Hypnosis | Hypnotherapy | Life Coaching | Meditations And Self Help By Mike Sweet And Paula Sweet



Free Full Length Hypnotherapy And Life Coaching audios to allow you to live your life without limits., whatever your current struggle. Each podcast has Practical Tips and Advice to become more mindful to assist you in overcoming an ever growing variety of issues that affect peoples lives. Become a master of your emotions and lifestyle by incorporating these self help tips, hypnosis and meditation practices that have been transforming peoples lives for decades.


  • 132 - Start Eating Fruit and Veg for Better Health

    09/03/2017 Duration: 35min

    This is session number 132 of the Absolute Mind podcast and this show is all about overcoming the fear and anxiety around eating more fruit and vegetables. This show was decided upon due to a request on Facebook so thank you for that. You know who you are. Remember guys, we are real people, we do reply, and we do exist. Come and connect with us on Facebook www.Facebook.com/absoluteminduk The Offer from The Podcast Interestingly, those of you who are regular listeners probably don't realise quite how much of a tribe you are all a part of. The Absolute Mind podcast has been downloaded over 820,000.00 as of the 9th March 2017 and we are currently on a growth rate of 3200 extra downloads per day. So here is my ask, Who do you know who you can share this podcast with? I don't care if you like us on Facebook and share it with your friends or tell them, email them and ask them to become a part of the Absolute Mind community. So one things for sure, this podcast is extremely popular and I think is about time we all g

  • 131 - Overcoming OCD and Getting on With Life Normally

    07/03/2017 Duration: 30min

    This is session number 131 of the Absolute Mind podcast and this show is all about overcoming OCD and getting on with your life normally. Obsessive compulsive disorders can be extremely limiting. The impulse or feeling that OCD creates around different areas of our lives can make a living day to day normally feel impossible. In this podcast, I outline some simple tips and strategies that you can actively begin to work on to aim to overcome OCD. The end of this podcast, also has a hypnotherapy session to help guide you through this process. Before we dive into this podcast, Paula and I have been actively promoting a weight loss package offer on this podcast. The most popular podcast out of all of these so far, has been the weight loss Hypnosis session with 48220 downloads to date. Here is the Podcast Weight Loss Offer Page Also Connect with us on Facebook.com/absoluteminduk But so many of you contacted us to say that you'd like a bit more help with weight loss, and asked for a more rounded weight loss program.

  • 130 - Getting Closer to Your Goals by Getting Things Done

    03/03/2017 Duration: 29min

    This is session number 130 of the Absolute Mind podcast, and this show is all about getting things done and getting closer to your goals. We all have goals that we want to achieve, or things that we absolutely would love to get done. However our life seemed to be bombarded with things that we need to get done, rather than things that we want to get done. I'm going to outline 8 tips here for you to feel more focused and get the things that matter to you done. After all, if you do that, you're far more likely to achieve your goals. Tip 1: Plan Okay, sorry to start with the most boring one, but you've heard the saying, if you fail to plan then you plan to fail. But look at it this way, when you plan, you set your intention on what is that you want to do. There's another caveat to planning which is also beneficial. Whenever you plan an activity ahead of time, your brain will carry on looking for ways to maximise the output of what you plan, before you carry out that work. Therefore, not only are you being more pr

  • 129 - Becoming a Better Version of You

    02/03/2017 Duration: 35min

    This is session number 129 of the Absolute Mind podcast and this session is all about becoming a better version of you. Now this seems to be quite an abstract title and reason to want to listen to this, but you'd be extremely surprised that there are large numbers of people who just want to be better, yet they can't seem to describe what better is. So a better version of yourself really does sum it up. I'm going to give you six tips here of things you can do to try and make yourself a better, more enhanced version of yourself. Remember, don't try and think this as you are becoming perfect, it's simply a matter of improving and pushing yourself, because so much in life is about pushing yourself. Take education, exercise, and even mental quizzes are all ways of pushing ourselves beyond our own boundaries. And I think from a healthy psychological point of view this is a good thing. Tip 1: Be nice to yourself The very first part about becoming a better version of yourself is stopping the negative self talk. Sure,

  • 128 - Better Relationships by Letting go of Frustration

    01/03/2017 Duration: 33min

    This is session number 128 of the absolute mind podcast and this show is all about letting go of frustration that we have when we are in relationships. When relationships are brand-new we feel quite relaxed about another person's quirks and personality. But as time goes by, and we lived with our partners, the smallest of issues can really begin to grate us. This frustration over the smallest things can ultimately ruin a relationship. In this podcast I'm going to go through several tips and techniques for you to become more forgiving, and not put so much emphasis on those small quirks that really do make you become frustrated. The interesting part is most people in relationships do feel frustrated by their partners for the tiniest little things. So much so, in that if you were to talk to another person about what bothers you, it might seem really insignificant, but to you, there's nothing more frustrating. Tip 1: Does it really matter? Does it really matter, is an interesting question because of course it matt

  • 127 - Control the Amount of Alcohol You Drink

    28/02/2017 Duration: 33min

    This is session number 127 of the Absolute Mind podcast and this show is all about how to Control the Amount of Alcohol You Drink. As most of you know Paula and I are therapists and deal with people's one-to-one issues on a regular basis. Drinking is something that comes up frequently because it can be so detrimental whenever a person relies upon alcohol. The purpose of this podcast though, is to give you some tips and insights on ways you can control the amount of alcohol you drink. The reason I think this is important is because our society uses alcohol in many ways to celebrate and be joyful, and in the right amounts, is not harmful or dangerous to most people. So the aim of this podcast is to allow you to regain your control over alcohol. It's also for those who feel that you have a dependence on alcohol, and for those of you who not only drink alcohol when you're happy, but also do when you're sad, stressed, excited, celebrating and even drowning sorrows. So here are 7 quick tips to allow you to regain c

  • 126 - Find Your Happy | Tips to Happiness

    27/02/2017 Duration: 34min

    This is session number 126 of the Absolute Mind podcast and this session is all about finding your happy. For so many happiness eludes them, in this show I'll share some tips and insights into happiness and how you can apply them. Surely, happiness needs to be everyone's number one biggest goal. Because if you're able to achieve happiness, then nothing else matters. Is an interesting though, that so many people seem to value things like success, recognition, outcomes, and even financial recognition over happiness? This podcast I'm going to go through several principles and proven ideas that could allow you to feel more happy, more often. Tip 1: Find your uniqueness! This has to be first and foremost because I believe that different things make different people happy. Therefore it's absolute paramount you discover what it is that you so desire that will allow you to feel happy. Think about it for a moment but don't pay any attention to what you think others might feel, or judge about what you uniquely feel wou

  • 125 - Public Speaking Hypnosis Master Class

    07/02/2017 Duration: 34min

    This is session number 125 of the Absolute Mind Podcast and this show is all about overcoming fear associated with Public Speaking. Public Speaking, also called (Glossophobia) is said to be the thing most people fear, it's so bad, public speaking ranks higher than dying in the top list of phobias. Wow. Public speaking fear is complex, but the very first issue is the biggest. Whether petrified, nervous, anxious or even excited, non of these feeling are conducive to effective public speaking. But everyone, regardless of their experience will have some of these feelings before giving a speech. Here are a list of just 5 of the reasons people struggle 1. Nerves Everyone will feel then to some level. Expecting to feel nothing is not possible. 2. Judging you Regardless of your audience, regardless of how many people you are addressing. you're just not that important that people will sit and judge you. Everyone is in their own world. Plus, would they want to address the worlds biggest phobia? 3. Performance If you're

  • 124 - Extreme Laziness and Procrastination

    26/01/2017 Duration: 26min

    This is session number 124 of the Absolute Mind podcast and this show is all about being lazy. This is something we can all feel like from time to time. But, for those of us who have this in a bad way. Life is hard. Where to start with Laziness. The first thing is first. You get what you expect. If you think you are lazy, then, ta daa. you will be. It's impossible to hold a belief about yourself about being lazy, only to find you start to get more things done. We're not wired that way. Your expectation creates your reality. So, in order for you to get past this, you have to give yourself a way out. This isn't talking positively to yourself, it isn't about positive affirmations. You're too clever for that the other voices will kick in and bring you right back down to level ground, quicker that you can say, "lazy butt". It's about reasons and changes. These can and will act as a placebo. You see, if you decide as of Monday (all new things start on a Monday). That you will start to drink 2L of water per day, bec

  • 123 - Quitting Smoking With Hypnosis

    26/01/2017 Duration: 31min

    This is session number 123 of the Absolute Mind podcast and this show is all about quitting smoking using hypnosis. Using hypnosis to quit smoking is probably the 2nd most popular reason people enquire for 1-2-1 sessions. In the past 20 years people all over the world have quit their lifelong smoking habit in only a few short hypnosis sessions. The results can seen very miraculous. But, there needs to be a strong desire to quit before you look to hypnosis as a real solution. Its there to offer you help and assistance and not "make you quit." So, desire is the key, hypnosis is a tool to help you on your way. There are several main reasons people decide to quit smoking. And as you may expect, there is a common theme. The main reasons to become a non-smoker are as follows: Health - the science is clear now. Smoking is super bad for our health. In the very early days of cigarettes. Smoking was shown to be sexy, smart, and even beneficial to our health. Damn those marketeers. Lol. Money - 10, 20 and even 40 per d

  • 122 - New Year Living In The Now

    19/01/2017 Duration: 39min

    This is session number 122 of the Absolute Mind Podcast and is the second one of 2017. I've already heard people say how fast this year is going. Scary, but true. Another year has gone and as we all say, "that went fast". The older we get the faster the years seem to pass. And as morbid as it seems we really only get one go at this. As technology increases we find ourselves living in a virtual world. Our social lives are becoming very anti social. We turn to screens before we think to turn to people. This is the world that's becoming real to us all. So what's the answer? For the last few years you will have heard how Mindfulness is on the rise. The idea of mindfulness is simple to bring all of the benefits of meditation, simply to all. Mindfulness is a small practice of becoming the observer. This very simple practice allows us back to the now. And as we all know the now is where we all are, and most importantly, where we should spend more time and gain all we can from this one and only live. There are a few

  • 121 - 5 Weight Loss Tips To Help In 2017

    17/01/2017 Duration: 45min

    Welcome to session number 121 of the Absolute Mind Podcast. This is the first of 2017 and its only right we start off with the most topical subject. Weight Loss. This is without a doubt the biggest new year's resolution this year as it is every year. People all over the world will be setting themselves goals to get the body of their dreams. Well, at least lose a few pounds and get into those old clothes. So why if weight loss is so important do so many people fail in their diet attempts. Well, I certainly won’t be answering that question because that really is the million dollar question. But, I certainly can help give you some hints and tips of why weight loss is so difficult and perhaps what you can do in order to stack the odds in your favour. Let’s have a look at some of the reasons and why, and what we can do about them.

  • 120 - 6 Things You Need To Know About Depression

    15/11/2016 Duration: 42min

    OK don't shoot the messenger just yet. I'm about to tell you depression may not actually be real. Let me add some more clarity to this seemingly ridiculous statement. Being depressed is real and is detrimental to anyone. But, having depression isn't real. This paradigm is also really helpful if you are dealing with times of depression. From a Psychological point of view have a think about the difference between, feeling depressed and having depression? If you have depression it somehow seems more fixed and something that you own, but being depressed has an element of temporary to it. You can be too cold, you can be too hot and we all know that its not a permanent thing. If you are have depression, how do you not have it? We are wired to understand how to gain and lose things. If we want to not have something, how do we rid ourselves of it?  We have to sell it, lose it, transfer the rights to it and so on. And I bet my bottom dollar you'd struggle to find a buyer for your depression! So, the first and most imp

  • 119 - Meditation and Mindfulness - Spending Time to Make Time

    31/10/2016 Duration: 22min

    This is episode number 119 of the absolute my podcast and this podcast is all about meditation and mindfulness. And how spending some time on these will actually give you more time back. There are so many reasons why meditation on mindfulness should be incorporated into your daily life. Not only will the time invested be repaid back in many more ways, but you also begin to feel differently to. There are so me celebrities, and people within the public eye who initially didn't think that mindfulness or meditation would be for them. But once they tried it, they realised that not only is it simple to adopt, but it's not a case of whether it's for you or not, mindfulness meditation has a place in everybody's life, and it's absolutely worth adopting into yours. In this episode I give two examples of mindfulness meditation is for you to begin to adopt into your daily routine. The first one is just over a minute long so you really do have no excuses. lol The second is a bit longer, however it's a nice simple process

  • 118 - Hypnosis for Fertility

    29/10/2016 Duration: 32min

    Hypnosis for fertility. Really? Naturally, as a hypnotherapist, I really regard hypnosis as a serious treatment for infertility in many cases. Some would go as far as saying hypnosis can complete cure infertility regardless of the reason. For me personally, I find that too much of a stretch to contemplate at the moment. The first question I get asked, is how can hypnosis really help improve fertility? The first angle to this is simple. Extreme stress and anxiety makes it very difficult to fall pregnant. Let's face it, the body is clever enough to realise that if it's busy fighting extreme stresses and anxious situations that it's probably best that a new life is brought into that. So simply put hypnosis is amazing at producing relaxation and calming the central nervous system, this in turn reduces anxiety and overall levels of stress. This gets rid of one of the reasons people struggle to fall pregnant, stress.

  • 117 - Erectile Dysfunction - Is it all in your head

    29/10/2016 Duration: 33min

    Probably one of the most embarrassing times in any man's life. Suffering with erectile dysfunction is no laughing matter, however, it does seem to be a problem that most men will face at some point during their lifetime. Suffering with erectile dysfunction is more than just a physical issue, it massively mental effects the person too. And if the man who is suffering is a relationship, then it will definitely have a detrimental effect on the other person also, we can't help ourselves, and it would only be natural for the partner to begin to blame themselves too. There are quite a few things that you need to know about erectile dysfunction. First and foremost, erectile dysfunction is largely based psychosomatic condition. Thus dealing with the temporary psychological parts as well as attending to the physical connection is absolutely imperative.

  • 116 - Stopping Biting Your Nails

    29/10/2016 Duration: 33min

    Nailbiting is one of those habits that can affect your life in so many areas. If you're sat at home watching TV biting your nails on your own then fill your boots and chomp away. After all, the only real side-effect there is grotty picked looking nails and sore nail beds. But, for those people who bite their nails while they're out on dates, during meetings at work, standing in line in the shopping centre, nail-biting can become a real big problem. This isn't necessarily factually correct, but I bet most people have bitten their nails at some point in their life, is quite a functional thing to do, a quick chomp on and it and we can have that extra long nail back down to size in no time at all. But when you bite your nails every single day, and they sore and you are aware that your fingers are always in your mouth then this seemingly small habit needs to change.  

  • 115: Beating Your Caffeine Addiction

    29/08/2016 Duration: 37min

    The world loves coffee. It's amazing how popular coffee has become. Coffee is the most popular drink worldwide and around two billion cups are drunk every day.  Are you a coffee addict? Is it time you feel like you again but without the help of coffee. Do you even remember when you were last caffeine free for a 2/3 weeks or more? Caffeine withdrawal symptoms are real and the process can be very challenging. This hypnosis audio can be a companion on your journey to be caffeine free.  Using caffeine just to operate your day to day is a sure sign that things need to change. Once rid of caffeine, assuming you're medically and clinically fine. You will begin to feel more energised and vibrant.  Resetting your internal chemicals and hormones is not a simple task, but it's very worthwhile once you come out of the other side.

  • 114: Better Sleep Insomnia Plan Hypnosis

    22/08/2016 Duration: 32min

    Welcome to podcast 114 covering insomnia and sleep problems. Did you know that a lack of sleep can cause many problems not only to your mental state but to your physical health too? Insomnia is one of the biggest issues we deal with in our practice with 1-2-1 sessions and we have helped many clients overcome this issue with techniques you can do easily yourself allowing you to gain control over your sleep patterns. AMAZING OFFER CHECK OUT THE SLEEP PLAN www.absolutemind.co.uk/sleep With easy techniques and hypnosis, you can begin to sleep better and feel refreshed every morning ready to take on the world head on! The podcast cover a hypnosis session as always but to allow us to offer you some real value we have also compiled a package for you to purchase which gives you 2 x hypnosis session both with binaural background tracks, 2 x mindfulness tracks, a 10 step actionable plan for the best possible chance of a great nights sleep. You can see this sleep plan here www.absolutemind.co.uk/sleep    

  • BONUS - Update on Absolute Mind and What's Coming

    15/08/2016 Duration: 25min

    As you all know were over 110 shows and downloaded all over the world, which is amazing. But we know we're aren't offering the value we want to be. Hypnosis can only be so effective in isolation, and over the years me and Paula have accumulated 1000's of hours or 1-2-1 therapy sessions and now is the time for us to offer you more value. This session also has a relaxation audio which starts at 11.00 minutes into the audio. Keep posted for the new offers and the new podcast all upcoming. Remember, Do not listen to this podcast anytime you're driving, operating machinery or any other time you need to remain fully alert and awake.

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