Homegirls, Casos De La Vida Real



Hosted by latin rap artist Ms Krazie, comes "Homegirls, Casos De La Vida Real" (Homegirls, Real Life Stories) the revamped 2019 version of her popular "Hello Loca" online talk radio show from the early 2000's. Relationships, love, marriage, friendship and general talks from a homegirls point of view. The day to day life of a mother, wife and hustling entrepreneur. Raw unscripted and sometimes highly controversial, late night conversations with the Loca herself.


  • EP:58 Hair talk & relationship drama.

    20/03/2022 Duration: 34min

    I am having yet another midlife type crisis. I want to change my hair color and 2 days ago I tried a redish pink.. I speak on how that went. We will also discuss a lil bit of drama in my relationship today and how past traumas continue to plague my now married life.

  • EP:57 My LA trip. PART 3

    11/03/2022 Duration: 54min

    Another part of my trip to Los Angeles for a show on January 28th and everything that happened while I was there. In this particular episode I speak on how the whole vaccine mandate thing in Cali was beyond stressful for us and the fact we weren't allowed to eat a decent meal inside a restaurant. How the hotel situation went and a message to show promoters who book artists on the type of hotel accommodations that are a no no. Also speak on eyelash shapes and how they change your face, heels on tall girls and insecurities with that. Plus the wonderful time I had seeing a lot of homegirls which I hadn't seen in a very long time all gathered in one place.

  • EP:56 Losing weight and loose skin!

    26/02/2022 Duration: 27min

    Just like the title says. In this episode I share my very embarrassing, but very necessary experience with having waited decades to lose over 100 pounds and the affect it had on my body visually. We will focus on loose skin, saggy skin on your stomach, arms, legs, thighs, your breasts and more. You'd think that after losing a ton of weight we would be met with our goal bodies.. yet we find ourselves now needing a bunch of plastic surgery just to appear "normal". Take a trip into my current journey, my upcoming arm lift and breast lift surgeries and my feelings about the scars that will come with it. Take the good you hear and apply it to your life and leave what doesn't apply to your situation homegirl. 

  • EP:54 My LA trip. PART 2

    04/02/2022 Duration: 38min

    Onto the second part of my LA show trip NOVELA. On this episode we discuss "mom guilt" that women who work or have a career sometimes feel as well as my experience at the Santee Alley aka Los Callejones in Los Angeles with clothing. As always scrambling last minute to find an outfit to wear for an event and coming to terms with NOT being able to find a hair stylist for that day.

  • EP:53 My LA trip. PART 1

    01/02/2022 Duration: 45min

    My experience prepping for my 1st show back on stage in over 2 years. The good, the bad and the ugly. How the days leading up to my trip out there went. Mistakes I made for waiting until the last minute to get my show outfit and hair situation ready. Finding sketchy hair stylists on facebook marketplace. Not being ready at all to leave.. plus the horrible ULTA experience I had while shopping for makeup last minute before my trip as well. Join me in this PART 1 of my LA trip experience, out of a few that i have had to divide this story time into because there is A LOT to talk about.

  • EP:52 Almost feeling like my old self!

    20/01/2022 Duration: 43min

    Almost. With my 1st show in almost 2 years being on hiatus coming up in LA things are definitely changing. in this episode we will speak on a few things leading to my feeling better, updates on my skin care, makeup and clothing. The journey to "feeling like my old self again" is definitely underway and doing GREAT more than ever!

  • EP:51 I have COVID.

    03/01/2022 Duration: 42min

    After 2 years of panoramic.. the rona finally came through these doors. The kids brought it from school and it went from there. I tested positive a few days ago and currently quarantined here at home with the rest of my family. Here is my experience so far. Stay safe and stay blessed yall!

  • EP:50 Christmas gifts and plastic surgery.

    21/12/2021 Duration: 43min

    Speaking on last minute Christmas gift ideas for my family and myself as well as plastic surgery talk! Let's talk about the fact that I have an upcoming consultation finally! So that I can begin prepping myself for whats next in my mommy makeover journey. Also a quick chit chat about continuing my smile journey. :)

  • EP:49 I am ready to start living again.

    05/12/2021 Duration: 47min

    Its been almost 2 years of depression. 2 years that felt like they passed by in a blink of an eye. Updates on my depression, on going back to touring and music.. on living life again.

  • EP:48 2021 has been emotional, but I am still THAT biatch.

    13/11/2021 Duration: 34min

    Life updates. Talking about how I am doing and whats going on with my depre situation as well as speaking on struggles of a small business owner during the 4th quarter..

  • EP:47 Fuc* being “woke”, im done. Ignorance is bliss!

    25/10/2021 Duration: 36min

    Not knowing what is going on in the world is sometimes better than living your life worried on a daily basis about stuff that hasn’t even happened because of watching the news or scouting the internet and seeing how horrible humanity is currently. Not knowing was better FOR ME than knowing.

  • EP:46 Depression update and my thoughts on “La 69”.

    07/10/2021 Duration: 36min

    A huge update on my depression situation and how I’ve been doing as well as my thoughts on “La 69” and why we need to quit being bitter bitches and congratulate instead of being bitter bitches.

  • EP:45 I don’t even know what to call this episode without it being censored.

    22/08/2021 Duration: 27min

    My thoughts on “the rona” and everything that has to do with it. The pressure I am feeling as a human being, a mother and the stress that I live with on a daily basis because of it. I know I am not alone in this and I hope anyone who is listening to or reading this post know that you aren’t alone! There are many of us who can relate to what you are going through!

  • EP:44 Finally getting the help I need to be me again.

    08/08/2021 Duration: 32min

    Today I finally decided to contact a doctor to figure all of this out. Hoping that this is the beginning of my journey to feeling like myself again. To being that woman that I was not too long ago. To feeling good, having energy, wanting to do things, being active, doing what I love. On the road to loving myself again.

  • EP:43 Story time; My own insecurities give me nightmares.

    23/07/2021 Duration: 39min

    Late night chat about a nightmare I recently had which had me thinking about the reasons why it even happened. Realizing that my own insecurities bring on these nightmares and facing realities that although may be embarrassing.. are there and have been there due to past relationship trauma.

  • EP:42 Nobody likes a sick person & my reselling ticket drama.

    11/07/2021 Duration: 46min

    Like the title explains. I have a mean ol headache right now guys so I will update this description soon :)

  • EP:41 What NOT to do when you are friends with a rapper.

    03/07/2021 Duration: 43min

    There are unwritten rules everyone should know of how to “behave” when you are friends with a public figure such as a influencer, a rapper, singer, youtuber etc Most is common sense but not everyone has common sense. In this episode, I share a particular situation about a person who I had to cut off because they simply didn’t know how to act while being around other artists and how that made me look super bad. Some stuff you just don’t do.. specially when someone has chosen to allow you access to their very limited and small personal circle of friends.

  • EP:40 I have held on to my relationship, but should you? Should you work it out or let them go?

    18/06/2021 Duration: 53min

    The realist conversation that I’ve ever had about staying or leaving a relationship. In this episode I will be talking about the reasons why a person may decide to stay or leave a relationship and how it’s different for everyone. Answering the number one question I have always gotten asked which is “when do you know you’ve had enough”? In today’s day and age relationships have become disposable marriages have become disposable and no one seems to want to be together for the long run anymore. Should you break up with your significant other over that fight you had or should you work it out? Do men change as they get older? Your relationships get better as you both get older? Tune in and find out, But remember keep it real with yourself first and foremost.

  • EP:39 Dealing with my depression while trying to run a business.

    16/06/2021 Duration: 45min

    In this episode I will be speaking on my depression and how tough it has been to run a business while trying to deal with it. I have been trying to avoid dealing with it, putting work first and its been very hard. When you have a family that is counting on you, you cant just take a break. This is why HelloLoca.com is back to being temporarily closed.. for the next month.. again.

  • EP:38 Are you a good friend or a shady bitch?

    12/06/2021 Duration: 32min

    In today’s episode we will be discussing friendships and everything that comes with it the good the bad and the ugly. What is it to be a good friend?

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