

So the Quest for Freedom goes on. I know in this episode I was going to talk about some of the life changing moments that I experienced at New Frontiers and Enspiral Summerfest but given that this episode's name is called "Changing Plans", I've changed my plan for this week! And the reason for that is pretty simple. I've been tossing up between two completely different paths that I can take and as I mentioned to you when I started the Quest for Freedom, I did say there'd be an element of choose your own adventure in it. Now I'm pretty close to making this choice but there is still some sway here, some room for you to have your say. And so, today's episode is about why it's okay to change your mind. Why you can choose to change your mind and why you are free to change your mind. And of course as always I would love your feedback on this episode. It all kind of started recently. If I am really honest I've talked about this decision to take a business sabbatical this year and while I am still doing that, the bus