Ocd&d: An Actual Play D&d 5e Podcast

'Meet Captain Fliptop’ E04



Following a night's rest at The Rowdy Room, the party discover that Paarthurnax has had to leave during the night to investigate a great sickness that has overcome his village. The 3 remaining adventurers (Tralen, Kim, Jatic) head for the Dolor Forest to find the last 3 tiles. Join Phil the DM as he guides our intrepid party (a grumpy Dwarf Fighter, a snooty Elf Wizard, a hapless Halfling Rogue and a Dragonborn Paladin who is MIA) as they attempt to enter The Master's Vault. Please note: there were some sound issues with Phil's mic during this recording. Apologies for that, but it shouldn't detract too much from your enjoyment!!