Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things

Finding a Why and a Way



Finding a Why and a Way Interested in learning how to build a happier life and be a better person? Click here to sign up for free content and be the first to know about our upcoming programs. In episode 25 of Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things, I chat with Rachel Robinson.  After her sister gave birth prematurely to twins, Rachel was frustrated that her sister couldn’t find a better way to understand what was going on at the hospital.  After spending time at a hospital in the NICU with various doctors and nurses, Rachel found a way to use her skills as a designer to create an app that would help so many parents with babies in the NICU relieve stress, gain support, and save time for medical staff.  Hear her story and learn how she did it.  If it resonates with you, please visit her website and donate to her Kickstarter campaign. Subscribe on iTunes.