Matrix Breakers

The Truth About The Corona Virus



This is THE topic of discussion going on all around the world which means theres also a lot of speculation and propaganda being spread everywhere. What a perfect thing to break the matrix with! After completing this podcast about the Corona Virus you'll be more informed about this than most people and you'll be ahead of news that has yet to come. It's important to be informed about current events such as this one in order for you to prepare accordingly and share with others. This podcast is always dedicated to helping people make the right positive decisions for themselves, and more than that this is about empowering you in the ongoing fight against the matrix.   Here is the Colloidal Silver I spoke about early on in the podcast. Order yours today not just because it is anti-viral, but because it also does incredible things to help boost your immune system which is responsible for detoxifying your body and maintaining energy throughout the day!  Become a member for free through March to receive