Movie Oubliette



Conrad and Dan review forgotten fantastical films


  • The Vanishing (with Travis Milloy)

    15/10/2018 Duration: 01h11min

    Dan and Conrad dig up The Vanishing (1993), the scorned Hollywood remake of a dark psychological thriller, and re-appraise it with writer/director Travis Milloy.

  • Black Sheep

    01/10/2018 Duration: 01h15min

    Dan takes Conrad on a visit to his home country, but the duo is surrounded by flesh-eating bundles of wool! Will they let the Kiwi horror comedy Black Sheep (2006) back into the fold?

  • The Haunting (with Sarah Daly)

    17/09/2018 Duration: 01h04min

    Sarah Daly of Hex Studios joins Conrad and Dan as they venture into Hill House to experience The Haunting, which celebrates its 55th anniversary today!

  • The Stuff

    03/09/2018 Duration: 01h14min

    Conrad and Dan find The Stuff (1985) oozing out of the oubliette. Will they get addicted to Larry Cohen's evil dessert, which threatens to enslave America? Or is enough really enough?

  • Capricorn One (with Serge Bodnarchuk)

    20/08/2018 Duration: 01h16min

    Conrad and Dan are joined by Serge Bodnarchuk (writer/director from Cold Crash Pictures) and discover that their maiden voyage to Mars aboard Capricorn One is all a lie! Should they give this 1978 sci-fi conspiracy thriller clearance to launch?

  • Pandorum

    06/08/2018 Duration: 01h08min

    Conrad and Dan awake from hypersleep to discover they're stuck in a noughties sci-fi flick with Dennis Quaid and Ben Foster. Should 'Pandorum' be released to colonise a virgin planet, or thrown into the cargo hold to be devoured by pale humanoid cannibals?

  • Amityville II: The Possession

    23/07/2018 Duration: 01h13min

    Conrad fights his way through a swarm of flies to pluck the second Amityville movie out of the oubliette, unwittingly exposing Dan to a tale of possession, pulsating arm bulges and inexplicable incest. Should Damiano Damiani's 1982 sequel be exorcised or excommunicated?

  • Razorback

    09/07/2018 Duration: 01h13min

    Dan lets Razorback out of the oubliette so that Conrad can experience the fine Australian tradition of being hunted by a maneating pig the size of a Rhino. Should Russell Mulcahy's 1984 revenge-of-nature shocker be released into the wild? Wakey, wakey, hands off snakey!

  • Willow

    25/06/2018 Duration: 01h22min

    In their first childhood nostalgia special, Conrad and Dan take a look at Willow – a 1988 fantasy adventure directed by Ron 'Solo' Howard. It has everything: robotic baby stand-ins, the first ever CGI morphing effect and Val Kilmer. Is it a classic deserving release from the oubliette or a travesty best viewed through nostalgia goggles?

  • Saturn 3

    11/06/2018 Duration: 01h12min

    Conrad plucks Saturn 3 out of the oubliette and Dan has to contend with Harvey Keitel with his voice dubbed, Farrah Fawcett turning on a homicidal robot and Kirk Douglas getting into naked fist fights. Neither of them notice they've picked a film with '3' in the title as their third episode. Will they give this sci-fi oddity access to the escape pod?

  • Demons

    28/05/2018 Duration: 01h09min

    Dan unleashes a horde of Demons from the oubliette, exposing Conrad to Lamberto Bava's 1985 action horrorfest Dèmoni for the first time. There's hysterical wall patting, seat removing and punks driving around Berlin listening to Go West. There has to be an explanation! Will our heroes infest the world with this demonic plague?

  • Society

    14/05/2018 Duration: 01h14min

    Conrad introduces Dan to Society, and it's quite the coming out party. Our antipodean adventurer has to contend with 1989 hairstyles, tea with a splash of urine, and yuppies taking the concept of mergers to a whole new level. Blanchard! Will our heroes allow Brian Yuzna's film to go forth and shunt the world?

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