Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things



This show is about how average, every day people are choosing to make positive changes in their life to accomplish what makes them happy. After listening, you'll feel a connection with people who are just like you and will make you realize you CAN have the life you want.


  • Tired of Living with Regrets, So Pushing Forward 

    21/08/2017 Duration: 40min

    In episode 35 of Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things, I chat with Annett Bone.   She always had a love for dance and after a 20 year run of not dancing at all, Annett decided to get back into her first love.  Learn how this amazing woman who always had self-esteem issues pushed them aside and told herself that no matter how scary it is, I need to do it anyway.  After being tired of living with regrets in the way she lived her life, she went towards the one thing that made her happy which has lead to great success in other areas of her life.  

  • Opening Up Your Life to Receive Whatever is Possible 

    14/08/2017 Duration: 38min

    In episode 34 of Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things, I chat with Bodhi Rader.  He started with a military career and after quite a few changes, ended up in acting.  Learn more about Bodhi's career journey and more importantly, his journey towards opening himself up to life's possibilities and how you can do it too. 

  • How to Win Every Time You Play

    07/08/2017 Duration: 47min

    In episode 33 of Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things, I chat with Styrling Strother. He has been a tennis coach for over two decades encouraging his students with the idea of “discovery through play” innovating change by creating a spacious environment for players to succeed.  Learn about his philosophy on you can win every time you play in life and how he teaches technical skills with mindset strategies.   Want to be featured on the podcast?  Send an email to keri.n.roberts@gmail.com.

  • When That Voice Inside You Tells You There's More to Life

    31/07/2017 Duration: 28min

    When That Voice Inside You Tells You There's More to Life Interested in learning how to build a happier life and be a better person? Click here to sign up for free content and be the first to know about our upcoming programs. In episode 32 of Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things, I chat with Sean O'Meara.  Learn how he went from software engineer in Silicon Valley to Health Coach to High Performance Coach.  Sean felt his intuition saying there was more to life than what he was doing.  Learn how he found the courage to move forward and is working with others now to live a high performance life in health and spirit. 

  • How to Make What You Love Doing Work For You

    24/07/2017 Duration: 34min

    How to Make What You Love Doing Work For You Interested in learning how to build a happier life and be a better person? Click here to sign up for free content and be the first to know about our upcoming programs. In episode 31 of Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things, I chat with Mr. Kid.  What started as a love of music and movement, turned into a career many told him wouldn't be possible.  Learn how Mr. Kid uses self-awareness, intuition and creativity to design a life doing what he loves.  

  • Financial Success for Millennials

    17/07/2017 Duration: 42min

    Financial Success for Millennials Interested in learning how to build a happier life and be a better person? Click here to sign up for free content and be the first to know about our upcoming programs. In episode 30 of Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things, I chat with Christine Lane.  Her love of money and finances came when she was a young girl opening her first bank account in second grade and being handed the little paper bank book where the teller would record her transactions. Her dad explained the concept of earning interest to her and it seemed like a magical thing.  From then she was hooked.  Now Christine helps millennials get out of debt.  Learn more about her story and her top initial tips for getting to financial security and confidence. Listen and Subscribe on iTunes.

  • Discipline is What Brings Results

    10/07/2017 Duration: 31min

    Interested in learning how to build a happier life and be a better person or want to be on the podcast? Email keri@emotiondancefit.com. In episode 29 of Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things, I chat with Cara George.  She always had a passion for movement and loved the feeling a great workout gave her.  Cara talks about how coming from a family of 11 taught her the discipline and the ability to work with a variety of people.  It’s what has kept her focused and staying healthy before, during and after her pregnancy.  Learn more about her story and her tips for staying fit as a woman and mom.

  • Positive Feeling for a Healthier Life

    07/08/2016 Duration: 48min

    In episode 28 of Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things, I chat with Nitin Dogra.  After battling a severe health issue for a few years, Nitin turned to breath work and healthier eating.  As he started to see his health improve, he realized he was feeling better mentally too and wanted to help others.  Learn how he went from holding a meditation conference call for a few people at work to creating a tribe of 1200 people and winning an AT&T Do One Thing Champion Award.  What's most impressive about Nitin is that he teaches mediation and mindfulness simply because he feels he has to - it's his purpose.  

  • Journey Towards a Purpose

    31/07/2016 Duration: 40min

    In episode 27 of Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things, I chat with Spiritual Life and Relationship Coach, Amy Fiedler.  Learn how she went from life guarding to life coaching.  Amy always had an interest in helping others, but wasn't sure how.  After a career in fashion, she started her own business in the clothing industry and eventually realized she still wasn't doing what she truly enjoyed.  Hear how she found life coaching and how she's making her passion and talents work for her.  Plus, she'll give you the first three steps you need to start finding your purpose in life.  www.emotiondancefit.com 

  • One Step, One Focus

    17/07/2016 Duration: 38min

    One Step, One Focus Interested in learning how to build a happier life and be a better person? Click here to sign up for free content and be the first to know about our upcoming programs. In episode 26 of Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things, I chat with Network Engineer, Jarrett Pettigrew.  Learn how what started as a love for breaking things and putting them back together lead him to his passionate career and how watching his mom growing up, inspired him to constantly be asking himself, how do I get the most value out of every experience?  Jarrett gives some great insight into how he finds the focus and the mindset that makes him the incredible person he is today. 

  • Finding a Why and a Way

    06/07/2016 Duration: 28min

    Finding a Why and a Way Interested in learning how to build a happier life and be a better person? Click here to sign up for free content and be the first to know about our upcoming programs. In episode 25 of Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things, I chat with Rachel Robinson.  After her sister gave birth prematurely to twins, Rachel was frustrated that her sister couldn’t find a better way to understand what was going on at the hospital.  After spending time at a hospital in the NICU with various doctors and nurses, Rachel found a way to use her skills as a designer to create an app that would help so many parents with babies in the NICU relieve stress, gain support, and save time for medical staff.  Hear her story and learn how she did it.  If it resonates with you, please visit her website and donate to her Kickstarter campaign. Subscribe on iTunes.

  • Start With What You’re Passionate About

    03/07/2016 Duration: 27min

    In episode 24 of Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things, I chat with Kris Littleton.  Learn how a love for motorcycles, Youtube, and helping others got Kris to start a vlog to entertain and give a piece into his life for anyone interested.  Hear how at a young age, he’s looking to his passions and the internet to make a life he loves and hopes to profit from in the future. Subscribe on iTunes.

  • Do What You Want Now

    05/06/2016 Duration: 43min

    Do what you want now Interested in learning how to build a happier life and be a better person? Click here to sign up for free content and be the first to know about our upcoming programs. In episode 23 of Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things, I chat with Robin Meyers.  Learn how later in her career she realized she wasn’t doing what was making her most happy, how she found out what she loved doing, and how she’s teaching young women to find their passion and pursue it early on in life. Subscribe on iTunes.   www.emotiondancefit.com

  • Age is Just a Number

    15/05/2016 Duration: 27min

    In episode 22 of Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things, I chat with Logan Speckhard a young lady who lost a friend to cancer.  Learn how at the age of 13 she has made the most of this hard time by expressing herself through music, creating her Athletes Crush Cancer organization and inspiring others to do what makes them happy in life. Subscribe on iTunes.  Learn more at www.emotiondancefit.com Opening Music Credits: Lazy Sunday by Jarrett Pettigrew Ending Music Credits: Without You Now Todd Wright music & production Logan Speckhard & Ryan Wright vocals and lyrics You can purchase this song here. 

  • Let Love In

    24/04/2016 Duration: 44min

    In episode 21 of Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things, I chat with Solitaire Leon Carroll a woman who embodies love in everything she does in life.  She’s a wife, a mother of three and the owner of One Sparrow, an organization that puts on fun family events to help raise money and awareness for those in need around the world.  Learn how and where her why in life and business came from and how she uses it to be happy and help others.  Learn more at www.emotiondancefit.com.

  • Do and Be What Makes You Happy

    10/04/2016 Duration: 07min

    In episode 20 of Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things, I decided to take the mic and give some insight on why you must do what makes YOU happy.

  • How to Live a Care-Free Happy Life

    03/04/2016 Duration: 30min

    How to Live a Care-Free Happy Life Interested in learning how to build a happier life and be a better person? Click here to sign up for free content and be the first to know about our upcoming programs. In episode 19 of Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things, I chat with Jeff Lucas, a guy who grew up in a loving, funny home and went into the Coast Guard to help others.  After recently retiring from the Coast Guard, Jeff talks about the importance of having other things in your life you are passionate about beside your job and your family.  He talks about how doing something for himself has brought happiness to his life.

  • Be a Mom and Do What You Love

    27/03/2016 Duration: 42min

    Be a Mom and Do What You Love In episode 18 of Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things, I chat with Sara LaFountain, a wife and mother of 5 kids who found out how to make life fun after two of her children were diagnosed with POTS.  Sara always had a love for cooking and after finding ways to have her family be healthier, learn how she took this passion to the schools and started making a living out of what brings her joy too. www.emotiondancefit.com 

  • Helping Women Step Into Destiny

    20/03/2016 Duration: 25min

    Helping Women Step Into Destiny Interested in learning how to build a happier life and be a better person? Click here to sign up for free content and be the first to know about our upcoming programs. In episode 17 of Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things, I chat with Kim Harshaw, who found a passion in helping women who suffered from human trafficking.  She soon realized she could help women of all backgrounds step into their destiny and focus on the great things they could do in the future.

  • Living an Amazing Life with Mental Illness

    13/03/2016 Duration: 31min

    Living an Amazing Life with Mental Illness Interested in learning how to build a happier life and be a better person? Click here to sign up for free content and be the first to know about our upcoming programs. In episode 16 of Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things, I chat with Annie Powell, who struggled with mental illness for a long time.  Learn how she uses fitness, family, and helping others along, with medication, to live an extraordinary life.

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