Cashflow Diary | Influenced By Robert Kiyosaki Of Rich Dad About Real Estate Investing, Cash Flow And Passive Income.



Welcome to the Cashflow Diary, where new and experienced investors come to take confident action towards their goals. Your host is a family man, a real estate entrepreneur, investor, coach and instructor. As a master facilitator of Robert Kiyosakis Cashflow 101 game, hes inspired many to begin their journey into creating cashflow for themselves and their families. Mr. J. Massey has nearly a decade of experience in the areas of financial services and real estate. He currently serves as President and Owner of West Egg Enterprises, Inc. and West Egg Properties, LLC, which together hold over 200 units of residential property. In the last 3 years, he has personally completed over 100 real estate transactions in 8 different states. Mr. J. Massey has proven to be particularly adept at the art of getting difficult deals completed and finding creative solutions to avoid potential deal-breaking problems. He has invested a significant amount of time studying and executing transactions in multiple markets using many different strategies. From these experiences, he has not only learned numerous useful lessons and techniques, but has also created profits for both himself and his investors. In addition, he has helped to beautify and improve neighborhoods and provide jobs and revenue to communities. Through his expertise, he has helped many people build their cash flow and wealth using real estate, both inside and outside of their retirement plans. Prior to real estate investing, his background was in insurance and financial planning as a licensed representative with the National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD), the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the California Dept of Insurance (CDI), and as a Registered Investment Advisor Representative (RIAR). However, he does not currently operate or hold any of these licenses. He currently functions as a landlord, lender, consultant, real estate developer, investment manager, speaker, author and mentor. In his spare time, Mr. J. Massey enjoys photography, reading and family activities with his 3 daughters, son, and wife in Orange County, California.


  • CFD 064 - J. Massey Presents at a Sacramento Investors Event! Part 1 of 3

    21/04/2014 Duration: 53min

    In this first of a unique series of Cash Flow Diary podcast episodes recorded during a recent live investor event in Sacramento, Calif., you learn more about Investorpreneur J. Massey’s journey into real estate investing. You get more than a glimpse into his mindset as J. talks to the audience live about mistakes he made early on, the Profit Analysis Quadrant™, his book and why he wrote it, plus a whole lot more. Listen in to learn how J. works with investors to help them understand how they can use the P.A.Q. to raise private capital. J. fields questions from all areas of the room on a lot of different topics, and some of them are mighty complicated. Watching J. on stage is always exciting. This is the next best thing! It’s like listening to a maestro leading an orchestra as he moves seamlessly from one side of the room to the other, answering each and every question with ease. Don’t take our word for it. Listen now.

  • CFD 063 - Ever Wanted the Keys to Prosperity? Gerald Rogers Hands Them Over in this Unique Interview!

    17/04/2014 Duration: 50min

    Every once in a while a guest really surprises me by saying something so refreshing and so honest that I'm at a loss for words. However, my interview with Gerald Rogers did just that. He and I have a lot of common beliefs. We have a lot in common period! One of the first books he read that would change his life was also one of my first life-changing books: Robert Kiyosaki's Rich Dad Poor Dad. The conversation you will hear in this episode between Gerald and me will make you understand that no matter what you are facing right now, no matter where you are starting from, you CAN get to your goals. As Gerald puts it so accurately, you can become a Prosperity Producer in your life! You will hear some interesting terms like, "new level; new devil." That was a new one on me anyway. We talk about how to stop being a victim who practices unconscious reactions to becoming a conscious creator who takes responsibility for our actions. Boy, you are in for a treat. Better grab your note pad for this one

  • CFD 062 - Sales Whisperer Wes Schaeffer Shares "Secrets" and Insights on Resources that Let You Break Through to True Sales Success!

    16/04/2014 Duration: 50min

    With significant sales skills and a deep understanding of the sales funnel across businesses and industries, it's no surprise that Wes Schaeffer was voted top Certified Infusionsoft Consultant by peers in 2013. His quick wit and easy manner make him a joy to spend time with in this Cash Flow Diary episode as he delivers plenty of intelligent insight into how you can achieve greater sales. His deep Texas drawl is a bonus. I found myself immediately comfortable with Wes. I learned a great deal in this interview with him and know you will, too. If you have been looking for ways to put systems in place to bring in more leads, manage and nurture them, follow them through an intuitive sales funnel, keep in touch with all your contacts and categorize them to make communications better, you have to listen to this episode! You will find your answers here and a whole lot more. Listen now.

  • CFD 061- Melanie Strick Says Your Money DNA Forms the Building Blocks of Sustainable Financial Life.

    10/04/2014 Duration: 58min

    How was money handled in your family growing up? Were you taught sustainable money practices so that you don't just keep what you earn, but you also build upon it and then make it make you more money? Known as one of America's leading small business optimizers and mentors, guest Melanie Strick coaches entrepreneurs on what it takes to recode their Money DNA. Listen in and you'll learn a thing or eight about retraining your brain and emotions, which is necessary so you can start thinking of your money and business differently. You will gain a new perspective and get a glimpse into what might be holding you back from the success you crave! You might really want to listen to Melanie, because she doesn't just train others on these topics; she lived through her own massive set of challenges to get the know-how to help you avoid financial pitfalls as an entrepreneur and investor. Listen now.

  • CFD 060 - Dr. Joey Faucette is a Positively Powered Up Guest!

    07/04/2014 Duration: 47min

    Wow! If listening to this episode doesn't make you want to get out there and tackle your goals like the biggest football player on the field going for the ball, then we're doing something wrong. My special Cash Flow Diary podcast guest Dr. Joey Faucette discusses how to stay positive in a negative world. All you have to do is adjust your thinking. In fact, that is what he talks about in his bestselling book, Work Positive in a Negative World! But that's just one of the things we cover in this positively fascinating and highly charged episode! Tune in and flip the switch to living a more positive life.

  • CFD 059 - What Does Fitness have to do with Creating Cash Flow? The “First Family of Fitness” Explains!

    31/03/2014 Duration: 01h09min

    This power couple knows what it takes to build a business that creates cash flow. In the lives of Billy Blanks, Jr., and wife Sharon Catherine, exercise is the means and the end. This “First Family of Fitness” is awesome. Their goals are big and the excitement around what they are doing to create a new generation of fitness enthusiasts and entrepreneurs is huge! They aren’t just fitness buffs; they’re also business owners who help others get into fitness and create cash flow through establishing their own affiliated businesses. The couple is also in the process of launching a new family lifestyle and fitness show, “America’s Fit Party.” Oh, and they wrote a few books. Go check out their site at and learn more about them while you listen to this very cool, fitness-friendly Cash Flow Diary episode!

  • CFD 058 - Masterful Masterminder David Phelps Connects the Dots in Real Estate.

    27/03/2014 Duration: 53min

    David Phelps and I have a lot in common. We both understand that you don’t necessarily have to be an investor to participate in real estate and create cash flow! We both believe in the importance of being part of a great mastermind group. We’re both authors, and we share similar mindsets. Neither of us come from entrepreneurial families, and we both started out taking a traditional path only to go on to become something entirely different (and happier for it). David is from the Great State of Texas; I’m from the Warm and Wonderful State of California. Yet here we are with so many similarities and see opportunities everywhere! Put everything down and give this episode your full attention. It’s all about real estate investing, strategies and how to make a business of it to create passive and not-so-passive income. To learn more about this guest and to buy his recent book, go to his site at

  • CFD 057 - The Power of Three: JV Crum, III, talks about money, risk, teamwork and more!v

    24/03/2014 Duration: 01h11min

    Power of money, risk and teamwork. That’s three factors you need to be successful as an entrepreneur, but that’s not all we talk about in my interview with JV Crum, III, author of Conscious Millionaire: Grow Your Business by Making a Difference. Listen in and you’ll get lots of excellent information. Plus, you can get a free gift from this special guest. You’ll definitely want to listen now.

  • CFD 056 - Born to Talk: Guest Ryan Moran Shares Nuggets of Wisdom about Building Business, Taking Action and the Exchange of Value

    20/03/2014 Duration: 55min

    Ryan Moran is best known for his knowledge in starting and growing online businesses. He was earning a quarter of a million dollars at the age of 21! He doesn’t teach for a fee thee days, but gives of his time and knowledge to help others learn how to build businesses that create cash flow. He also invests his earnings in dividend-paying stocks. Listen as he shares why he chose that vehicle over investing in real estate. (Though admittedly, he says it is “online real estate” that got him where he is today.) Why not real estate? It’s not for everyone; his passions lie elsewhere. Ryan has done well in his business, and now he shares his knowledge, his story and his mindset with us for free. This is a really fun episode, because we cover a lot of different topics around education, jobs, cash flow, lifestyle and money. We even discuss how the type of person you are affects how you act as a person with money. Listen now.

  • CFD 055 - A Peek Into Eric Lofholm's Self-Affirming Mindset: Listen In; Write the Script to Become a Sales Superstar!

    17/03/2014 Duration: 46min

    So you don't think you need to be a skillful salesperson? Cash Flow Diary guest and Sales Superstar Eric Lofholm would disagree! And he can prove it. Look at all he has accomplished. This episode will help put you on a different path to a better mindset about getting good at sales. After all, isn't it better to be "salesy" rather than be "brokesy"? We think so! Listen to this exciting, fast-paced episode now to learn the formula to building your new sales skill set and changing your life. What's it take? Here's a hint. It starts with the power of our words and choosing to use the right ones! Listen now.

  • CFD 054 - Meet the ultimate and awesome Entrepreneur On Fire, John Lee Dumas!

    13/03/2014 Duration: 48min

    Listening to his listeners, podcast master John Lee Dumas built an empire through building an incredible audience. That's what we talk about in this exceptionally educational Cash Flow Diary episode. Listen in and learn how John went from serving America as an officer in the Armed Forces to getting on the partner track in a large commercial real estate brokerage to finding and filling a void in a niche industry. His tremendous success in his business began by filling the need for daily podcasts! 

  • CFD 053 - Jump into the Buy-and-Hold Pool to Swim in Passive Income!

    10/03/2014 Duration: 43min

    Tired of working your J-O-B to earn M-O-N-E-Y only to tread water when you'd rather be relaxing by a real pool, earning money at the same time? Stop dreaming. Begin living the dream. Take the first step today. Begin Investing Now! We give you a way to jump into the real estate investing pool without jumping into the deep end. People ask me all the time how I got to be the investor that I am today. The short answer is that I use a buy-and-hold strategy that gives me cash flow month after month. This passive income comes in the form of rent. There's more to it than that, and I had to learn how to invest in the right properties, calculate real costs, and more. I want to help you do what I do, but without the long learning curve. We've created a whole new way for you to participate in cash-flowing real estate so you can earn passive income month after month, just like I do. To learn more, listen to this special Cash Flow Diary episode. Be sure to text the word "property" to 949-682-3565.

  • CFD 052 - The Enchanting Dame DC Cordova talks about creating success and wealth

    06/03/2014 Duration: 01h08min

    This podcast episode can only be called downright transformational. There are no other words to describe my experience interviewing my very special guest Dame DC Cordova. Among other things, you will hear about how she came to be the “Dame” she is, the humanitarian, the business person, the coach and the woman she is. DC associates with some of the wealthiest individuals on the planet. The interesting thing is what she says about them. She says money isn’t what makes us truly happy or unhappy, and that some of the wealthiest are very unhappy while others are extremely happy. The difference is in understanding their purpose in life and their hearts to humanitarian efforts. DC doesn’t stop there. She talks about the solid business principles you need to practice as an entrepreneur, and how important being a lifelong learner is to success!

  • CFD 051 - Michelle Prince, how to write your book, grow your business, and make money

    03/03/2014 Duration: 52min

    What does guest Michelle Prince know about growing your business that you don't? It's the power of writing a book! It can expand your marketing message and brand, and you can write it more quickly than you think whether you have fabulous writing skills or not. That's right. Like we say around here, there are people for that! If you have a story, you can hire help to get the words into a book format. There are editors standing at the ready to assist. There are writers to help you, too. Michelle gives excellent ideas in this idea-heavy interview. She practices what she teaches, too, so you know I like that! That's what we do around here, too. Michelle wrote her own short book that sells like hot cakes, plus she offers coaching and she speaks at events. You want the title of her book? You'll have to listen to this interesting and helpful interview.

  • CFD 050 - Jessica Rhodes: What an Interview; What a Connection!

    24/02/2014 Duration: 01h01min

    Ever wonder how podcast hosts find great guests? It's with the help of people like J.'s special guest Jessica Rhodes. This new mother and insightful entrepreneur is the founder of Interview Connections, a growing business that hooks podcasters up with targeted guests. As it so happens, Ms. Rhodes is a pretty good guest herself! Listen in to learn how she got the idea to open this creative business and what she plans next. Her story is a little different than other entrepreneurs, but she faced a lot of the same challenges others do when starting a new business. Like so many other entrepreneurs, Ms. Rhodes' business idea was born of necessity for change!

  • CFD 049 - Trouble Staying Organized? The Right Tools Makes It Easier!

    17/02/2014 Duration: 34min

    Organization is a challenge for lots of business owners. Special guest Marc Paul, founder of NextGen who entered the custom apps creation world with his wildly popular "Baby Pack & Go" app, gives us insight into what it takes to get more organized in all areas of life. Listen as he talks about using technology to organize your business and delegation as a tool toward greater organization. He talks about the steps you need to take so you won't be overwhelmed with your success. Marc Paul has excellent ideas for real estate investors to keep them on track and raise productivity. Listen now. 

  • CFD 048 - Tina Hartman and Marlene Waterhouse Throw a Lifeline to Underwater Homeowners and Prepare Us for a New Storm in the Market

    10/02/2014 Duration: 54min

    Continuing in our celebration of entrepreneurs, J. Massey interviews Tina Hartman and Marlene Waterhouse, Orange County, California, business owners in the real estate arena. In short, these individuals solve problems and help homeowners who are underwater in their homes. Tina and Marlene started on their journey as real estate investors who worked in short sales. Then they started working with agents to process their short sales from start to finish. What we learn in this episode is that there’s nothing “short” in the short sale process and paperwork! We also learn about trends in the housing market and what we need to know as investors moving forward about loan modifications, new problems homeowners may encounter and what 2014 means to a whole lot of homeowners who took out HELOCs. Even if you are not an investor but you own a home, pay a mortgage and may feel financially distressed in your property, you will want to listen to this episode.

  • CFD 047 - Lakeshia Ekeigwe, Start.. nothing else matters

    03/02/2014 Duration: 01h05min

    In this Cash Flow Diary podcast episode, we explore new takes on what it means to be a good leader. It's more about partnership than being a pushy overlord. And you have to identify the strengths and weaknesses in your team. When you let people do what they are great at, guess what happens? Success. My guest, Lakeshia Ekiegwe, shares what she has learned on her path to becoming a successful entrepreneurial business development coach, author and speaker. Her story is amazing. She is all about empowerment and action steps. Lakeshia is my kind of guest! Give this episode a listen and you'll learn a new concept or two or three. 

  • CFD 046 - [Investor Profile] Eric Promm, Real Estate Investing Internationally could mean the USA

    30/01/2014 Duration: 42min

    Start and Stay Started! What an exciting episode of Cash Flow Diary ™! Guest Eric Promm, an investor in Germany, gives us a look into how things work across the pond. Interestingly things aren’t so different there than here in the U.S. But there are differences. Listen in and hear how much J. Massey and Eric Promm have in common when it comes to their entry into the world of real estate investing.

  • CFD 045 - Jermaine Griggs of Hear And, demonstrates how to generate leads, grow business, and make more money.

    27/01/2014 Duration: 01h06min

    Two Jermaines? Yes! J. Massey and Jermaine Griggs get together for a very special podcast to discuss business, life, entrepreneurial challenges, family and a whole lot more. Mr. Girggs has a lot of interests. He and J. have a lot in common, but you'll want to hear about the differences, too. Learn about Mr. Griggs plans. If you are music-lover or want to own your own business, this one's for you. Listen now.

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