Dean Graziosi's Millionaire Success Habits



Welcome to the Millionaire Success Habits Podcast!This show is for those out there who are looking to achieve their highest potential on a massive scale. It is for people who are ready to take their life to the next level and learn success, business & life strategies to get you there!With each episode, Dean will share his weekly breakthroughs, his top secrets strategies and ideas that can help you skyrocket your fulfillment and achievement on a daily basis!This is his success...boiled down into a recipe for your ears.Follow Along With Over 1,000,000 Fans On Facebook: deangraziosipageFollow Dean On Instagram: @deangraziosi


  • Episode #1 Matthew McConaughey

    10/04/2023 Duration: 38min

    This is the VERY FIRST episode of my new Own Your Future Podcast and I’m so pumped to sit down with award-winning actor and bestselling author of the book Greenlights, none other than Matthew McConaughey. We talked about what we’ve learned about success, failure, how to find direction and so much more… plus gave the details on his first ever live event The Art Of Livin’ coming up on April 24th. An absolute must-listen.  Listen For These Key Takeaways: ● The difference between joy and happiness (and which one you should care about) ● What McConaughey means when he says “have a beer on the way to the temple” (one of my favorite lines of all time hahaha) ● How to know where to turn or what to focus on when the world is so uncertain ●  A new way to think about making choices in your life  Want To Join McConaughey, me, Tony Robbins and more on April 24th?The Art Of Livin’ live virtual event is FREE to join and coming up soon… it’s already become a global movement so if you don’t have a seat yet, click below to get

  • A New Chapter!

    06/04/2023 Duration: 13min

    Hey there, it’s Dean Graziosi! It’s an absolute pleasure to have you here. If you’ve been keeping up with my podcast, you know my team and I always aim to deliver the highest value with each episode. And I’ve got some exciting news to share with you today! But before I do, let me ask you something. What does it mean for you to truly own your decisions, your calendar, your choices, and ultimately, your future? If these are questions that resonate with you, then you’re in for a treat with the new season of my podcast. I’m thrilled to announce that we’re embarking on a brand new journey together, and we’re calling it OWN YOUR FUTURE. This new chapter will focus on helping you take control of your life and reach your full potential. And to kick things off, I’ve got some incredible interviews lined up with some of the most successful people I know. Our first episode will premiere on Monday, April 10th, and I couldn’t be more excited for you to hear my conversation with none other than Matthew McConaughey himself!

  • We’re heading into a “life preserver” time. Here’s what that means...

    30/03/2023 Duration: 14min

    This is a crazy time in our lives. We are heading into a time where having a "life preserver" could be your saving grace. This is your call to take control. To not sit around and wait. To not let fear drive the course of your life in 2023. 

  • Want To Strengthen Your Relationships? Try This!

    19/03/2023 Duration: 15min

    Keeping your relationships in a  healthy place is no easy task. It takes work! Building solid connections with your loved ones can be difficult IF you don't put the effort in to appreciate the people in your life. I have a challenge for you this week that will change the way you think of your role in every relationship you have.

  • Identify & Overcome Your Enemy to Reach Your Maximum Potential

    09/03/2023 Duration: 12min

    We all have an inner dialogue that shapes our thoughts and beliefs. Sometimes, this inner voice can be our biggest cheerleader, but other times, it can be our worst enemy. It's the voice that tells us we're not good enough, that we don't deserve success or happiness, and that we should give up before we even start. In this episode, we'll be discussing how to identify your inner villain and change the story it's telling you. By recognizing the negative self-talk that's holding you back, you can begin to take steps towards a more positive and fulfilling life. If this podcast is helping you make a better life by creating better habits, then you should look in to my personal secrets and habits that lead ONLY to success by clicking the link below.

  • Do Not Define Yourself By Your Mistakes

    24/02/2023 Duration: 07min

    We have all made mistakes in life. It's human nature to fail. I hear a lot of people talk to me about their failures and they tend to keep reliving those mistakes. Here's the thing...YOU are not defined by that mistake or failure unless you allow yourself to be. I'm guessing if you have been listening to my podcast that you are trying to improve your life. Which means that you are not the mistake itself, but in fact you are the person who has learned from a failure and you want to do whatever it takes to NOT make that same mistake again. Just remember that you are who you are because of your failures and the decisions you make AFTER the mistake has been made. So learn from it, give yourself a second chance and move on! Check out my personal secrets and habits for limitless success

  • What Has Worrying Too Much Already Cost You?

    09/02/2023 Duration: 12min

    We all have stress in parts of our lives. Sometimes stress can get you moving and push you to get out of a bad situation. But sometimes stress can have extremely negative outcomes. When stress is fed by worry, MOST of the time it doesn't end well. I want you to think back to a point in your life where worrying about something you couldn't control added stress to your life. keep that in mind throughout this lesson because as we wrap up this episode it will be important to recall that point in your life. Make sure to stick around until the end, you will not regret it! Enjoy!

  • Love Changed My Business

    03/02/2023 Duration: 10min

    I know, this sounds corny. But here's the reality, when you start looking at your business through the lens of "love" and "service", EVERYONE benefits. When you love what you do you're a happier person and can be the man or woman you were designed to be. When you show that love to your friends and family, your relationships improve. When you express love for how you serve your clients, your business can thrive and scale. This is how love changed MY business. This is your call to take control. To not sit around and wait. To not let fear drive the course of your life in 2023.  

  • What I learned from Dyslexia…

    25/01/2023 Duration: 04min

    I struggled with Dyslexia as a child and all through school. I could have let it be an unscalable obstacle in my life but I chose to take a different path. I learned to use my underdog advantage to take my life to another level. THIS is what I learned from Dyslexia.

  • If You’re Waiting For THIS, You’re Never Going to Jump

    19/01/2023 Duration: 06min

    There is a saying I find myself repeating on stage lately. "Jump out of the plane and grow wings on the way down." Seems a little extreme, I know. But we are living through a time where if you wait for things to be perfect you will never make a move. Sometimes you have to take a leap of faith and figure it out while you are living your life. There is a reason why I've been calling for you to take uncomfortable action and this is it! This is your call to take control. To not sit around and wait. To not let fear drive the course of your life in 2023.

  • Do Goals REALLY Matter for Success?

    10/01/2023 Duration: 07min

    How important is it to set goals? It's extremely important!'s only one piece of the puzzle of success. As much as setting goals is crucial to having a successful and productive life, you must also take uncomfortable action to take steps towards achieving those goals.

  • Key Principles to Become the Person You Want to Be in 2023

    05/01/2023 Duration: 05min

    This could be the beginning of a new you. This could be the year that you become the man or woman you were designed to be. But you have to want it enough to take action! 

  • If you are ready to make goals a reality, there's no better training. Change Your Life in 2023

    29/12/2022 Duration: 21min

    In life we are faced with obstacles that prevent us from moving up to our next level. Maybe things are going great for you but then all of the sudden life throws you a curve ball and you feel like you are right back to where you started. It's something that happens to everyone at one point or another. Here are some tips on how to handle life's sidetracks and get back on the path that you want to be on.

  • 6 minutes to boost inspiration for an AMAZING 2023

    27/12/2022 Duration: 05min

    We all need a little boost of inspiration or motivation. It's sometimes an essential part of keeping your momentum alive so you can get to your next level. Listen to this to keep your momentum going through 2023!

  • 3 Things That Are Essential To Your Success

    23/12/2022 Duration: 19min

    Today I want to talk about three things that are essential for success. These three things were a huge part in how I became a success, and most if not all entrepreneurs you've heard of. Stay Tuned for this one!  Enjoy!

  • Solve Bigger Problems in 2023

    19/12/2022 Duration: 05min

    How many times have you let all the problems of your day get to you? As hard as I is to imagine, success won't stop you from having problems. So You need to adjust the way you think about them. When you get to a level of success that you start to realize what problems you can fix and what problems are a waste of your energy, then you will be on the path to your next level. Solve bigger Problems!

  • Bring Your Confidence Back

    13/12/2022 Duration: 34min

    Today, I want to identify some things that may lower your confidence and we are going to do less of them. Then I want you to think about some thing that may raise your confidence and we are going to do more of those! It seems really simple when you say it out loud. But this may be holding you back.     Get a 14 day trial for a $1! Gain access to todays' tools, and skills you need to thrive in this shifting economy. Hurry before it's too late!

  • THIS is Teaching Your Kids to Settle [Fix it NOW]

    10/12/2022 Duration: 07min

    There are a lot of parents out there right now who are teaching their kids to have the same insecurities, the same obstacles and the same reactions to stress in life as they do. It's not what you are doing or saying to your kids that is going to instill a sense of high or low confidence in your children, It's what you aren't doing or saying that will make the difference in how they feel about themselves. Actions speak louder than words. If you want your kids to learn how to think for themselves and follow their intuition, and have a better life then listen to this!

  • THIS is Where Courage Starts

    05/12/2022 Duration: 06min

    There are time when you may have thoughts that make you feel like you're winning at life, like you're on fire. Those thoughts give you courage and allow you to do the thing you need to do to gain the confidence you need to succeed. So ask yourself, what are the thoughts that give you courage?

  • Start Focusing on This if You Want to Be Successful

    02/12/2022 Duration: 05min

    So many of us are looking for instant success and not willing to put in the work to get where we need to go. Most times people think that in order for things to change, there has to be major changes in their lives. But there is a compound effect to having success. It's not one big change, it's many little shifts that need to happen. Grab my FREE book The Underdog Advantage - just pay shipping and handling!   

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