Message To Kings - A Biblical History Of Man



Message to Kings is a history podcast dedicated to telling a chronological Biblical history of man. The primary focus will be the Biblical events and characters of history supported with historical references and external events. Combining a story-telling style with an historical focus, Message to Kings strives to incorporate spiritual concepts, parallels, prophecies and practical applications from history to our world


  • 740 BC: King Zechariah to Pekah

    18/06/2017 Duration: 21min

    In this podcast episode, we cover the five kings of Israel from King Zechariah to Pekah and we end this episode foreshadowing Northern Israel's destruction as a nation. 2 Kings

  • 753 BC: The Prophet Hoshea

    03/06/2017 Duration: 15min

    At the height of Northern Israel's power, God tells the prophet Hoshea to marry a prostitute. Hoshea married Gomer, the prostitute, and went on to have at least three children. Within a short while, Gomer leaves Hoshea and returns to her prostitution and idol worship. The entire account of Hoshea parallels the sin of Gomer to Israel's unfaithfulness to God. The Book of

  • 753 BC: The Founding of Rome and the Birth of the Prophets Isaiah and Micah

    20/05/2017 Duration: 19min

    Around the year 753 BC, the city of Rome was founded and two of the greatest Messianic prophets were born. In this episode, we discuss the founding of Rome and the birth of the prophets Isaiah and Micah and their significance to the greatest story ever told.

  • 759 BC: The Prophet Jonah part 2 and the Kernel of Wheat

    14/05/2017 Duration: 19min

    Last episode, we dropped Jonah off on a beach on the Eastern Mediterranean being spit out by a giant fish. Dehydrated, oxygen deprived, and humbled Jonah sets off to Ninevah to preach to the violent Assyrians. Instead of a violent mob out to kill Jonah, the geopolitically troubled, plague-ridden, earthquake shaken city was more than prepared for a message from God. The response is the greatest city revival in all of Biblical History. Jonah 3-4Matthew 12:41John 12:24John

  • 759 BC: The Prophet Jonah part I and the Harrowing of Hell

    06/05/2017 Duration: 27min

    In the midst of the prosperity in the age of Jeroboam II, Jonah receives a word to preach to the gentile people in Ninevah. Instead of going to Ninevah, he goes in the opposite direction and runs from God. In this episode, we discuss Jonah's salvation in the Meditteranean and the sign of Jesus it represents and the Harrowing of Hell. Matthew 12:38-40Jonah

  • 760 BC: King Uzziah

    30/04/2017 Duration: 21min

    During the prosperity and rise of Northern Israel, a great increase comes over the Kingdom of Judah as well under the rule of King Uzziah. Uzziah is a far better king than his father, but he suffers from the same fatal flaw - pride. King Uzziah organizes his nation and army and proves to an administrative and engineering genius, but in the end, he is only remembered for his pride and an awful disease.

  • 762 BC: The Prophet Amos

    23/04/2017 Duration: 20min

    In the midst of Israel's prosperity in the age of King Jeroboam II, a prophet traveled from Judah to Bethel to confront the wickedness of his generation. The prophet's name was Amos and he stepped onto a speaking platform at the hedonistic idol center to the Golden Calf and rebuked the sin of the age. Beginning with Israel's enemies and concluding with Judah and Israel. Showing great fearlessness, Amos scolded the sin of the age concluding with an example of intercession and a message to hope. The Book of Amos

  • 762 BC: King Jeroboam II and the Prophet Jonah and Amos

    09/04/2017 Duration: 12min

    Jeroboam II had a great head start. His father left him with a very stable government, free from internal and external enemies and a large army. Wondering his next move, the prophet Jonah speaks to the recovery of Solomon's northern territories. Acting with great boldness upon this word, King Jeroboam II expands the territory of Israel rapidly taking Damascus proper and even capturing parts of Turkey. The result of these campaigns was great prosperity and God's last chance at blessing for Israel. Speaking directly to the idol worship in Bethel, the prophet Amos goes to confront the wickedness of the age. 2 Kings

  • 776 BC: The First Olympics

    02/04/2017 Duration: 12min

    In the first year of King Jeroboam IIs rule something unique happens in Greece. Independent of our Biblical History timeline, but influencing by it later, the Greek Olympics games were first held in 776BC. In this episode, we discuss the history of the Olympic games, the Godly character demonstrated at the games and the influence of the games on the life and ministry of the Apostle Paul and his letters which later constituted most of the New Testament.

  • 792 BC: King Amaziah of Judah

    25/03/2017 Duration: 13min

    Upon the death of Joash, Amaziah becomes king in Jerusalem. He's an interesting character, really ambitious and a good organizer of men and his kingdom, but his lack of character and poor decision making turns away even the mercy of God and invites judgment and disaster for his kingship. 2 Kings 14:1-142 Chronicles

  • 792 BC: Resurrection Power

    12/03/2017 Duration: 15min

    Upon the death of Elisha, the entire nation of Israel celebrated him. In this episode, we discuss additional similarities between Elisha and Jesus and the remarkable resurrection scene at his tomb. 2 Kings

  • 795 BC: King Jehoash and the Death of the Prophet Elisha

    05/03/2017 Duration: 12min

    Upon the death of Jehoahaz, Jehoash becomes king in Israel. One of his first actions was to visit Elisha, who was dying from an illness. In this episode, we cover the kingship of Jehoash and Elisha's final prophecy and death. 2 Kings

  • Podcast Special: The Assyrian War Machine

    26/02/2017 Duration: 29min

    Taking a break from our normal storyline, we discuss the inevitable threat on the horizon to Israel's existence - The Assyrian War Machine. In this episode, we discuss the Assyrian War Machine in a history talk episode. Co-Host: Joshua

  • 796 BC: The Repentance of King Jehoahaz and the Fall of King Joash and Damascus

    19/02/2017 Duration: 18min

    In this episode, we cover the remainder of the reign of King Joash in Judah and the reign of King Jehoahaz in Northern Israel. King Joash turned against God, while King Jehoahaz only turned to God at the end of his reign leading to a most dramatic deliverance out of the hands of Hazeal of Aram by King Adad-Nirari III of Assyria. 2 Kings 13:1-82 Chronicles

  • 812 BC: Queen Dido and the Founding of Carthage

    13/02/2017 Duration: 15min

    Steering off the Biblical road map, we cover Queen Dido and her escape from Tyre with billions in gold, the legend of the oxhide and the founding of Carthage and her death and legacy.

  • 812 BC: King Joash and Jehoiada's Revival

    29/01/2017 Duration: 12min

    In the thirtieth year of King Joash's reign, he commanded Jehoiada to collect the funds required to repair the temple from the years of neglect and corruption at the hands of Athaliah. Jehoiada, in his nearly final act of revival, he asks of the people to pay and volunteer a temple tax to help restore the temple. The people respond with integrity and wholehearted unity displaying great revival in their hearts and revealing a spiritual truth. 2 Kings 122 Chronicles

  • 835 BC: King Joash and the Restoration of the Line of David

    22/01/2017 Duration: 14min

    After six years in hiding in a closet of the Temple of Jerusalem, Jehoida stages a well-orchestrated coup and restores the line of David. In this episode, we cover the unveiling of the rightful king, his restoration and the incredible symbolism at play. 2 Kings 112 Chronicles 23Psalm

  • 841 BC: King Jehu and the Black Obelisk of Shalmanesor III

    15/01/2017 Duration: 14min

    In this episode, we discuss the famous Black Obelisk of Shalmanesor III in the London Museum. Comparing the contents of the Black Obelisk to Biblical History and what we know about Shalmanesor III, we discuss the historic accuracy of the Black Obelisk and Shalmanesor III. Acts

  • 841 BC: Queen Athaliah's Reign of Terror

    07/01/2017 Duration: 11min

    When Athaliah learns of the death of her son, the king of Judah, the death of her family line in Israel and the gruesome loss of her mother, she loses it. In a delirious panic, she commands the death of the line of David and she seizes the throne of Judah. But, God always knows the plight of his people, he keeps his promise and protects his gifts. 2 Kings

  • 841 BC: Judgment of the House of Ahab

    02/01/2017 Duration: 26min

    In line with the change in the spirit, Jehu is anointing king of Israel. In one of the bloodiest accounts in the entire Bible, he kills the king of Israel, the king of Judah, the queen mother, all of the royal princes of Israel and sets a deadly trap for all of the priests of baal. Further, we cover the death of Jezebel and her lasting Biblical and historical legacy. 2 Kings 8:25 - 2 Kings

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