Anxiety Slayer



Anxiety Relief Podcast: tips and tools to help you calm anxiety, stress, PTSD, and panic attacks. Calm Your Anxiety - Heal Your Mind - Live Your Life


  • Relax Your Impatient Mind

    06/10/2010 Duration: 04min

    Shann talks about the importance and practice of taking time out to relax your mind.

  • The Bumble Bee Breath

    29/09/2010 Duration: 05min

    This podcast shares a Yoga breathing technique that's helpful in calming the mind and helping with clarity and concentration - two things that anxiety can really affect. For more self help anxiety techniques, please visit our stress and anxiety relief download page on

  • Taking a Break

    22/09/2010 Duration: 05min

    Shann talks about how she's learned to respond to mental overload by taking time out for self-care and offers some refreshing words of advice on how we can all benefit from examining what's going on in our lives and recognising our need to take good care of ourselves.

  • 5 Stress Management Tools I Learned from Spying on Calm People

    15/09/2010 Duration: 07min

    How many times have you reacted to stress by blurting out a harsh response and escalating the situation? It can be hard not to. If you're already simmering then any extra little stress is going to provoke a spurt of steam, sometimes your steam just evaporates into the air, but sometimes it scalds people around you and that's not a good thing. So how can you stop those spontaneous eruptions? One way is to gather a selection of stress relief techniques and play around with them. There are a whole variety of ways to deal with challenges and frustrations, and it feels wonderful to know that you can break old patterns and grow new responses that are truly inline with who you want to be. It's often helpful, when you want to learn a new skill, to look out for other people who've already mastered it. If you know someone who's able to keep cool, calm and collected no matter what's going on around them watch them! You can look at their posture, and their breathing as well as listen and look out for more obvious signs

  • Fluid Meditation

    08/09/2010 Duration: 04min

    Shann shares a beautiful meditation exercise for soothing stress and anxiety.

  • Emotional Awareness - Taking Time Out to Stop a Funk

    01/09/2010 Duration: 06min

    This guided process shares a series of steps that can help you acknowledge and then dissolve negative emotions whenever you find yourself in a funk.

  • Meditation for The Fully Realized Woman

    25/08/2010 Duration: 02min

    In this week's podcast Shann reads a beautiful poem by Karen Andes, music by Ananga. I am a beautiful woman, with beauty that doesn’t wash off. I earned it, unearthed it, rescued it like a jewel in the dust, picked it up and made it shine. For years I did not see it, though I sensed it was there.  Now it dazzles and thrives. I am healthy, capable, independent, strong yet still so fragile, floored by a sigh. My body is that of a creator … angles meeting curves, hardness drifting into soft. I am a mother, daughter, sister, lover to myself.  Embraceable and brave, I extend my heart. My body is home, my home a shrine to life, comfortable, warm and rich with treasures. Mine is the scent of hot spices caught in a breeze, mine the laughter that wings through the door. I share myself only with those who honor me as I am and protect myself, my house, and my time from invaders. I search for my center in the midst of chaos, practice peace as wild dogs clamor in my mind. I use power for the greater good, relea

  • Joy Spotting

    18/08/2010 Duration: 03min

    In this podcast Shann reminds us to keep a look ot for the little things that bring us joy every day.

  • The Doorman: You Get to Choose What's Allowed in Your Head

    11/08/2010 Duration: 07min

    Ayurveda teaches that we have several layers to our sensitive and vulnerable minds. In this podcast Ananga talks about discovering your inner doorman and how the choices you make in every area of your life affect your personal sense of peace. This podcast is a further explanation of the topics covered in Shann and Ananga's Senses Sensibilities discussion. We welcome your comments and invite you to share this podcast with your friends. Thank you for your support.

  • Senses & Sensibility

    04/08/2010 Duration: 35min

    Shann and Ananga discuss how our senses can disturb our minds when they have too much incoming information to process and how we can develop awareness of what's affecting us and make better choices that help protect and calm the mind.

  • Changing Your Anxiety Equation

    28/07/2010 Duration: 08min

    Most of us have an equation for anxiety running beneath our awareness. Little things that add up without us noticing until we feel a jolt of anxiety. In this podcast Ananga talks about noticing and changing the little things so that you can enjoy feeling more calm and in control of your anxiety.

  • 7 Steps to Cultivating Peace

    21/07/2010 Duration: 03min

    In this podcast Shann shares seven steps to cultivating more peace in your life.

  • Witnessing part 2: Finding Peace & Freedom from Vampires

    14/07/2010 Duration: 21min

    How much attention do you pay to what's coming into your mind via your choices in entertainment and the company you keep? In part two of their discussion on witnessing, Shann and Ananga talk about how you can find pause to pay attention to your needs and upgrade your life experience.

  • Witnessing part 1: Self-Study & Self-Healing with Ayurveda

    07/07/2010 Duration: 19min

    In this podcast Shann and Ananga continue their discussion on what the wisdom of Ayurveda can offer each and every one of us in reducing stress and anxiety. Here they talk about developing awareness of what causes us stress and how we can learn to adjust and take good care of ourselves.

  • Preview: Yoga Nidra

    04/07/2010 Duration: 02min

    We hope you enjoy this sample of our guided Yoga Nidra relaxation. Let stress and anxiety melt away with this gentle yoga relaxation designed to help you ease your body and mind into rest and recharge mode. The full version of this guided relaxation is available in the Anxiety Slayer Store at

  • Poem: Live Each Day to the Fullest


    Shann reads the inspirational poem: Live Each Day to the Fullest by S. H. Payer. Music by Ananga Live Each Day to the Fullest Live each day to the fullest. Get the most from each hour, each day, and each age of your life. Then you can look forward with confidence, and back without regrets. Be yourself... but be your best self. Dare to be different and follow your own star. Don't be afraid to be happy ...enjoy what is beautiful. Love with all your heart and soul. Believe that those you love, love you. When you are faced with decision, make that decision as wisely as possible, then forget it. The moment of absolute certainty never arrives. And above all, remember that God helps those who help themselves. Act as if everything depended on you And pray as if everything depended on God. ~ SH Payer

  • The Slayer Sessions: How Well Do You Know Your Mind?

    23/06/2010 Duration: 35min

    Following on from their previous discussions on Ayurveda's wisdom for coping with stress and anxiety, Shann and Ananga share clues for how you can discover your Ayurvedic mind type and use this new-found knowledge to build more peace and tranquility in your life.

  • Navigating the Four Stages of Transition

    16/06/2010 Duration: 06min

    "Any transition serious enough to alter your definition of self will require not just small adjustments in your way of living and thinking, but a full on metamorphosis." Martha Beck Shann talks about understanding the stages of transition and how to support yourself along the way.

  • How are You Discharging Your Stress

    09/06/2010 Duration: 03min

    Ananga shares her observation of some unconscious stress release rituals and talks about developing awareness of our own stress and how we might be releasing it.

  • Preview: Natural Release - Progressive Muscle relaxation

    06/06/2010 Duration: 03min

    Muscle tension goes hand in hand with stress and anxiety. When tension goes unnoticed in your body it can bring on headaches, general muscle pain, and fatigue. This simple stress relief download shows you how to quickly release tension and become relaxed and comfortable in minutes. If you enjoy this preview, we invite you to download the full meditation in the Anxiety Slayer Store.

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