnivore: The Truth About Veganism With Shayla Gullette (IG: Geneticallyhealing)

    09/01/2020 Duration: 58min

    Shayla (IG: Geneticallyhealing)  has been a great friend of mine for over 5 years now and it's been a pleasure watching her grow into the woman that she's become. It's with that same pleasure that I get to introduce you to her and give you the opportunity to learn about her journey through becoming a Nutrition Coach. We had an awesome discussion about her "red pill moment" out of the vegan community. She is a great example of someone who is deadly serious about her health and diet overall because of her food sensitivities. I hope you will enjoy this incredible podcast! We mentioned the 90 essential nutrients in this podcast and the benefits of supplementing with the right supplements. As you may know I am supported by my listeners through promoting products that I use personally and that I truly believe in. That couldn't be more true when it comes to Tangy Tangerine.  Buy Tangy Tangerine at retail price (For those of you who do not have a membership yet) Sign up as a Preferred Customer (Get 20% of

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