Ocd&d: An Actual Play D&d 5e Podcast



1 Dungeon Master, 4 Adventurers, all clueless. When 5 video gamers throw down their controllers and pick up dice, what's the worst that could happen?


  • 'Quit reaching into me' E18

    10/08/2020 Duration: 41min

    The Misfits reach the climatic end of the crypt mystery. Death saves anyone? Join Phil the DM as he guides our intrepid team (a grumpy Dwarf Fighter, a snooty Elf Wizard, a hapless Halfling Rogue, a sweary Dragonborn Paladin and an overly-enthusiastic Barbarian Beserker) as they attempt to make it through a day without getting killed.

  • 'No Cheese' E17

    03/08/2020 Duration: 52min

    The Misfits encounter the Wraith once more, are they closer to solving the mystery? Join Phil the DM as he guides our intrepid team (a grumpy Dwarf Fighter, a snooty Elf Wizard, a hapless Halfling Rogue, a sweary Dragonborn Paladin and an overly-enthusiastic Barbarian Beserker) as they attempt to make it through a day without getting killed.

  • 'Hector's Vomit Problem' E16

    27/07/2020 Duration: 44min

    Despite Hector's vomit, the party continue into the crypt of two princesses. Join Phil the DM as he guides our intrepid team (a grumpy Dwarf Fighter, a snooty Elf Wizard, a hapless Halfling Rogue, a sweary Dragonborn Paladin and an overly-enthusiastic Barbarian Beserker) as they attempt to make it through a day without getting killed.

  • 'Herding Cats' E15

    27/07/2020 Duration: 55min

    The party are STILL battling ghouls, ghasts and zombies, but they have been rejoined by an old friend! Join Phil the DM as he guides our intrepid team (a grumpy Dwarf Fighter, a snooty Elf Wizard, a hapless Halfling Rogue and an overly-enthusiastic Barbarian Beserker) as they attempt to make it through a day without getting killed.

  • 'Like a typical Saturday night' E14

    18/10/2019 Duration: 54min

    The promise of gold is too much of a temptation for the Misfits and we re-join them in the castle crypts as they continue their investigations. After being warned off by a banshee, they've stumbled into a group of skeletons and zombies. A simple battle you'd think? Not where our adventurers are concerned! Join Phil the DM as he guides our intrepid team (a grumpy Dwarf Fighter, a snooty Elf Wizard, a hapless Halfling Rogue and an overly-enthusiastic Barbarian Beserker) as they attempt to make it through a day without getting killed.

  • 'On the Road Again' E13

    07/10/2019 Duration: 57min

    After defeating the Goblins and their leader in Cragmaw Hideout, The Misfits rescue Sildar and head to the nearest village for supplies and healing before they can continue the search for Jatic's cousin. On the way they meet a mysterious character who offers to join them in their adventures. Who is he? Why is he so overly friendly? And what terrors await the party this time? Join Phil the DM as he guides our intrepid team (a grumpy Dwarf Fighter, a snooty Elf Wizard, a hapless Halfling Rogue and a Dragonborn Paladin) as they attempt to make it through a day without getting killed.

  • 'Goblin Massacre' E12

    27/09/2019 Duration: 52min

    The furious battle continues as the Goblins horde fight to protect their hostage. Can the Misfits prevail? Join Phil the DM as he guides our intrepid party (a grumpy Dwarf Fighter, a snooty Elf Wizard, a hapless Halfling Rogue and a Dragonborn Paladin) as they attempt to make it through a day without getting killed.

  • 'Goblins, Goblins, everywhere' E11

    20/09/2019 Duration: 53min

    After barely escaping with their lives, the Misfits re-enter the cave to rescue Sildar. However, after the last incursion, the Goblins are expecting them. Join Phil the DM as he guides our intrepid party (a grumpy Dwarf Fighter, a snooty Elf Wizard, a hapless Halfling Rogue and a Dragonborn Paladin) as they attempt to make it through a day without getting killed.

  • 'I see stars' E10

    13/09/2019 Duration: 47min

    As The Misfits take on Klarg, leader of the Goblins, and his minions, they start to ask themselves whether they've bitten off more than they can chew. Is this the end? Join Phil the DM as he guides our intrepid party (a grumpy Dwarf Fighter, a snooty Elf Wizard, a hapless Halfling Rogue and a Dragonborn Paladin) as they attempt to make it through a day without getting killed.

  • 'Damn Goblins' E09

    06/09/2019 Duration: 45min

    Tralen, Kim and Jatic enter the cave to rescue Gundren, what will they find? Join Phil the DM as he guides our intrepid party (a grumpy Dwarf Fighter, a snooty Elf Wizard, a hapless Halfling Rogue and a Dragonborn Paladin) as they attempt to make it through a day without getting killed.

  • 'Hopping Mad' E08

    08/05/2019 Duration: 34min

    In search of the captured Gundren and Sildar, and after 'gathering' intel on the Goblin hideout, the Misfits make their way through the undergrowth cave entrance. Has anyone detected them? Join Phil the DM as he guides our intrepid party (a grumpy Dwarf Fighter, a snooty Elf Wizard, a hapless Halfling Rogue and a Dragonborn Paladin) as they attempt to make it through a day without getting killed.

  • 'Enter Sandman' E07

    26/04/2019 Duration: 42min

    After being hired by Jatic's cousin to escort a cart of mining goods to Phandalin, a village located SouthWest of Neverwinter, we join the Misfits as they drive their oxen along the Triboar Trail. Will it be a 'simple' escort mission? Or a deadly encounter? And who will be sleeping on the job? Join Phil the DM as he guides our intrepid party (a grumpy Dwarf Fighter, a snooty Elf Wizard, a hapless Halfling Rogue and a Dragonborn Paladin) as they attempt to make it through a day without getting killed.

  • The Sickness (Part 2): 'Food and Whatnot' E06

    27/03/2019 Duration: 01h03min

    The Misfits (minus Tralen) continue their quest to solve the mystery illness at the village of Snaptooth. The clues have led them to the derelict sewers, with traps and goblins having already taken their toll on Jatic, Kim and Paarthurnax, but what further horrors will the Misfits find and will they ever see the light of day again?!? Join Phil the DM as he guides our intrepid party (a grumpy Dwarf Fighter, a snooty Elf Wizard, a hapless Halfling Rogue and a Dragonborn Paladin) as they attempt to make it through a day without getting killed. Follow us on Twitter @ocdandd

  • The Sickness (Part 1): 'Pocket Fumbling' E05

    05/03/2019 Duration: 01h04min

    The Misfits level up for the first time and with Tralen off on 'Studying' duties, Kim and Jatic go to help Paarthurnax solve the mystery illness at the village of Snaptooth. All clues point to the derelict sewers, but what horrors will the Misfits find and will they ever see the light of day again?!? Join Phil the DM as he guides our intrepid party (a grumpy Dwarf Fighter, a snooty Elf Wizard, a hapless Halfling Rogue and a Dragonborn Paladin who is MIA) as they attempt to enter The Master's Vault.

  • 'Meet Captain Fliptop’ E04

    22/02/2019 Duration: 01h54min

    Following a night's rest at The Rowdy Room, the party discover that Paarthurnax has had to leave during the night to investigate a great sickness that has overcome his village. The 3 remaining adventurers (Tralen, Kim, Jatic) head for the Dolor Forest to find the last 3 tiles. Join Phil the DM as he guides our intrepid party (a grumpy Dwarf Fighter, a snooty Elf Wizard, a hapless Halfling Rogue and a Dragonborn Paladin who is MIA) as they attempt to enter The Master's Vault. Please note: there were some sound issues with Phil's mic during this recording. Apologies for that, but it shouldn't detract too much from your enjoyment!!

  • 'Along Came a Spider' E03

    22/02/2019 Duration: 02h13min

    The party arrive at the Staircase Cliffs, a 75 ft sheer climb to the yurt of Alcaeus Scaevola, who holds the first 3 magical tiles needed to gain access to The Master's Vault. Join Phil the DM as he guides our intrepid party (a grumpy Dwarf Fighter, a snooty Elf Wizard, a hapless Halfling Rogue and a Dragonborn Paladin whose name nobody can pronounce) as they attempt to collect the 9 magical tiles.

  • 'Magical Mystery Boxes' E02

    22/02/2019 Duration: 53min

    The party meet up after a year apart and, after a rallying speech from Tralen, they head into Parabor to attend Elaria's funeral.   Join Phil the DM as he guides our intrepid party (a grumpy Dwarf Fighter, a snooty Elf Wizard, a hapless Halfling Rogue and a Dragonborn Paladin whose name nobody can pronounce) through the town of Parabor. What is in Elaria's last Will and Testament? What bargains will the party discover in the local shops?

  • 'You Dirty Rat' E01

    22/02/2019 Duration: 57min

    In this, the pilot episode of Distracted by Side Quests, 5 video gamers throw down their controllers and pick up dice for the first time to play D&D 5E. What could possibly go wrong?   Join Phil the DM as he takes our intrepid party (a grumpy Dwarf Fighter, a snooty Elf Wizard, a hapless Halfling Rogue and a Dragonborn Paladin whose name nobody can pronounce) through their last training session before becoming fully fledged adventurers, and entering The Master's Vault.   Follow us on Twitter https://twitter.com/DistractedDND (@DistractedDND)

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