Badass Business Podcast



This is the Badass Business Podcast by show host - me - Lauren Eliz Love. I'm the founder of What is Perfection LLC. And the Badass Business Tribe and I've dedicated my life to my souls purpose: helping people create a freedom life that brings them joy, freedom, and financial abundance. This podcast is a real raw open forum where I share my trainings, tips and growth lessons around building a multiple six figure business in the online space. Let's rock it! For more on Lauren you can visit


  • EP100: ASHLEY SPEDALE on personal branding and vulnerability

    07/03/2019 Duration: 39min

    Do you ever see people on social media that you KNOW you have to meet because their energy is just perfection? Ashley was one of those women for me and I am so excited to have her on the show to talk all things branding and vulnerability.   For more:


    05/03/2019 Duration: 27min

    For more:


    21/02/2019 Duration: 29min

    It seems like many moons ago that I landed my first client, but there are a lot of NEW biz babes and bros in our community that I want to take a moment to serve. This week I share how I landed my first client by being of SERVICE.   For more:

  • EP97: Niching down as a coach - THE TRUTH

    19/02/2019 Duration: 33min

    The truth is everyone has their own opinions about the importance of niching or not niching down in your online business. So I thought, why not chime in! I'm joking guys, but this is what I have learned from coaching thousands of women through building a successful business', about niche!  For more:


    14/02/2019 Duration: 31min

    This month has been EPIC! It's our first $80K cash month and I wanted to share HOW we got there so you can do it too! You're going to want to tune into this one - I can't wait to share with you.   For more:


    12/02/2019 Duration: 28min

    I think it is so so so important where you're investing your time and energy with ANYONE that you know them fully. With our recent expansion as a community, I wanted to make sure I took the time to introduce myself and share my FULL story. It is my hope that in sharing my personal story, you can start to see how your mess is your message. For more:


    07/02/2019 Duration: 46min

    CAN YOU BELIEVE I TURNED 30 ALREADY?  I can't but I'm truly grateful for all of this life, every single moment of it and I've come to actually enjoy the process of ageing because it means I've lived. In this episode, I share the biggest lessons and takeaways from my first 30 years!  For more:

  • EP93: Taylor Simpson on Limiting Beliefs and Manifesting

    05/02/2019 Duration: 56min

    This episode might be one of my faves! Taylor Simpson and I chat all things money, manifestation, limiting beliefs and so much more. If you're struggling with money, if you're stuck in your old habits, you need to tune into this episode.   For more:

  • EP 92: Courses, Discovery Calls and Organically Attracting Customers

    30/01/2019 Duration: 43min

    This podcast is one EVERY single biz babe needs to listen to. From creating courses to mastering discovery calls and attracting customers we cover ALL of the bases here babes!   For more:

  • EP91: Lessons from 2018 & how we scaled to half a million

    29/01/2019 Duration: 45min

    This one is a big one babes, 2018 was a year of insane growth and I learned so much in the process that I wanted to share it all with you! Tune in, screenshot your breakthrough moments and share them with us on Instagram!   For more:

  • EP90: Q&A and Jam Out Session with the BBB Team!

    24/01/2019 Duration: 01h28s

    Today's episode is a little bit of this - a little bit of that and a little bit of string cheese! The team sat down and answered your questions from Instagram and the FB group and had a little bit of fun on the side too!  Get a taste of who we are and what we're currently obsessed with in this one! For more:

  • EP89: How To Set New Years Resolutions & Crush Your Goals Every Time!

    22/01/2019 Duration: 46min

    I know, I know, it's already mid-January but truthfully, the timing doesn't matter as long as you are setting goals, these techniques can genuinely work for you too! In this episode, I share my process for creating goals and the action required for me to crush them every year. Whether you set new years goals already, or are simply setting new intentions for 2019 - this episode is for you. For more:

  • EP88: The Business Strategy Intervention with Tracey

    17/01/2019 Duration: 18min

    On my journey, my biggest breakthroughs come when I get to see other people be walked through a specific coaching process and I wanted to share that gift with you. What I love about group coaching programs like SIX FIGURE BIZ BABE you get to see this happening first hand and potentially have your own breakthrough.  This is a money breakthrough that a client was happy to share. Thank you for holding space for this intervention and for Tracy and her braveness. We always get permission from students before sharing interventions.  Learn more about SIX FIGURE BIZ BABE.  For more:

  • EP87: Becoming a Six Figure Biz Babe with Hannah Parker

    15/01/2019 Duration: 19min

    It wasn't that long ago that we launched our first ever round of Six-Figure Biz Babe back in early 2018! Hannah Parker was one of our earliest graduates who went on to build her six-figure business now only working 3 days a week! In this week's episode, I interview Hannah on her honest experience going through the program and how her business changed.  Check out Hannah here!  Join Six-Figure Biz Babe!  <<>> For more:

  • EP86: A Money Mindset Intervention: Six Figure Biz Babe Now Open!

    10/01/2019 Duration: 22min

    This week Lauren Eliz Love shares an intervention that took place on a group coaching call for her signature program Six Figure Biz Babe.  In this episode, you'll hear Lauren coach Shannon through a block that is stopping her from taking action in her business. Sit back, listen and check out her next group coaching program here:  <<>> For more:

  • EP85: How to Attract Clients So You Can Step Into Your Six-Figure Year!

    08/01/2019 Duration: 45min

    One of the questions we all ask as we're growing our business is "where do I get my clients?!" and I thought - why not deliver all of this goods!  Dive into this episode to learn all things attracting clients in the online space!   For more:

  • EP84: How to Create Wealth and Abundance in 2019

    03/01/2019 Duration: 35min

    This episode I skip over all of the New Years Resolution mumbo jumbo and get right to it with what really needs to happen for you to step into your abundance this year.   For more:

  • EP83: Merry Christmas - A Sneak Peek Into All of Our Programs!

    27/12/2018 Duration: 08min

    This year, we wanted to say thank you in the only way we know how - by helping you grow your business in 2019! For a limited time enjoy 20% off the entire site with the code "EPIC2019" at checkout.  This episode talks about each of the courses offered, who it serves and what you can expect when you enroll!  We hope you have a wonderful Christmas season and a happy and abundant new year!   For more:

  • EP82: How to Achieve Exponential Wealth with Melanie Ann Layer

    20/12/2018 Duration: 53min

    I had the absolute pleasure of getting to interview miss Melanie Ann Layer during our 12 Days of Bizmas training this week! You guys loved her so much we wanted to share her here on the podcast too!  Find her on Facebook and Instagram!   For more:

  • EP81: 12 Days Of Bizmas Training: How to Shift into the 6 Fig Version of You

    18/12/2018 Duration: 01h03min

    This episode is the first of 12 FREE training seminars that we offered in the BBB Facebook Group for our online event Twelve Days of Bizmas! This event is designed for you, to propel you all forward into 2019 with certainty and the belief that you can have and create everything YOU want.   For more:

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