Hcg Body For Life!



My goal with blog Talk Radio is to provide up-to-date information about the Fitness, Nutrition, and our Advanced HCG Diet protocol. You will learn new diet tips, little tricks, and gain powerful Insight into achieving fast and permanent weight loss with the advanced HCG diet by HCG Body for Life. You will discover how to get un-stuck, avoid weight stall, increase fat loss results and how to gain lean muscle while losing tons of unwanted pounds and inches from the No. 1 HCG diet coach in the world.


  • hCG Body Talk - Mastering HCG Diet Once and For All

    03/05/2012 Duration: 01h30min

    Today I'm discussing how to finally master the HCG diet... How to nail down all 4 phases, achieve the body of your life and  stay "Semper Fit" Fit for Life. "HCG Body for Life Summer Slim Down" The All New HCG Diet Relapse and Recovery Workshop...! Tune in and see the magic happen!!!

  • Why the 26 Day HCG Diet Cycle May Be Obsolete

    12/04/2012 Duration: 01h01min

      On this weeks show, we will discuss why the 26 day HCG cycle may be ineffective for most people to reach their weight loss goals. And, why balancing your hormones, could be the missing link to achieving your natural body weight with ease. By using a new cutting edge approach in BHRT (Bio Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy) you may be able to fill in the missing link for losing weight quickly, easily, and keeping it off for life! Join me on today's call!   Regards,    Colin

  • How To Turn HCG Diet Relapse Into A Revelation Part 2

    05/04/2012 Duration: 01h30min

    Today’s show is a continuation of last week’s show that was interrupted by technical difficulties... This show is for those of you whom have relapse in your weight loss journey and have reached, or gotten really close to your weight loss goals, only to find yourself a few months later with most or all of the weight back again. If you're hiding and living with the feelings of defeat, shame, and embarrassment tune in... These feelings can be paralyzing… We are going to discuss how to embrace defeat and begin your journey of HCG diet recovery.  I will reveal my plan to help each and every one of you get back your health, and once again have the body of your life by summer 2012. Join me on the call as I share with you for the first time, our most powerful mission yet!  

  • How to Conquer HCG Diet Relapse and Embrace HCG Diet Recover

    29/03/2012 Duration: 16min

    Today’s show is for those of you whom have relapse in your weight loss journey… Those of you that have either reached, or gotten really close to your weight loss goals, only to find yourself a few months later with most or all of the weight back again. This show is for those for you who are hiding…, living with the feelings of defeat, shame, and embarrassment. These feelings can be paralyzing… We are going to discuss how to embrace defeat and begin your journey of HCG diet recovery.  I will reveal my plan to help each and every one of you get back your health, and once again have the body of your life by summer 2012. Join me on the call as I share with you for the first time, our most powerful mission yet!

  • HCG Body Talk - How To Guarantee HCG Diet Success...

    15/03/2012 Duration: 01h31min

      HCG Body Talk - How To Guarantee HCG Diet Success... People ask me all the time why there are some who can start the HCG body for life diet protocol and have it be the easiest weight loss protocol they have ever done... while others struggle from the very beginning with losing weight, constantly cheating and experience complete and utter frustration. I will reveal the secrets to having overwhelming success with the No. #1 fat loss diet protocol in the world! Tune in and discover my simple secrets for having the body of your life. See you there... Colin

  • Why HCG with this type of vegetarian can increase fat loss..

    01/03/2012 Duration: 01h29min

      Vegetarian HCG diet protein options! This show is not just for vegetarians who want to do the HCG diet... I'm going to show you why being this type of vegetarian could actually increase your fat loss by 25 to 30%. And why eating this way for most of you, especially woman can help you, lose it fast, maintain it easier, and keep the weight off for life   See you tonight! Colin

  • Why Buy HCG From Overseas Pharmacies... And Is It Legal?

    23/02/2012 Duration: 01h35min

    Is the FDA on a mission to stop the HCG diet...? On this weeks show, we'll discuss why we recommend buying HCG from overseas and online pharmacies... Some of you have ask why we use Canadian or overseas pharmacies? What are the laws on buying prescription drugs from out of the US. Is it legal? Is it safe? Should we be concernd with getting counterfit drugs. Why the FDA warns about buying precription drugs online. All this and more... Join me on this call! See you there, Colin

  • Brown Fat vs Yellow Fat. Which Fat is The Right Fat loss?

    26/01/2012 Duration: 01h32min

    Did you know you had two kinds of fat? There is brown fat and yellow fat. Some of us have more of one of these types of fat than the other. So which is the right fat to lose, why does it matter, and howdo you lose it efficiently while on the HCG Body for life diet protocol.. Simply said, how to really "burn the fat and reveal the muscle! Tune in and find out all the details. See you there, Colin

  • Why 67% of HCG dieters won't reach their desired weight

    19/01/2012 Duration: 01h31min

      67% of HCG dieters failed to truly understand the importance of why Dr. Simeons called his manuscript Pounds & Inches... Today I'm going to discuss why thousands of HCG diets are either quiting prematurely, or simply fail to lose their desired amount of weight with the HCG diet. And,  why men more than woman make this crucial mistake! Are you one of the 33% who succeed, or the 67% who are cheating yourself out of having the body of your life? Find out tonight on the show! --  "If you can dream it, then you can achieve it. You will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want."   Zig Ziglar 

  • HCG Protein Shake. How to use is to maximize results!

    12/01/2012 Duration: 01h03min

    On today's show I'll discuss how to use the new and very popular HCG protein shake to maximize fat-loss results. When is the perfect time to take it, and when not to... If uses correctly this could make losing weight on the HCG diet protocol easier and more effective, in addition to helping you build lean muscle mass, increased metabolism, and long-term weight management.   See you tonight! Regards, Colin

  • The last show of 2011... Recap the 20 best HCG diet tips!

    29/12/2011 Duration: 01h02min

    HCG-Ology all about the HCG body for life fat loss system. A quick replay of the events of 2011 and what you can expect from HCG Body for life in 2012... Together we can all have and create our very own healthy, fit, strong and sexy, HCG Body for LIFE! Happy New Year! Much Love... Colin and Jayne

  • HCG Body Talk - Ask Me Anything HCG...

    08/12/2011 Duration: 01h01min

    Ask me anything HCG is one of our most popular  shows. This give you an opportunity to ask me your specific HCG diet related questions. We will also discuss the latest news about the FDA going after Homeopathic HCG sales here in the US and what will the mean for all HCG diet sales... Join me on the call today at 5:30PM PST... If you have specific question you would like covered on the show and are unable to make it live.. Email your question (s) to colin@colinfwatson.com. See you tonight!

  • How To Stop Holiday Weight Gain Cold!

    01/12/2011 Duration: 49min

    Join me today as we discuss a few simple tips to minimize holiday weight gain, and what to do to get the body of your life in 2012. See you there :))

  • What Would Dr. Simeons Say Part II

    10/11/2011 Duration: 01h31min

    On today's show, I will finish my review of Dr. Simeons Pounds and Inches protocol as it was designed... We'll reveal the truth about how much weight loss is considered normal on the HCG diet, How often this protocol should be done, and has the Internet altered or diminished the overall success of this weight loss cure. Se you there...

  • What would Dr. Simeons do..?

    03/11/2011 Duration: 01h31min

    What Did Dr. Simeons Really Say about HCG diet weight loss…? On today’s radio show I am going to dissect Dr. Simeons Pounds and Inches protocol and finally reveal the truth about HCG diet weight loss as prescribed by Dr. Simeons. What he wrote in his manuscript, how much weight you are really supposed to lose; the diet menu, and what he says about exercise… And how this information has been misconstrued, altered and downright distorted…  If you know the facts, you may realize that your weight loss numbers may actually be right on target! See you there!

  • What Do The HCG Diet Coach And TV's Dr. House Have in Common

    27/10/2011 Duration: 01h26min

    On this call, you'll discover what the "HCG Diet Coach" and TVs "Dr. Gregory House" have in common, and how these similarities could could help you reach your weight loss goals, or more importantly, discover the reason why you're not! Those of you on the call live will receive a special bonus for being there live...! Tune in and a hear it for yourself!

  • HCG Diet Myth-Busters... To 10 HCG diet myths revealed..

    13/10/2011 Duration: 01h30min

      So have you heard some of these HCG diet myths and wondered if they're true or not...   Tune into today's radio show and find out! If what you know or what you believe to be true about the HCG diet is in deed "Fact or Myth"   See you there...   :-)   Colin

  • HCG-Body Talk: 11 Ways To Beat HCG Diet Hunger Issues...

    06/10/2011 Duration: 01h01min

    There are some who begin the diet on the wrong foot and end up suffering with hunger issues... Today's show I will talk about 11 easy ways to stop the hunger monster dead in his tracks! Join me on the call this call and increase your HCG diet success by getting easy control over hunger issues. TTYS, Colin

  • How I Changed My Body, My life, & Now Earn a Passion Check

    15/09/2011 Duration: 01h01min

    Join me as we discuss the how to create your own HCG Body for Life referral business. By teaming up with us to help transform lives. Getting a passion check instead of a paycheck!   The business of HCG Body for Life... For the body of your life! See you there :))   Colin

  • Meet the WINNER'S of HCG-90Xtreme Challenge #1

    08/09/2011 Duration: 01h16min

    Join us as we crown the champions of HCG-90X #1 and hear their incredible transformation stories. These two winners are truly inspirational and remarkable people. Don't miss this call...   See you there!   Colin and Jayne

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