The Advanced Selling Podcast: Sales Training | Leadership Coaching | B2b Sales Strategy | Prospecting Tips



Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale: B2B sales trainers for the past twenty years share their strategies, frameworks, tips and tricks to help you leverage your talent, grow your skills and create your own sales success. You'll discover how you can shift your mindset, win with prospects and build long-term relationships with your clients so you can thrive and advance in your career. Bill and Bryan's approach to sales is funny, often quirky and always real. Their work has allowed them to help sales professionals, managers and leaders at hundreds of companies all over the world implement successful strategies and build profitable sales teams. Prospecting, sales communication, buyer resistance, proposals and RFPs, pricing, cold calling, sales forecasting, pain points, psychology, positioning, deal coaching, goal setting, leading and managing, achieving your goals and all the other things that work (and don't work) in the world of sales to help you be the best possible version of yourself.


  • Sales Managers: Assessing Your Sales Team

    06/05/2008 Duration: 14min

    If you’re a sales manager you’re going to love this epsiode because Bill and Bryan talk about how to train/coach your sales team on two very important topics. Even though most sales managers don’t invest tons of time in training (they probably should) there are many coaching moments that happen between manager and seller. They address the thinking behind some of these strategic changes. On the other hand, if you’re a sales person, you will still get plenty of content from this episode, because they address two issues that hold people back – whom you call on at your prospect company and how you think about prospecting.

  • Can Sales and Marketing Co-exist?

    17/04/2008 Duration: 12min

    Can sales and marketing co-exist and work TOGETHER in a company? Many find angst and tension between these two functions. Our guests today shed light on how Yin and Yang, cats and dogs, and even sales and marketing people can work together...productively.

  • Ego In The Way?

    15/04/2008 Duration: 08min

    Well, no one ever admits that their ego gets in the way of success. Especially sales people--for it comes with the territory that you need a big ego to be successful in sales. Or does it? We think there are several questions you should ask in the sales process. But you won't be able to if you have your ego out of balance. In this episode, Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale give you several questions you should ask and give you a way to get the rest of the questions via email.

  • Selling to the Large Account

    20/03/2008 Duration: 10min

    Everyone wants to sell to large accounts. Is there any magic to it? Do you need a whale net to catch them? Well, there is some magic, and while we don’t review ALL the steps in this podcast, this is a start of how to begin thinking about your pursuit of the large account. Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale talk about pursuing the large account. You can also go to google video and search on Advanced Selling Podcast to see the video version of this.

  • What Customers Expect From Salespeople

    17/03/2008 Duration: 23min

    Do you really know what your customers want from a sales professional? You might be surprised! In this podcast, Bill Caskey speaks with George Grubb, President of G&S Research, about what customers value from vendors. George works in the pharmaceutical industry, however much of what he has learned is directly applicable to sales of any kind. He also talks about the sales person of the future—and what attributes he/she will have.

  • How to Influence Another Person

    05/03/2008 Duration: 13min

    In this podcast, Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale go back into our last teleseminar and select three questions that they get all the time: 1-How do you handle a follow up call after a networking event; 2-How to "get" someone to call you back; 3-How do you handle it when you are selling an off brand? They spend a few minutes on each question--and of course, a few minutes trying to bring humor to the episode. You can also see this episode on YouTube. Go there and search on "Advanced Selling Podcast."

  • The Gender Question: Should You Change How You Sell?

    26/02/2008 Duration: 17min

    Do you sell to women differently than you sell to men? Hmmm. Interesting question that we deal with in today’s podcast. Bill and Bryan speak with Brooke Green, one of our consultants, about the gender approach to selling. Being a woman in sales, she gets this question all the time from both her male and female clients. She also introduces the podcast audience to a new endeavor that will interest half the people who listen!

  • Selling Your Way to the White House

    11/02/2008 Duration: 12min

    Can we learn something from the presidential candidates? Or, can they learn something from great salespeople? Well, we think the latter. In this podcast, Bill and Bryan take a look at the communication styles of those running for president and bring us some lessons in substance and style that we can use in our effort to generate sales. While this is not an episode with a specific political slant, it takes issue with MOST politicians and how they communicate their message.

  • Ask Caskey Teleseminar Preview

    31/01/2008 Duration: 14min

    You make calls all the time—interact with prospects constantly. And if you're like us, you have things that you face each and everyday that are unique, unusual, and which sometimes stump you. On this podcast we take one of the most common sales problems—how to keep the prospect excited—and keep things moving. And also we give our podcast listeners a preview of a One Hour Teleseminar we're doing on February 7 at 1:00PM EST. Go to to find out more. And listen to this podcast so you'll get the answer to the question—and get a sample of how this teleseminar can help you. Oh, by the way, the telseminar is free.

  • What To Do When A New Buyer Takes Over

    21/01/2008 Duration: 11min

    Ever had a buyer change at the most inopportune time? Actually, it seems like that’s the only times buyers change—right when you’re in the middle of a sale. But what should you do about that? Most sales training doesn’t really address the seriousness of the issue. But Caskey and Neale do on today’s episode of The Advanced Selling Podcast.

  • To Quote Or Not To Quote

    14/01/2008 Duration: 10min

    Have you ever felt like you were obligated to quote? It happens usually when you have a client who is “going out to bid” and you’re invited to play. While we don’t like the whole ‘blind bid’ process, we do realize that sometimes you must play the game that way. “To quote or not to quote” that is the question. Bill and Bryan deal with this at length in this podcast. There are a variety of circumstances that dictate your reaction—and they give you some guidelines during this cast

  • Handling Sales Conflict

    20/12/2007 Duration: 13min

    So, how do you handle conflict with a prospect—yet still preserve their dignity? This happens a lot when your buyer has a distinct impression of your value or an opinion of their pain—and you know it’s wrong. If you mess this up, you’ll lose rapport. If you handle it right, you can get past it and move on. Caskey and Neale talk about being right versus being rich.

  • Funny Stories

    13/12/2007 Duration: 09min

    Ready to take a walk down memory lane-and laugh your (you know what) off? This episode of The Advanced Selling Podcast recounts some of Bill and Bryan's funniest, most embarrassing, stupidest experiences as salespeople. They take you through their own personal TRUE stories that many of you will likely relate to and hopefully can laugh about. Be ready to send them your story after you hear theirs.

  • The 2008 Sales Manager Growth Kit

    06/12/2007 Duration: 17min

    Your role as a sales manager/leader should be to ELEVATE YOUR TEAM. Yes, you can show them how to sell, and mentor them in the sales process—but your one overriding objective is to make them self-sufficient. This podcast gives you five things you can do immediately to help you grow and help your team grow as well. If you’re struggling to grow your team, then maybe you’re looking at it all wrong. This podcast will help change your mind—just a little.

  • The Inner Game Behind The Sales Process

    29/11/2007 Duration: 18min

    This episode reveals the secret behind elite performers and good performers and examines the one core difference Bill and Bryan's process has over all others out there. The good news is - it doesn't matter what process you use: Miller Heiman, SPIN, PSS, Sandler - Bill and Bryan's philosophies shared in this episode can dramatically change your results.

  • Repurposing Content

    20/11/2007 Duration: 15min

    Lead generation continues to come up as one of the most important issues facing sales people today. There just never seems to be enough in the funnel. Today, Bryan Neale and Bill Caskey talk about a new strategy that you can use to help bolster leads—and help you generate marketing content from your intellectual capital. One of the perspectives here is you must stop acting like a sales person—and start acting like a business owner/marketer. Begin thinking of yourself as a “go to resource” for solutions. If you can get there mentally, this podcast will make tons of sense.

  • The Multi-Million Dollar Deal

    08/11/2007 Duration: 16min

    Ever had a huge account you were pursuing (or are pursuing)? And you get so wrapped up in the pursuit that you forget the fundamentals of selling? Well, it may not happen to you, but it does happen often. This week's sales training podcast is an interview with Brooke Green, one of our consultants who recently coached one of her clients helping them win a multi-million dollar deal. Brooke talks about what went into the coaching and how it might help listeners who have large accounts they are pursuing.

  • The Sales Force Of The Future

    01/11/2007 Duration: 13min

    We have been thinking about what the future sales force will look like lately. Why? Well, there are a ton of trends that are beginning to impact sales forces and sales people – globalization – googlization – commodity pricing – readily available information on the web - etc. So we went out and looked for someone who had studied this from the perspective of: what do customers want from the seller? We found Ben Ball (Senior VIce President, Dechert-Hampe & Co.). So in this interview, you’ll hear what his study told us about what the sales person of the future might look like – act like. Sales managers/leaders: listen carefully.

  • Proposals

    25/10/2007 Duration: 15min

    Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale share a "how to" for proposal writiing and discuss what components every good proposal should (and shouldn't) contain.

  • Mental Rocks

    18/10/2007 Duration: 14min

    In keeping with the fact that 80% of sales success has to do with how you think and your selling strategy, Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale take on the issue of “How Do You Need To Think?” in order to be successful.

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