Natalie Sisson's Quest For Freedom - Experiments In Personal, Financial, Physical, Business, Relationship And Financial Freed



After 7 years of being obsessed with freedom, bestselling author, TEDx speaker and Chief Adventurer of the multiple six-figure business 'The Suitcase Entrepreneur', Natalie Sisson realised even though she had finally earned a ton of freedom, she didn't truly understand what it meant. So in 2017 she is embarking on a Quest for Freedom, designed to help her, and you, discover what freedom really means. She's taking a business sabbatical, and putting all her years experience of coaching others to build freedom businesses, into the hands of her small but talented team, her systems and sales funnels, to see if they will stand the test of time, so that Natalie can fire herself from her business in April. Join Natalie on her year of becoming a student of life. Each season she'll experiment with a new facet of freedom including personal, physical, relationship and financial freedom, with herself as the guinea pig. Full details at


  • The Power of a Sabbatical

    18/06/2017 Duration: 14min

    Welcome back to Season 2 Episode 3. Today I am going to talk about the power of a sabbatical. What I'm already finding just with two and a half months off my business is that I have finally given myself the space to reflect and to look back on all the accomplishments that I've had so far, that maybe, just maybe, I'd forgotten about. If you are a business owner, you totally know what I am talking about. How often do we pat ourselves on our back and congratulate ourselves on how far we've come? Seven years in business, that's how long it's been since I had my business, since I started officially April 2010 and until I took the timeout and time off of my business, I didn't realize all the things that I'd actually managed to do. The reason why that came about is when I had the down time to not be working on stuff, I took a trip down memory lane and thought about the products and services that I've created since I started, all the blog posts that I've written. I had a few people linking to blog posts from like 201

  • Firing myself

    12/06/2017 Duration: 14min

    Yup I fired myself. That's what I did. April 1st, 2017 I fired myself from my business and went on a business sabbatical. So you may be wondering what prompted me to take a business sabbatical in the first place. Let me take you back to September 2016. I was in Australia speaking at Problogger and staying in this amazing suite Darren Rowse and the team organized for me as a paid speaker. The view was incredible and the hotel complex was too. I was there to do a Tony Robbins style pump up session in between keynotes and also to run a session track on how to have a lucrative sales funnel that converts. Josh was with me and that made it extra special as it was his first real look into my world and the circles I connected with as well as some of my community who were there. I even managed to get in some videos for a Ten Day Freedom Plan Blog challenge with my fave videographer Mick Russell. After that we had some quality time in Byron Bay and a surf session before heading to San Diego, US where Josh was speaking

  • Behind the Scenes of My Business Sabbatical

    31/05/2017 Duration: 15min

    Welcome to Season 2 of Natalie Sisson's Quest for Freedom! I'm delighted to be back and I know you've been missing least 2 people have asked me "Natalie when is your next podcast episode coming out". So thank you to the two of you, I appreciate it. Obviously to talk about a business sabbatical and how you can truly have a profitable business that can technically run without you, you need to experience that in full glory for yourself. Luckily this podcast is about making me the guinea pig of my own experiments in order for us to uncover what true freedom really is. Since the 1st of April I've been on a business sabbatical and in this episode I reveal all. Well almost all, I'll tell you the rest when I'm finished my break from my business. But here's what I will share: What a business sabbatical actually is (and why you get to define this for yourself) Behind the scenes of what really happens when you take time out from your business Then I went on to answer some great questions from a fan on my Faceb

  • The Art of Minimalism

    31/03/2017 Duration: 33min

    There comes a time when you say, "Right. Out!" And that's what happened. I think we all have too much stuff these days." Those were wise words from my Mum, who I decided to bring on for Season 1 Episode 8 of Quest for Freedom. This topic and this podcast today is all about ... The art of minimalism and freeing yourself from stuff. If there's one person who knows how to do that, it's this girl. I think it's a really important topic because whenever I am offloading stuff out of my suitcase, in my life I feel so much freer. I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Which brings me to Christmas time last year, when I gave my sister and my brother-in-law the Christmas present of my time. And what I said I'd do for them is help them clear out their garage. Now I have to say the garage was a complete and utter mess. There was so little room in there, there certainly were no cars, there was just all their stuff. Now my brother-in-law Zanda, has 3 kids from a previous marriage and now they have my lovely

  • Taking a Daily Vacation

    21/03/2017 Duration: 43min

    I've only been in Bali five days and I already feel blissed out. I've had four massages, two meditation sessions, one surf lesson, two yoga lessons and a 4.5 hour pampering session! And I TOTALLY needed this, because the last month or two has been pretty cray-cray. As you may remember in my previous episode called Changing Plans, there's been quite a few plans that have been changed, including now owning a lifestyle property and getting a puppy for my birthday. Yes! My lovely man Josh has gone ahead and put a deposit on a white German Shepherd. So when I get back to New Zealand on April 5th, it's going to be all go - moving into the house, getting it furnished, setting up our new base and waiting on the puppy. I was content to go hard out on the organizing, planning, doing and making shit happen on all fronts, because I knew I'd be having this relax time in Bali, and of course my upcoming business sabbatical starting April 1st. If you've never been to Bali, let me just tell you this island has a very special

  • Hacking Happiness

    15/03/2017 Duration: 32min

    Let's dive into hacking happiness shall's a snippet from me early in the morning when I grabbed my phone and recorded this: So it’s like 4:22 am on a Monday morning in Wellington, New Zealand and I am wide awake, unfortunately, because my mind is going all over the place. And it’s odd because I’ve had thoughts popping in from every single angle and I think this is pretty typical for what happens when you’ve got a lot going on in your head and a lot of the important things are coming off at the same time. And everything that I was thinking about ultimately came back to why timing is so important and how to make the most of every single moment. It was exactly 2 weeks ago yesterday, that Josh and I saw the house that we've now put an offer on that has been accepted. But is still not unconditional, which is the terminology we use in New Zealand to say that absolutely everything is going ahead and that the place will be ours once all the conditions have been met. So basically it is saying there's no way

  • Changing Plans

    08/03/2017 Duration: 27min

    So the Quest for Freedom goes on. I know in this episode I was going to talk about some of the life changing moments that I experienced at New Frontiers and Enspiral Summerfest but given that this episode's name is called "Changing Plans", I've changed my plan for this week! And the reason for that is pretty simple. I've been tossing up between two completely different paths that I can take and as I mentioned to you when I started the Quest for Freedom, I did say there'd be an element of choose your own adventure in it. Now I'm pretty close to making this choice but there is still some sway here, some room for you to have your say. And so, today's episode is about why it's okay to change your mind. Why you can choose to change your mind and why you are free to change your mind. And of course as always I would love your feedback on this episode. It all kind of started recently. If I am really honest I've talked about this decision to take a business sabbatical this year and while I am still doing that, the bus

  • Is Freedom Really Free?

    24/02/2017 Duration: 18min

    For the longest time I’ve been obsessed with freedom. Freedom is my main mission in life, or has been for the greater part of the 7 years. But recently, I have been realizing that my hunt for understanding, defining and having freedom may be completely off track. And that is a huge revelation to have when you have named your new podcast Quest for Freedom, and you think you have all the freedom in the world right? Several weeks ago I saw my friend Conni Biesalski post an update on Facebook about attending Tony Robbin's Date with Destiny. Conni is the Founder of Planetbackpack, has written a book, is a bit of a YouTube star and believes in… holistic lifestyle design slow travel as a spiritual experience connecting with our bodies and souls through healthy clean eating, meditation and yoga opening our hearts through healing and connecting to ourselves So on her Facebook update she wrote: Life will never be the same again. 6 days with Tony Robbins in Florida and I feel like the greatest transformation of my lif

  • Stories we tell ourselves

    16/02/2017 Duration: 14min

    So this April marks a pretty significant moment in my life. I am turning 40 years young. For my birthday, I have decided to gift myself something special. I want to be in the best shape of my life - physically and mentally. Where am I at on that?? Actually pretty close! Which excites me. And it has all come about in the last month or so. I quit telling myself stories that were unhelpful and put myself into the direct spotlight to get serious about committing to this goal. These were stories like: Oh when I am traveling I am surrounded by shitty choices of food Oh I play Ultimate Frisbee and run around so of course I can drink alcohol at tournaments and eat pizza because I am burning it off It does not matter that I am staying up late at night and not getting enough sleep, I am an entrepreneur, I am built tough! Yeah those right there were all big fat lies, told to myself in an attempt to make me feel less guilty about the fact that I was not making any changes in my life. I kept buying chorizo and cheese an

  • Mind your mindfulness

    07/02/2017 Duration: 25min

    For the last 7 years I’ve been running my business The Suitcase Entrepreneur from all over the world, while living out of the suitcase and going on adventures. This year, in 2017, I’ve decided to fire myself. Yup, that’s right. I am quitting. I am taking a business sabbatical from my own business and instead I am taking YOU on a Quest for Freedom. Your freedom. I'm so freakin excited to do this. To understand why the heck I am, here's a bit of backstory into me. This is actually taken from my TEDx talk last year called ‘The Surprising Truth About Freedom’ (feel free to just watch from 12:12-15:44). Why tune into this podcast? After watching, I hope you can understand why I’ve named this podcast Natalie Sisson’s Quest for Freedom, because as I mentioned, I’m on a hunt to understand what freedom really is. This podcast is part audio journal, part narrative and part ‘choose your own adventure’. It will be divided into Seasons (just like on TV) and each season will be a different quest around freedom. I’m starti

  • What is a quest?

    31/01/2017 Duration: 16min

    For the last 7 years I’ve been running my business The Suitcase Entrepreneur from all over the world, while living out of the suitcase and going on adventures. This year, in 2017, I’ve decided to fire myself. Yup, that’s right. I am quitting. I am taking a business sabbatical from my own business and instead I am taking YOU on a Quest for Freedom.  Your freedom.  I'm so freakin excited to do this. To understand why the heck I am, here's a bit of backstory into me. This is actually taken from my TEDx talk last year called ‘The Surprising Truth About Freedom’ (feel free to just watch from 12:12-15:44). Why tune into this podcast? After watching, I hope you can understand why I’ve named this podcast Natalie Sisson’s Quest for Freedom, because as I mentioned, I’m on a hunt to understand what freedom really is. This podcast is part audio journal, part narrative and part ‘choose your own adventure’. It will be divided into Seasons (just like on TV) and each season will be a different quest around freedom. I’m start

  • [300] Three Words That Will Make 2017 The Best Year Ever

    16/01/2017 Duration: 20min

    Each year, I pick one word which explains what I want the next year to look, be, feel and sound like, and focuses me in on those intentions. But this year, after reading a great email from Mike Vardy on this matter, who took it from Chris Brogan, I’m picking three words that will make 2017 the best year ever for me. Before I tell you the three words, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart, dear freedomist, for listening in to my podcast every single week. I can’t believe that this is episode 300, and I wanted to let you know that this will be the last ever podcast in this format. I will be relaunching and rebranding this podcast to Natalie Sisson’s Quest For Freedom this January 2017 (but you won't have to change a thing if you're already subscribed to it as I'm using the same feed on iTunes, Stitcher, iHeart Radio and beyond. It will be a narrative format podcast, where I will talk about topics that I want to and that you want me to, and have conversations with people on topics related to Freedom. I

  • [299] 17 Ways to Make 2017 Your Best Year Yet

    29/12/2016 Duration: 27min

    I’m ready to have a rocking 2017, are you? As 2016 rolls to a close, I thought we could all do with a healthy cocktail of inspiration, motivation, practical advice, and actionable tips. So I reached out to 16 of your favorite previous guests on my show and asked them what their one piece of advice was to have the most successful year ever. From Chris Guillebeau to Michael Port to Jill Stanton to Matthew Kimberley, they all delivered in spades. In this episode I asked the question: What do you need to make 2017 your most successful year ever? Here’s what you’re going to learn: How to figure out how to set goals in alignment with your higher purpose Top advice on reverse engineering your success How to really niche down and stop using a one stop solution for everyone How to develop the capability to create a bigger impact by taking on more responsibility A productivity trick to create a year’s worth of content in just a few days A simple tactic to align your thoughts with your actions so you can achieve big go

  • [298] How to Achieve Whatever you Want with Michael Gerber

    26/12/2016 Duration: 41min

    Is selling the business you love the only way to achieve whatever you want? Michael Gerber, the author of the New York Times bestseller, The E-Myth Revisited, says it is. He says you should be thinking about scaling and selling your small business, even before you start. No wonder he calls himself the Chief Aggravator! In this final interview on my podcast, it seemed fitting to talk about thinking about selling you business before you even begin it, and why you want to scale and grow your business if you ever want to be successful. There were moments when Michael certainly 'aggravated me' as my thoughts around this, with my impending business sabbatical, definitely differ, but in some areas I certainly agree with his thinking. And so do tens of millions of others who have bought his book and followed his work over the 40 years he's been wanting to change the face of small business, the world over. Michael has always wanted small business owners to think of their business as a turnkey business that can be cust

  • [297] The Future Trends You Need To Know

    17/12/2016 Duration: 25min

    The future is here. Most of the things we used to think of as science fiction are slowly becoming a reality. (Okay, maybe we aren’t anywhere close to traveling back in time, like Marty McFly and Doc Brown, but you know what I mean) Artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and self-driving cars are all here. Within a few years, these new technologies will permeate every part of our lives; just like smartphones and the internet today. With the rate at which innovations are coming, does it even make sense to create a business plan? For all you know, your business model might cease to exist next year. In 1998, Kodak had almost a monopolistic control on the photography industry. But they went bankrupt a few years after that, and are just known as the photography pioneers of the bygone era. I bring all this up because I received an email about what’s headed our way in the future. And it got me thinking about my business and planning my ideal year. In this episode, I will share with you the email that got me thinki

  • [296] Shifting Your Mindset and Beliefs For The New Year with Osmaan Sharif

    13/12/2016 Duration: 47min

    As we head into 2017, it's the time of year where you want to shake things up, shift your mindset and start off the New Year with a bang. December is the perfect time to stop, reflect, and make changes for the coming year based on what you've found did and didn't work in 2016. You also want to look at setting meaningful goals that you will actually achieve and there's no better way to do this, then to look at what you set for yourself this year - and whether you hit those or fell short. An important part of this, which goes beyond creating a "wish list" for 2017, is a deep dive into looking at the beliefs that you hold, that guide your actions and then, consider which ones may have been holding you back this whole time. What stories have been telling yourself that are no longer serving your purpose? For me, with the new website, new systems, and my upcoming business sabbatical, it's actually helped me clean up over 6 years of business files, products, plans and processes, as well some of my beliefs. It has be

  • [295] The 3 Step Process To Writing and Self Publishing Your Next Book with Chandler Bolt

    13/12/2016 Duration: 39min

    Writing and self-publishing a book can feel BIG and OVERWHELMING can't it. That's why 95% of people never get that idea out of their head and into a book. But it doesn't have to be. There are over a million books on Amazon that people have written and published. Regular people just like you and me are behind those books. You don't have to be a great writer,  you don't have to be a super master expert on a subject, and you don't have to have a fully fleshed out idea to get started. The key is to have a system to break down the process in actionable steps - wherever it is that you're starting. Chandler Bolt is has the self-publishing process dialed in. He's a five–time best–selling author and helps others plan and write books as well. In today's podcast episode, Chandler and I talk about everything from limiting beliefs to his three step writing process. We chat about success and failure, and accountability and doing more of what works. Listen in to this episode to learn about: Chandler's journey from c level

  • [293] How To Flip The Script On Your Mindset with Danny Flood

    13/12/2016 Duration: 40min

    Mindset is everything. Am I right? It's one thing to know your mindset needs work, and another to put in the work to look at things in a different way. Inner demons, disempowering stories, a "lack" perspective - these can all be part of the default human condition if we let them. But, we don't have to let our beliefs hold us back. In fact, we can shift our beliefs at anytime we choose. In today's podcast episode, Danny Flood shares his journey with shifting his mindset and taking control of his life and business (not to mention a few awesome travel hacks).   Listen in to this episode to learn about: How to flip the script on your internal dialogue and mindset Why perspective is everything and what you can do to change yours How to set specific and purposeful goals What do if you're doubting your path What mindstorming is and how to do it Subscribe: iTunes | Android | RSS [Tweet "Does your mindset need a check in?"] Key Resources I mention or add value to this podcast: Check out Danny's work at Open World M

  • [292] How To Make 2017 Your Best Year Yet

    13/12/2016 Duration: 28min

    What does your best year ever look like in 2017 for you? More of the same? More reacting, more chaos, more wishing you had time for the things you really love? Planning can seem, at times, to fly in the face of spontaneity and adventure but I challenge you to think of it in a different way. Planning actually makes space for spontaneity and adventure.  When you plan properly, you can create space in your life and business so you can really enjoy your free time. In this episode, I share some reflections on 2016 and my big announcement for 2017 (Facebook Live video) and how planning your ideal year can set you up for, exactly that, your ideal year! Listen in to this episode to learn about: Why planning out your year is absolutely crucial My big announcement about my what I'm doing with 2017 Why gratitude continues to be central to everything Why you can't ignore that quiet inner voice Subscribe: iTunes | Android | RSS [Tweet "Do you have your 2017 plan dialed in?"] Key Resources I mention or add value to this

  • [294] Globetrotting and Business Building with Sonia Simone

    26/11/2016 Duration: 39min

    It's one thing to get by with your business moving around the globe - it's another entirely to co-build a thriving business like Copyblogger from a laptop. Sonia Simone has been absolutely killing it in the copywriting world and has recently moved her life to Rome. Making her way from freelancer to co-founding Copyblogger was no easy task and in this week's podcast episode, Sonia shares her journey as well as some of her top tips for getting more clients and how relocating has shifted her business. Listen in to this episode to learn about: Sonia's journey from a corporate world to copywriting as a freelancer and building up a business in a very competitive niche How to differentiate yourself and get more clients What prompted her to move to Italy and how that's affected her business, working style, and daily flow How she became a co-founder of Copyblogger How to get acquainted and settled in a new country The pros and cons of being location independent Subscribe: iTunes | Android | RSS [Tweet "How to upleve

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