Movie Oubliette



Conrad and Dan review forgotten fantastical films


  • Prince of Darkness (with Jeff Palermo)

    05/08/2019 Duration: 01h06min

    Jeff Palermo of the SciFi Onscreen podcast invites Conrad and Dan to the basement of an old church, where they discover John Carpenter's Prince of Darkness (1987) sealed in a canister of green goo. Is it this combination of quantum physics and biblical disaster a mind-blowing jewel in the horror master's crown, or a forgettable bunch of lame zombie kills in beige corridors?

  • Triangle

    22/07/2019 Duration: 01h07min

    Dan and Conrad go on a lovely pleasure cruise for a summer break, but find themselves trapped in a (Bermuda) Triangle time-loop purgatory with Melissa George and a barefoot nondescript beach bum who apparently morphed into Liam Hemsworth. Will they escape the twisty psychological terrors of Christopher Smith's sci-fi horror thriller? 

  • Altered States (with Lance Guest)

    08/07/2019 Duration: 57min

    Lance Guest, star of Halloween II and The Last Starfighter, join Dan and Conrad as they seal themselves in sensory deprivation tanks and regress to 1980, where they discover the trippy world of Ken Russell's Altered States. William Hurt and Blair Brown play academics who explore the far reaches of human ancestral memory – that is, when they're not interrupting sex to talk about cancer and exploring Mexico in fetching knee socks. Is it a groundbreaking, psychedelic sci-fi or "quantum, friggin' dumb limbo mumbo jumbo!"?

  • Innerspace

    24/06/2019 Duration: 01h08min

    Let's get small! Dan and Conrad are injected into the butt of the 1987 Spielberg-produced summer blockbuster with the incredible shrinking box office: Joe Dante's Innerspace. Starring Dennis Quaid, Martin Short and Meg Ryan, this sci-fi comedy adventure about an Ant-Man style miniaturisation experiment gone awry has all the ingredients of a crowd-pleasing hit but vanished without trace. Did it deserve its fate, or should Innerspace be re-enlarged for all to see?

  • Dragonslayer

    10/06/2019 Duration: 01h04min

    Dan and Conrad venture into the lair of Guillermo Del Toro and George R. R. Martin's favourite dragon: Vermithrax Pejorative, the undisputed star of Disney's 1981 fantasy adventure, Dragonslayer. It has everything you want in a family movie: full-frontal male nudity, Emperor Palpatine being torched to a cinder, and a Disney Princess getting her foot gnawed off by a sock puppet. But does it deserve to escape from its lair to terrorise small villages, or should it be felled by an exploding wizard?

  • Ravenous (with Serge Bodnarchuk)

    27/05/2019 Duration: 01h09min

    For our first anniversary, we invite back our first ever guest – writer/director Serge Bodnarchuk. He comes in from the cold with a tall tale about Guy Pearce, Robert Carlyle and David Arquette being out there somewhere in a forgotten western/horror cannibalism movie called 'Ravenous' (1999), so Dan and Conrad follow him into the icy wilderness after obediently smothering themselves in hot sauce. Will they find it tasty or will it leave them famished?

  • In the Mouth of Madness

    13/05/2019 Duration: 01h07min

    Dan and Conrad tear up some paperback covers and assemble a map to John Carpenter's "last good film", 1994's 'In the Mouth of Madness'. It's got Sam Neill, Charlton Heston, a naked old man handcuffed to his wife's ankle, and more Lovecraftian cosmic horror than you could shake a tentacle at. But, crucially, is it actually any good?

  • Disturbing Behavior

    29/04/2019 Duration: 01h09min

    Dan and Conrad review listener's choice 90s horror 'Disturbing Behavior', in which twentysomething teenager James Marsden moves to a new town and discovers a Stepford Wives-style conspiracy against delinquent high schoolers. With the help of his new friends, post-Dawson's Creek Katie Holmes and pre-Terminator Nick Stahl, can he avoid becoming one of the squeaky clean Blue Ribbon Group of 50s throwbacks? Dan gets nostalgic over 90s grunge, while Conrad finds the most disturbing thing is the movie's spelling of the word 'behaviour'. Will they deem GoT veteran director David Nutter's first major movie worthy of release from the oubliette?

  • Dead Calm

    15/04/2019 Duration: 01h05min

    Dan and Conrad celebrate the 30th anniversary of Dead Calm: the first movie in which Billy Zane was unpleasant on a boat. He terrorises a 19-year-old Nicole Kidman and hubby Sam Neill in Phillip Noyce's nautical thriller. Does it hold water or is it a wash out?

  • The Hole

    01/04/2019 Duration: 01h05min

    Dan and Conrad gaze long into the oubliette, and 'The Hole' gazes back at them! It all gets a bit meta as they revisit Joe Dante's sprightly 3D horror extravaganza, which disappeared without a trace in 2009. Do they conquer their worst fears?

  • Push (2009)

    18/03/2019 Duration: 01h07min

    Dan and Conrad are pushed into watching Push (2009), the first ever listener's choice movie from the Oubliette Roulette! It features Chris Evans in his second superhero role as a telekinetic on the run in Hong Kong. Is the film pushing it or are our hosts a pushover?

  • Xtro (1982)

    04/03/2019 Duration: 01h12min

    Only two British horror films were released in theatres in the 80s. The second was the seminal classic Hellraiser (1987). Alas, the oubliette presents Dan and Conrad with the first: Xtro (1982). It has a shocking alien birth scene, a black panther and a future Bond girl. But is it worth saving from obscurity?

  • The Fury (with Jacob Gentry)

    18/02/2019 Duration: 01h07min

    Writer/director Jacob Gentry introduces Conrad and Dan to Brian De Palma's The Fury (1978) and tries to convince them that the world needs to see 61-year-old Kirk Douglas's shirtless parkour and Amy Irving exploding people with her mind. Will he win the movie's freedom from the oubliette?

  • Phantasm

    04/02/2019 Duration: 01h12min

    Conrad and Dan venture into Don Coscarelli's dream-like Phantasm (1979) and find themselves dodging flying balls and homicidal jawas in the Tall Man's mausoleum. Is it genre-bending genius or a shaggy gopher-on-heat story?

  • Return to Oz

    21/01/2019 Duration: 01h15min

    Dan and Conrad Return... to Oz! Disney's belated and berated sequel to the beloved musical classic bombed in 1985, but does it deserve a re-evaluation?

  • New Year's Ask Me Anything Special

    31/12/2018 Duration: 59min

    Happy New Year! In this special end-of-year episode, we take a look back over our first year of podcasting and answer all of your #AskMeAnything questions. Have a great 2019, everyone!

  • Space Station 76 (with Manu Intiraymi)

    24/12/2018 Duration: 01h09min

    Star Trek: Voyager's Manu Intiraymi joins us for our Christmas special to discuss Space Station 76, a retro-70s sci-fi comedy drama starring Liv Tyler and Patrick Wilson in which a meteor strike threatens to break up the most awkward office Christmas party ever. Do they deserve to escape certain doom and the oubliette?

  • Melancholia (with Catherine Mary Stewart)

    10/12/2018 Duration: 01h01min

    Catherine Mary Stewart brings Melancholia to the Oublietteers... that is, the Lars von Trier apocalyptic sci-fi drama, not a case of the blues. The gang have more fun talking about depression and the end of the world than one might reasonably expect, but does the film deserve to be set free or should it be set on a planetary collision course with oblivion?

  • Ladyhawke

    26/11/2018 Duration: 01h10min

    Dan and Conrad venture into 80s fantasy Ladyhawke to discover a medieval Ferris Bueller monologuing to God, Rutger Hauer brooding on a dressage horse and Michelle Pfeiffer morphing into a bird of prey. Will they break the curse?

  • Cemetery Man (with David Bruckner)

    12/11/2018 Duration: 01h18min

    Conrad and Dan are joined by director David Bruckner (The Ritual), who resurrects Cemetery Man: a surreal horror comedy gothic romantic fantasy from 1993 starring Rupert Everett. Should it be released from the graveyard?

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