Wise Women Conversations



Wise Women Conversations is a podcast for women in their mid-stage of life. We explore the issues that impact women as they transition through peri and post menopause. Join us and become part of the conversation as we explore the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of being a women in her mid-stage of life. Episodes include a mix of interviews with Wise Women as well as some solo episodes from Women's Transformation Coach, Angela Counsel.


  • Understanding Bone Health in Menopause

    28/05/2023 Duration: 42min

    Welcome to the Menopause Conversations podcast. In today's episode, we'll delve into the fascinating topic of bone health during menopause. We'll explore the common misconceptions surrounding bone density measurements, the significance of osteopenia, the importance of bone strength versus density, and practical strategies to maintain strong and resilient bones as you age. So, let's dive in and unravel the complexities of bone health in menopause. Key Points: Bone Density Measurements: Bone density is commonly measured using a DEXA scan, which provides T-scores and Z-scores. T-scores compare bone density to that of a healthy 30-year-old, disregarding age and other factors. Z-scores compare bone density to people of the same age, sex, and ethnic background, providing a more accurate assessment. Osteopenia: Osteopenia is a term used to describe lower bone density that is one to two standard deviations below the average for a healthy 30-year-old. It is not a medical diagnosis but indicates a highe

  • Embracing Menopause: Overcoming Shame and Shifting Mindsets

    21/05/2023 Duration: 24min

    In this episode of Menopause Conversations, we delve into the topic of menopause and the shame that often surrounds it. As a female podcaster, I understand the importance of open discussions about menopause and aim to empower women through knowledge and support. Let's explore the key points discussed in this episode: Breaking the Silence: Menopause is often considered a taboo subject, leading to a lack of understanding and shame. Many women hesitate to even mention the word "menopause" due to societal stigmas and the fear of being judged. Changing the Narrative: While progress has been made in recent years, there is still lingering shame and misconceptions around menopause. Women's bodies are remarkable, capable of menstruation, pregnancy, and childbirth. Yet, the very process that allows for these miracles is often shrouded in shame and silence. Taboos Around Periods: The shame associated with menopause can be traced back to the secrecy and taboo surrounding periods. In the past, discu

  • The Impact of Diet Culture on Menopause

    14/05/2023 Duration: 32min

    In this episode, I want to touch on the topic of diet culture and its significant impact on the menopause journey for women. If you're a woman who is anywhere in the middle of the menopause transition (around 40 and above), this episode is especially relevant to you. I personally grew up in the era of low-fat and low-carb diets, where going on various restrictive diets was the norm in an attempt to lose weight. However, what many of us didn't realize is that these dieting practices were actually impacting our experience of the menopause transition. As a podcaster focused on supporting women through this transformative phase, I often receive criticism for seemingly perpetuating the diet culture that pressures women to conform to a certain body image. However, I want to clarify that my program is not about diets. It's about empowering women to reconnect with their bodies, listen to their bodies, and restore hormonal balance by truly understanding how their bodies work and what is best for them. I,

  • What’s in Your Genes? Unlocking the Power of Epigenetics in Your Menopause Journey

    07/05/2023 Duration: 15min

    Welcome back to another episode of Menopause Conversations Podcast! Today we're going to delve into the fascinating world of genetics and how it influences your journey through menopause. We'll also explore the concept of epigenetics and why it's crucial, especially as you navigate the various symptoms of menopause. Understanding epigenetics empowers you to take control of your experiences. So, grab a cup of tea, settle in, and let's dive right in! In this episode: 1. Unraveling Genetics: We'll start by demystifying genetics and DNA. Genetics refers to your unique DNA sequence, the study of which provides insights into your physical health attributes, such as eye color, hair color, and height. We'll also explore genes associated with specific health conditions like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. While genes can predispose you to certain conditions, it doesn't mean you're destined to experience them. We'll debunk the myth that you have no control over your gen

  • The Importance of Addressing Stress in Women's Health

    25/04/2023 Duration: 11min

    In this episode, Angela shares her recent experience of moving to a new home in regional Queensland and the impact it had on her health. She talks about how the stress of the move caused her body to become imbalanced, resulting in symptoms such as insomnia, body aches, and a weakened immune system. She emphasizes that this experience is common for many women who are dealing with a lot of stress in their lives and not taking care of their health needs. Angela shares that once she was able to address the stress by eating the right foods and getting back into a routine, her symptoms disappeared, and she began to feel great again. She emphasizes that addressing stress is crucial for maintaining women's health and encourages listeners to identify what works best for them in terms of personalized health needs.

  • Metabolic Syndrome and Menopause

    09/03/2023 Duration: 24min

    Welcome back to this week's episode of Menopause Conversations Podcast. This week's topic is metabolic syndrome, specifically insulin resistance, and its impact on menopause and weight gain. Key messages: · Metabolic syndrome is a medical condition that involves a group of risk factors that increase the likelihood of developing cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and other health problems · Insulin resistance is a form of metabolic syndrome that can develop over time and has symptoms such as high blood sugar levels, increased hunger, and difficulty losing weight · Insulin is a hormone that helps the body take up glucose from food and store it in cells for energy · When the cells are full, insulin stores the excess glucose as fat, primarily around the waist · Insulin resistance occurs when the body continually puts glucose into the body through food, and insulin has to store it as fat after the cells are full · Low-fat diets and artificial sweeteners can trigger insulin resistance and lead to weight gain · Women

  • Timing is Everything in Menopause

    28/02/2023 Duration: 24min

    Welcome to this week's episode of Menopause Conversations podcast. In this episode, we discuss the importance of chronobiology and how understanding your personal biorhythm can positively impact your health, especially during menopause. Chronobiology refers to the study of the body's natural rhythms and cycles, including your sleep cycles, eating cycles, and movement cycles. As women, we are highly dependent on cycles, including your menstrual cycles, daily cycles, and seasonal cycles. Your personal biorhythms are essential to your health, and being out of alignment with them can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, depression, sleep disorders, and hormonal imbalances. The host shares her personal story of discovering her natural sleep cycle and how making a simple change to her exercise routine improved her health. She emphasizes that each person is unique and that understanding one's personal biorhythm is crucial to living a healthy life during menopause. Angela also shares the story of one of her c

  • Understanding Menopause and Bio Individuality

    20/02/2023 Duration: 20min

    In this episode, we dive into the topic of menopause and the challenges that women face during this time. Our host shares her own personal journey and experiences with menopause, including symptoms such as hot flushes, joint pain, weight gain, and difficulty sleeping. She also touches on the importance of understanding the concept of bio individuality and how it applies to a healthy diet and lifestyle. Key Points: Our host experienced symptoms of menopause despite eating a healthy diet and taking supplements. She initially tried to lose weight through diets, but realized that diets do not work for everyone, especially during menopause. The concept of bio individuality suggests that every woman's experience of menopause is different, and therefore a generalized approach to diet and lifestyle does not work. The host suggests avoiding caffeine, alcohol, and hot chili foods to help with hot flushes and eating more vegetables to improve overall health. It is important to find an individual solution that w

  • The Role of Phytoestrogens in Balancing Hormones

    13/02/2023 Duration: 22min

    In this first episode for 2023, we will be discussing Phytoestrogens, a natural way to regulate hormones during menopause. Introduction Welcome to Menopause Conversations for 2023 Introduction to the topic of Phytoestrogens and their role in regulating hormones during menopause Importance of understanding natural ways to manage hormones during menopause What are Phytoestrogens? Definition: compounds found in certain foods that mimic the effect of estrogen in the body Regulate hormones by filling up estrogen receptors in the body and clearing excess estrogens Common sources: soy, flaxseed, sesame seeds Benefits of Phytoestrogens Soybeans can reduce hot flushes, night sweats, improve vaginal dryness, and improve bone health Flaxseed can bring down hot flushes and improve cardiovascular health Sesame seeds are good for cardiovascular health, rich in zinc which is important for skin, bones, brain health, immune system and more. Research on Phytoestrogens A study published in the Journal o

  • Overcoming Childhood Trauma with Beverley Webb

    06/02/2023 Duration: 46min

    In this episode of Menopause Conversations I chat with Beverley Webb from Step Forward Coaching. Beverley had a really tough childhood but she managed to survive and eventually become a very successful business woman. But Beverley hadn’t left the trauma of her childhood behind her, it started to show up in her health and also her relationship with her children. After losing everything, including her health, Beverley saw this as the chance to remove the masks that she had been hiding behind and find her voice. Once Beverley healed the trauma of her childhood she knew that she had to help others find their voice as well. As a constant high achiever managed to retrain as a coach in a short time frame so that she could start helping others as soon as she could. Beverley that silence makes the guilt and shame worse, this is why she believes it is her legacy is to use her voice to help others and she does this every single day with her words and her actions. This was a truly inspiring conversation that I thoroughly

  • Saving the Children

    30/01/2023 Duration: 58min

    This episode of Menopause Conversations Podcast is a little different from normal. The first difference is that I have a Wise Man on the podcast rather than a Wise Woman. The second difference is the topic – saving children from sex trafficking. I wish that I didn’t have to have this conversation with Marc but the work that Marc does with Destiny Rescue is real and it is needed. Destiny Rescue is a Not-for-Profit organisation started in Australia over 18 years ago and is dedicated to fighting the trafficking and sexual exploitation of children in seven nations. Their highly trained agents run covert and raid rescue operations, day and night to locate and rescue children being used and abused. With the ongoing support of generous donors, Destiny Rescue has successfully liberated over 5,200 individual victims of human trafficking. They have been instrumental in the closing of many bars, clubs and brothels known to be targeting children for sex work and have seen numerous perpetrators prosecuted. Their tireless

  • Medically Induced Menopause with Doris Mounsey

    25/01/2023 Duration: 38min

    In this week’s episode of Menopause Conversations I am speaking to Doris Mounsey about her health journey and how that led her to experience medically induced menopause. I often speak about natural menopause but when you have medical conditions or treatments that result in you being in menopause prematurely things can be very different. Women in this situation often experience sudden and severe symptoms as the body has to quickly adjust to the dramatic loss of hormones. This was Doris’s experience and she was left feeling lost and alone as the Drs didn’t really have any solutions for her. Have a listen to the story that Doris has to share, of how she found a way to manage her symptoms naturally and now helps other women who are on a similar journey to what Doris has been on. If you have enjoyed this episode or any of the previous episodes of Menopause Conversations please leave a review on Apple Podcasts or wherever you are listening to this podcast.

  • The Power of Laughter with Bron Roberts

    16/01/2023 Duration: 42min

    This week's episode of Menopause Conversations was a fun one when I had Bron Roberts who is a Laughter Yoga Teacher. I had heard of laughter yoga before but I wanted to find out more. Bron shares the years when she lost her laughter and what she did to get it back. Bron also found that laughter got her through some tough times when her Mother was very sick. There was so much fun and laughter throughout this episode particularly when Bron shares the story of the time she turned "crazy old lady" to get a flight upgrade. Bron has so many fun stories to share and she is proud of her "crazy old lady" status. You will also learn a quick exercise to help you start laughing, follow along with Bron and I guarantee no matter what mood you are in, you will very quickly feel your mood lift as you experience the healing effect of laughter. If you want to learn more about Bron you can visit her website or find her on LinkedIn as Bron Roberts.

  • Mid-Life Relationships with Iman Iskander

    10/01/2023 Duration: 37min

    What happens to relationships as you move through your menopause years? For some women it is a time of new beginnings, for others it is a time of endings. In this week’s episode of the Menopause Conversations podcast I chat with Couples Counsellor Iman Iskander. Iman shares the different stages a relationship goes through and what happens if we happen to get stuck at a particular stage of relationship development. We also talk about women who “stay for the kids” and what happens once their kids are older and no longer dependent on them. Relationships with one person for a lifetime can be hard, but are we really supposed to be with the same person for our entire adult life? This is the question that I ask Iman and she shares different research studies that show whether this is a good thing or not. This leads to a conversation about different cultures and how they see relationships and the role of women. This was a great conversation and I am grateful to Iman for share her expertise in this episode, it certainl

  • Intimacy and Menopause with Janet McGeever

    02/01/2023 Duration: 01h46s

    In this week's episode of Menopause Conversations I am talking with Janet McGeever who is the Co-Author of Tantric Sex and Menopause (with Diana Richardson). This was a beautiful conversation with Janet gently sharing how it is possible to be intimate after menopause despite the changes that happening in our bodies. Janet's book and this conversation is about relearning what we think we know about intimate relationships. She shares the importance of understanding energy, receiving and giving, when it comes to intimacy. I really enjoyed this conversation with Janet, her voice is so gentle and she holds space while we talk about a topic that can be a sensitive one for many women. I thoroughly enjoyed reading her book and had many ahha moments as I was reading through. There is so much that we can still learn about intimate relationships, things that are completely different to what we have learnt in the past. I hope that you enjoy this conversation and if you would like to learn more about Janet you can visit h

  • Finding Your Purpose with Anne McKeown

    26/12/2022 Duration: 30min

    What do you do when you reach your mid-stage of life and you look in the mirror and don't really know who you are anymore. Anne McKeown is my guest on this week's episode of Menopause Conversations and she shares what happened when she went through this. Anne is now a Life Coach who helps other women to find themselves and create successful lives, in ways that are meaningful to them. We discuss discovering who you are beyond your label as a mother, wife, daughter etc. and the endless possibilities that are available to you. Anne shares a simple exercise that you can do to discover who you really are. Anne is so passionate about the work that she does with women particularly when it comes to finding your purpose in life. If you would like to learn more about the work that Anne does you can visit her website or on social media: Facebook  Instagram  LinkedIn  Twitter 

  • Finding your inner Wise Woman with Lisa Fitzpatrick

    20/12/2022 Duration: 01h06min

    In this week’s Menopause Conversations Podcast with Lisa Fitzpatrick we go on a journey to find your inner wise woman. Lisa shares a time when she was looking for a wise woman to guide her through a troubling time in her life, but she couldn’t find anyone. This led her on a journey of discovery and now she works with women to help them to connect to their internal guidance system. In this conversation we discuss breaking the rules that we have been taught by the dominant patriarchal society that has kept women trapped for many generations. And yes, there is a discussion around witches, in fact it was a question about witches that first attracted me to Lisa and why I wanted to have her as a guest on the podcast. As we uncover what it is to be a wise woman Lisa shares that wise women are comfortable with the mystery of life whereas before finding our wisdom, we often are looking for certainty and control. She shares how our wisdom comes from deep within our wombspace and how we can connect to our own womb. In t

  • Finding Your Courage

    12/12/2022 Duration: 52min

    In this week’s episode of Menopause Conversations I am chatting with a dear friend Franziska Iseli about her new book The Courage Map. Franziska is an adventurer who wants to make a positive impact on the world. Franziska is always looking for great moments of humanity and she found many when she decided to take a motorbike ride across one of the most difficult and notorious highways in the world – the Silk Road. Whilst she was on her journey Franziska had many different adventurers and met so many people who showed her those moments of humanity that she was looking for. This is a fun conversation with Franziska as she shares stories from her journey and what she learnt about courage from the back of her motorbike. You can learn more about Franziska and get a copy of her book The Courage Map on her website. You can also get a free copy of the Courage Map Journal from her website as well, so that you can start your journey of courage. If you would like to see some of the videos that Franziska created of her jo

  • Reflecting on 2022

    05/12/2022 Duration: 19min

    As we reach the end of 2022, I invite you to reflect on the past 12 months – the good, the bad and the ugly. In this episode I share with you an exercise that I do with the members of my embrace Inner Circle to reflect and celebrate your achievements for the year as well as let go of the experiences that have not been so great. Grab your journal and create a quiet space where you can spend some time simply reflecting on the year that was. You could make a ritual of this experience by lighting a candle, making a relaxing cup of tea, burning some beautiful essential oils, anything that helps you to get into a calm place. This is the final episode for 2022 but that doesn’t mean you need to miss out on your weekly dose of the Menopause Conversations podcast. For the next 2 months I will be re-publishing some of the past 100 episodes. Many of these episodes will be under the title of Wise Women Conversations because that was the name of the podcast before this current name of Menopause Conversations. Enjoy listeni

  • Menopause After Cancer

    28/11/2022 Duration: 49min

    More and more women are experiencing menopause after cancer, whether it is from the disease itself or from the treatment.  I wanted to make sure that we covered this topic with the respect that it deserves so decided to ask a friend who has experienced a medically induced menopause at the age of 47.  Sonya Lovell is a personal trainer and has always led a relatively healthy life until she received a cancer diagnosis almost 5 years ago.   The diagnosis shocked Sonya but what was to come was chaos and confusion as Sonya was plunged very quickly into menopause.  Sonya shares her story of not feeling well informed about what would happen to her when it came to her menopause and the lack of support that she received from the medical fraternity. In this episode Sonya not only shares her experience she also shares what her dreams are for the future of cancer treatments and the support of women through medically induced menopause.  I am thankful that Sonya was open about her story and that sh

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