Homegirls, Casos De La Vida Real



Hosted by latin rap artist Ms Krazie, comes "Homegirls, Casos De La Vida Real" (Homegirls, Real Life Stories) the revamped 2019 version of her popular "Hello Loca" online talk radio show from the early 2000's. Relationships, love, marriage, friendship and general talks from a homegirls point of view. The day to day life of a mother, wife and hustling entrepreneur. Raw unscripted and sometimes highly controversial, late night conversations with the Loca herself.


  • EP:37 Brujeria, “ojo” or echarle la sal to someone is real. It happened to me.

    08/06/2021 Duration: 40min

    The time I almost went blind because someone me hizo “ojo” literally. This stuff is real wether you want to believe it or not. Not only that but we will also speak on an incident that just happened about a week ago where I fee someone me echo la sal for real.. sad but true.

  • EP:36 Men who talk shit about women who get plastic surgery are a fraud.

    29/05/2021 Duration: 52min

    Talking about plastic surgery haters. When your man says he loves you just the way you are, don’t believe him. Nine out of 10 times it’s a lie. He just doesn’t want you looking good because then his position is compromised because of all the options that you will then have. If you’re considering plastic surgery and doubting it because you think people are kind.. listen to this.

  • EP:35 VENT with me, about being tall AF in high heels.

    22/05/2021 Duration: 29min

    After yesterday’s shopping experience I have to vent about the nightmare that is shopping for dressy clothing while being tall as hell and not being able to rock high heels because you don’t wanna be taller than your man.

  • EP:34 He left after 14 years for a 21 year old bitch. Are you next?

    19/05/2021 Duration: 18min

    In today’s episode we will talk about something that happens far too often, specially now a days. Men who waste the best years of your life to then say goodbye and leave you for a younger, prettier, skinnier bitch.

  • EP:33 Comparing ourselves to other girls on social media and getting depressed.

    15/05/2021 Duration: 38min

    Updates on how I have been doing with my struggle to "get back to feeling like myself again". It has not been an easy road, but talking about it does help. In this episode we will talk about how social media can sometimes make your depression worst when we begin comparing ourselves to other girls. How I have been dealing with it up until today and what awaits you in the future when it comes to this if you are also feeling some type of way. This episode is dedicated to any young female who may be in this same situation, scrolling Instagram and putting herself down because she doesn't look like all these other girls. 

  • EP:32 Reasons why husbands leave their wives after being married for years.

    23/04/2021 Duration: 34min

    Lets talk about it. Growing up I thought I knew why the lady down the street "got left" by her husband or why other ladies would get left for a "younger" woman.. but I was wrong. There isn't just one reason why this happens to someone, there are actually a lot more than one. In this episode I sit down to talk to you about the reasons why I believe this happens.. based on things that I myself am experiencing. Save yourself the "what if" and let me break it down for you so you will know if chances are high that this will happen to you.

  • EP:31 Just a homegirl with a podcast!

    31/03/2021 Duration: 08min

    Things are about to get serious with this podcast yall. You know I love me some chit chat and I have decided to invest a little money on this to hopefully make it mas legit for you ladies. We all know quality matters so, lets test this mic out and see where its going. Let this episode be the sign you need to start your own. Share your story with me and another people. If you have something to say, start one and say it homegirl. Lets do this!

  • EP:30 I haven’t gotten over what happened to me at the old office.

    28/03/2021 Duration: 55min

    Update on how my “break” is going and how the incidents that happened at the old office almost a year ago, still are affecting me a whole lot. Depression? Burnout? Whats really going on with me.

  • EP:29 Men who cheat behind closed doors and men who flaunt their hoes!

    17/03/2021 Duration: 46min

    How much would you allow in a relationship? Would you rather your man sneak around and have infidelities behind your back or would you rather know and just turn a blind eye to the public. In this episode we speak on a case I have been following for a while now. A woman who was put through her man having an affair only to later realize it was better to just share him if she wanted to keep him. We discuss my own personal views on things as well as reveal things we tell ourselves as wives.. to help us sleep better at night. Politically incorrect things.. things that a lot of people will never understand unless you have lived through infidelities galore.. and have a family. To keep it together or to let go.

  • EP:28 Story time, the promoter left me at the border in Mexico to fend for myself.

    17/03/2021 Duration: 48min

    One of the MANY times that I have been in situations where I had had to fend for myself out in the wild as a lone female artist. This is the story of when I went to a show and was left to figure it out afterwards.. used anyone?

  • EP:27 Its been 2 Weeks since my “break” began and this is how its going..

    15/03/2021 Duration: 18min

    Just as the title says it. Here is the update as the 2nd week wraps up. How have I been and my feels. This is dedicated to anyone going “through it” in any way shape or form. You are not alone and we will be OK at the end just you wait, hold on and stay strong.

  • EP:26 Skincare is so expensive, I don’t know how yall do this!

    09/03/2021 Duration: 58min

    It wasn’t up until about a month ago that I began to have a “skincare routine”. That means I went decades without any face cream, any real face wash, nada. In todays episode I tell you my story with skincare, breaking out, acne and bar soap. I also talk about which products and face creams I am currently using. I have a new found respect for you ladies who have a routine and spend all that money in those products.

  • EP:25 If there is one thing I aint, is a home wrecker. This MF lied!

    06/03/2021 Duration: 44min

    A quick update on how I am doing with my “break” from running my shop in part one of this episode. Then on part two we get down to the title of this episode were I tell you my view on why you shouldn’t allow other women to stay in your house if you know your man is a little hoe. Things happen and the devil is alive. Don’t say I didn’t warn you when your man ends up leaving you and your kids for a homegirl that you allowed to stay with yall while she “get on her feet”.

  • EP:24 This is how day 1 of my “im taking a break” went.

    01/03/2021 Duration: 25min

    Talking about how day 1 of me being on this “break” or “me time” type thing went. I must admit, it was definitely something I am glad to be doing as it is already starting to make me feel better about myself and about everything in general. Prayers up homegirls, better days are coming.

  • EP:23 Cant allow myself to continue feeling like this. Im taking a break.

    28/02/2021 Duration: 11min

    Speaking on what will be happening in the month of March for me and my boutique www.HelloLoca.com — I am feeling completely burnt out guys. Ive finally decided to take a break and put the website down for maintenance in hopes that this will give me a little more time to focus on myself in every aspect. I am sick and tired of feeling sick and tired like they say. I need to get back to feeling like I once did. I need to take March by the horns and do what I need to do to begin this new journey and be able to come back feeling a little more refreshed and a little more happy with myself. I will keep you all updated on the timeline for the website opening back up as the month progresses. I may have it back up by April 1st or April 15th or so on.. depending on where I am at mentally, emotionally and of course physically by that time. Prayers up!

  • EP:22 I need to get back to feeling like myself again.

    21/02/2021 Duration: 01h09min

    In todays podcast I speak on losing yourself as a mom, as a woman and human being. How depression can sneak into your life so easily when you are overwhelmed as a mother, a wife and a working woman. How its easy to put yourself last, to take care of everything and everyone, except yourself. My journey towards self care and how its been extremely hard. Today we speak on some of the things that as moms we keep to ourselves because of fear of being looked at as a “bad mom” for wanting to put ourselves first sometimes. You aren’t alone darlings.. Lets talk.

  • EP:21 The full story on my “Perico” mug and release date news about my “A Gangsters Wife” palette!

    09/02/2021 Duration: 40min

    The full story behind my infamous “Perico” mug and why it will not be restocking at all now. How the company who was making this piece of merchandise for me made me waste my time and hated on my mug’s design from the get go. Plus I give yall updates on the release of my “A Gangsters Wife” eyeshadow palette and earrings dropping Saturday February 13th at midnight pacific standard time on my HelloLoca.com online boutique!

  • EP:20 Homegirl talk! Wheres the “A Gangsters Wife” palette at? Updates!

    06/02/2021 Duration: 34min

    A ton of updates about everything from my upcoming “A Gangsters Wife” eyeshadow palette and when that is planning to release to new upcoming goodies that will be added to the shop by next week! I also bring you the chisme about the infamous “Perico” mug that will also be dropping and the story of why it will now be considered a limited edition item among other things.

  • EP:19 She said I would never be blonde. If you are a hairstylist, nail tech, etc please hear this.

    03/02/2021 Duration: 30min

    Be kind to your clients! This is the story of the first time I went to a hair salon because I wanted to be blonde and how the way the stylist treated me scar’d me for life. This episode is dedicated to anyone working in the beauty industry from hair stylists to nail techs, massage people, makeup artists etc who deal with people directly on a daily and how treating a client incorrectly can affect them and your bag at the same time.

  • EP:18 Make sure you have a lil’ money saved for emergencies! Being out of work and surviving.

    02/02/2021 Duration: 59min

    Please, I am begging you.. as a woman specially.. try and set a little bit of money aside every month for an emergency. A little stash that only you know about because it can save you from so many things! Don’t ever just solely depend on your significant other to have your back. Having your own money for an emergency can save your entire family! Please try to start having a lil secret stash if you haven’t already. In this episode I discuss my own journey being out of work and how having just that has helped my family survive during this pandemic. I also speak on unemployment and programs which are out there right now offering FREE MONEY for those who are self employed and are suffering because of this Corona virus hell. These programs include the PPP Paycheck Protection Program and the EIDL Grant both offered by the SBA. Please inform yourselves and I hope this can help those of you who truly need it!

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