


Historias is a Spanish history podcast. Each monthly episode is an interview with a historian on a particular topic in Spanish history.


  • Episode 6- The Horse in Spanish Society and Conquest

    01/12/2017 Duration: 37min

    An association between horses and the medieval nobility is built into the Spanish language itself, and horses are frequently cited as a key factor in Spain’s conquest of the Americas. Yet what exactly was the role of the horse in Spanish warfare and society, and how did that role change over time? Kathryn Renton examines these questions in this episode of Historias, from the efforts the medieval Castilian kings to encourage horse ownership to the role of the horse not only in the American conquests but also in the European wars of the early-modern period. One common thread is clear among these wide-ranging topics: more than a military tool, the horse’s true importance lay in its role as a contested social symbol.

  • Episodio 5- La industria vasca y la crisis económica en la Segunda República: un “New Deal” español

    01/11/2017 Duration: 30min

    La economía tuvo un peso muy importante en la vida política y social de la Segunda República. La gran crisis económica derivada del Crack de 1929, se unió a otra de carácter interno en el caso español. Donde la política de obras públicas iniciada durante el Régimen de Primo de Rivera vació las arcas del estado, disparando la deuda pública. A la caída de la demanda pública, se le unió la de carácter privado como consecuencia de la falta de confianza que el capital tenía en las reformas que el nuevo gobierno quería emprender. En este sentido surgen diversas preguntas: ¿Cómo respondieron las administraciones estatales, regionales y locales ante esta situación? ¿Tenían sus medidas vínculos internacionales? Iñaki Etxaniz Tesouro intenta responder a estas preguntas, centrado en el caso del País Vasco, una de las regiones (Especialmente Bizkaia) más industrializadas de España durante este periodo.

  • Special Episode 1- Historicizing the Catalan Independence Movement

    13/10/2017 Duration: 43min

    Events in Catalonia over the past several weeks have focused international attention on the region, but few media outlets have considered the historical context in which these events take place.  In the first special edition of the podcast, historians of Catalonia James Stout and Maria Carreras discuss the origins of the Catalan nationalism in the late nineteenth century and trace evolution of the Catalanist movement over the course of the twentieth.  They also also draw on their own historical research to provide unique insights on the current situation in Catalonia.

  • Episode 4- The Idea of Hispanoamérica in Modern Spain

    02/10/2017 Duration: 38min

    The dream of a cultural, linguistic and racial union between Spain and its former colonies in the Americas has been a pervasive idea in the Spanish imaginary, surviving to this day. When and how did this idea of Hispanoamérica emerge, and how did it evolve over time? This month’s guest, Rodrigo Escribano Roca, explores these questions in the context of nineteenth- and twentieth-century liberalism, from the Constitution of 1812 to present-day neo-liberal and anti-colonial discourses.

  • Episode 3- Niveles de violencia política en la Segunda República: La importancia de las cifras

    01/09/2017 Duration: 15min

    En este episodio, el profesor Eduardo González Calleja habla de sus esfuerzos para documentar y categorizar cada caso de violencia política mortal de la Segunda República.  Ha publicado los resultados de sus investigaciones recientemente en el libro Cifras cruentas: las víctimas mortales de la violencia sociopolítica en la Segunda República española (1931-1936).  Consideramos los nuevos datos en su contexto historiográfico e internacional para descubrir qué pueden revelar las cifras sobre el carácter y causas de esta violencia política que fue tan devastadora para la República.

  • Episode 2- The Castilian Civil War of 1366-69

    01/08/2017 Duration: 29min

    The Castilian Civil War is a classic medieval tale of shifting alliances, family intrigue and murder.  But what was the international context and significance of this conflict?  How did contemporary chroniclers tell its story?  In this episode of the Historias podcast, Bretton Rodriguez discusses how this literally fratricidal conflict changed the course of not only the Castilian monarchy but also of literature and historiography on the Iberian Peninsula and beyond.

  • Episode 1- The Emergence of Anarchist Hegemony in Spain’s Labor Movement

    01/07/2017 Duration: 36min

    Episode 1- The Emergence of Anarchist Hegemony in Spain’s Labor Movement by Historias Podcast

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