Dean Graziosi's Millionaire Success Habits



Welcome to the Millionaire Success Habits Podcast!This show is for those out there who are looking to achieve their highest potential on a massive scale. It is for people who are ready to take their life to the next level and learn success, business & life strategies to get you there!With each episode, Dean will share his weekly breakthroughs, his top secrets strategies and ideas that can help you skyrocket your fulfillment and achievement on a daily basis!This is his success...boiled down into a recipe for your ears.Follow Along With Over 1,000,000 Fans On Facebook: deangraziosipageFollow Dean On Instagram: @deangraziosi


  • What are you Afraid of? - Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom

    01/07/2016 Duration: 11min

    Could something so seemingly unrelated to real estate like FEAR be holding you back from the life you deserve? This week, Dean shares an exercise that'll help you look at things from a different prospective. Take the fear test right now and see what could be holding you back. It's time to stop focusing on your fear, find the leverage you need and change your life forever.

  • #1 Thing needed to close your first deal! - Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom

    01/07/2016 Duration: 09min

    Confidence is what makes you excel but courage is what allows you to get in the game! In this week's video, Dean shared two key rules to gaining the courage you need while producing the confidence to become unstoppable.. Take the first step and watch the video I filmed for you now.

  • The Biggest Misconception of Successful People - Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom

    01/07/2016 Duration: 08min

    This week's video is as real as it gets. I get more personal and reveal a possible huge misconception...

  • Secret negotiating strategy to still get deals at 50% off - Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom

    01/07/2016 Duration: 18min

    This week Dean and his top student Matt Larson once again share golden nuggets and strategies to get you in today's real estate market at full speed. Watch and be amazed on how simple it can be with their simple step by step approach to still negotiate a 50% deal... Yes, even in today's rising market.. Watch and be amazed... And if you want to grab one of the last few tickets to attend Dean's Gain The EDGE event live here in AZ this April, hurry up and click the link below.

  • (SO SIMPLE) I wish I knew this sooner! - Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom

    01/07/2016 Duration: 05min

    While Dean spends the weekend with his family in Dallas, something clicked and he sits there with amazement on how simple it could've been if he only knew this sooner... Is there anything in your life that consciously or even subconsciously fights your success and possibly strangled past opportunities? Maybe parents, upbringing, money, time, health or a slew of real life things? Whatever it is, this week Dean films a video that could change all of that. It's so simple, yet so empowering he had to share it with you ASAP. If you truly want to be able to tap into today's emerging real estate market then you have to set yourself up for success and this video could be a cornerstone just for that...

  • Real Estate Enhancement Drugs? - Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom

    01/07/2016 Duration: 05min

    The Only enhancement drug you need is already inside of you. Watch this weekly wisdom and discover what breaking the 4 minute mile has to do with your real estate success. It will blow your mind!!!! If it's not to late when you see this make sure to register and show up for Dean, Gena and Andrea Tuesday the 4th of February for a killer LIVECAST. PLUS, Dean's giving away 2 tickets to his Live "Gain the EDGE" event here in AZ – and he’ll pay for your travel and hotel. This week find out: * How to master your ideal destination. * The simple step to find insane deals in your backyard through Hard Money lenders. * Get the Secrets of Andrea and Gena, two rocks star students kicking the S#%T out of today’s real estate market. * And that’s just the start of it.

  • (2 FREE TICKETS) Hard Money Secret and More! - Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom

    01/07/2016 Duration: 09min

    YES, Killer Live-Cast on Tuesday the 4th with Gena and Andrea. PLUS, I'm giving away 2 tickets to my Live "Gain the EDGE" event here in AZ - and I'll pay for your travel and hotel. Yeah really!! And that's over $5k. This week find out: *How to master your ideal destination *The simple step to find insane deals in your backyard through Hard Money lenders. *Get the Secrets of Andrea and Gena, two rocks star students kicking the S#%T out of today's real estate market. *And that's just the start of it.

  • (GAME CHANGER) Life Lesson and HUD property profits - Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom

    01/07/2016 Duration: 08min

    Two absolute GAME CHANGERS in one powerful weekly wisdom.. This week, Dean shares one sentence that may literally have the biggest single impact on your life and your success. AND.. rock star investor Matt Larson shares effective ways to buy and profit from HUD properties. This is a must watch.

  • Real Estate Farming for Profits? - Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom

    01/07/2016 Duration: 11min

    I reveal why this is a rare time in history when all three strategies to wealth from real estate have aligned to create a rare explosion of opportunity. Farming? Yup!!! See why this very rare time in history is wide open for a 3 level approach to killing it.

  • Can helping the homeless explode profit - Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom

    01/07/2016 Duration: 06min

    Can helping the homeless explode profits? YES! In this weekly wisdom, Dean reveals how helping the homeless and people in need can help you crush it this year in Real Estate. It’s a secret that has allowed so many people achieve massive success and Dean’s revealing it to you right now…

  • Could 3 M's Allow You To Become a Real Estate Rock Star - Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom

    01/07/2016 Duration: 06min

    Could 3 M's Allow You To Become a Real Estate Rock Star? Find Out NOW.

  • NEW SECRET: Know Which Market You Are In and Reap Massive Benefits. - Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom

    01/07/2016 Duration: 04min

    Get ready for a revelation. In this Weekly Wisdom Dean illustrates the shift occurring in the market right now and shows you how and where to focus to make ridiculously huge amounts of money this year and beyond. You'll also find out about an exciting opportunity to spend two days with Dean and his experts for some hands on education at the EDGE 2103 - AND hear the name of the lucky winner of the mini-iPad.

  • Proven SECRET That Will Guide You to Kill it - Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom

    01/07/2016 Duration: 06min

    Most of us have moments of terrible doubt in our lives. Have you had times when you feel you've crossed a line you can't go back from? It's easy to get overwhelmed with thoughts about never being able to have what you want or achieve your dreams. What we don't usually realize is the forces that contribute to us believing in our own doubt. Watch and listen as Dean and his guest student Matt unpack the lies that can drag you down. They also share the things to do (and what to avoid) in order to achieve your goals. They even discuss some slimy tricks that others are pulling that could be causing you to quit on yourself. Don't miss this one!

  • Could Massive Success In Real Estate Be as Easy As Time Management? - Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom

    01/07/2016 Duration: 08min

    It's super easy to blame everyone or everything else for our unfavorable circumstances. While we all have things happen that are outside of our control, too often we take the position that we don't have any power to make positive changes. This is the tension between a problem and solution mindset. One makes you a victim, the other makes you an overcomer. The feeling of powerlessness can contribute to victim like thinking, and because we don't like feeling that we are powerless, we can easily begin to blame someone or something for causing that feeling. Dean's message here can help you identify faulty thinking and beliefs that hold you back.

  • Get Financially BULLET-PROOF Through Strategic Real Estate Investing - Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom

    01/07/2016 Duration: 07min

    This week, Dean reinforces his mission for this blog. To arm you with tools to be on the offense, to go out there an conquer the obstacles you face and have the life you desire. He reviews the lessons of the past weeks in a super fast summary and makes a big promise for what's coming. You are part of something bigger than yourself and we are so grateful to be with you through it. Enjoy!

  • EXPOSED: Screw Emotions, Get Logical - Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom

    01/07/2016 Duration: 08min

    Are you emotionally driven? Most people are. We let our emotions drive our actions. Your emotions can be powerful motivators or they can cause destructive lack of action. This week, we talk about taking the emotion out of the decision process. It allows you to take ownership of your life and your actions, as well as gain the confidence you need in all areas. This can do everything from changing the way you feel about yourself to dramatically changing the economy in your house.

  • Near Death and Possible Regrets Turn In To Secret To Massive Success. - Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom

    01/07/2016 Duration: 04min

    This Weekly Wisdom is pretty intense. You'll hear about what the DG Family is doing for the victims of Hurricane Sandy, but Dean also has a true story of how he almost lost his stepfather just days before this was filmed. You'll hear how a freak medical emergency that almost proved to be fatal, resulted in a conversation that was so profound, we all need to pay attention to it. Life can be tragic, we all do things we may regret, but there is something you can do right, to emerge victorious and hopeful. Call it "uncommon wisdom."

  • 11 buy and Holds and 2 Flips In The Works. - Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom

    01/07/2016 Duration: 02min

    Dean takes a break before speaking at a live event in Las Vegas to share a conversation with an investor named Linda. She's already making SWEET money and is about to make another fist-full of cash! Listen as she shares one of the most powerful tips you may ever hear on how to succeed. This is pure gold.

  • The Truth About Reality! - Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom

    28/06/2016 Duration: 03min

    This week’s Weekly Wisdom comes with a message from the beach in San Diego! I got up super early this morning, went for a little jog and had a message pop into my heart that I knew my DG Family needed to hear! This week I want to talk about your reality. And how your own mind is shaping and forming your reality to either make or break you! You see, we as humans allow our perception of reality to run so wild sometimes that we get frozen in our own life journey! What exactly do I mean by this? Well it is much easier to explain in video, so check out this week’s Weekly Wisdom! You won’t regret it!

  • Gifted vs. Grit - Dean Graziosi's Weekly Wisdom

    28/06/2016 Duration: 04min

    In this week's Weekly Wisdom I talk about one of the biggest misconceptions in the ENTIRE world when it comes to what truly makes someone successful! After years and years of being an entrepreneur, traveling all over the world and meeting thousands of successful individuals, I've come to realize a similarity that they all share... So what is this crazy misconception our world has about success? And what is something almost ALL successful people have in common? Check out this Weekly Wisdom where I explain it all!

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