Makom Israel Teachers Lounge



The Makom Israel Teachers Lounge is a weekly Israeli news update with veteran Gap Year teachers Mike Unterberg and Alan Goldman, taking you behind the headlines to let you know what's really going on in Israeli politics, news and culture.


  • 409 Is Judicial Reform Dead?

    17/05/2024 Duration: 29min

    409 Is Judicial Reform Dead? It feels like a million years ago that Israel was debating the government plan for judicial reforms. In the traumatic aftermath of October 7th, all of that fight has been left behind. But is that a permanent or a temporary shift? Once the dust settles after the defeat of Hamas, (God willing) will we once again be plunged into the divisive political battle over checks and balances in Israel? Mike hosts this episode’s debate, where Matt takes the position that it's still in play, and Benji argues that it's all in the rear view mirror. . Am Yisrael Chai!

  • Is it Time for Elections?

    03/05/2024 Duration: 22min

    408 Is it Time for Elections? “... It [is] not best to swap horses when crossing streams”, said Abraham Lincoln when running for reelection during the American Civil War. How well does that argument apply to Israel today?Polls show that Israelis have low confidence in the current government. This is a dangerous situation in a time of multiple major conflicts. But it is also dangerous to create a new election season in such a situation as well. Which is the greater danger? Should we push for elections as soon as possible, or wait till the war(s) settles down? Calev hosts this episode’s debate, where Matt takes the position that it's time to hold elections, and Alan argues we should wait till the war is over. Am Yisrael Chai!

  • National Security and Arab Israelis

    26/04/2024 Duration: 25min

    407 National Security and Arab IsraelisIn the context of the Gaza war, many Jewish Israelis argue that their fellow citizens of Arab ethnicity present a security threat. Employment, access and movement must be monitored and perhaps restricted, according to this view. Is that concern reasonable? And even if it hypothetically is, can a democracy functionally discriminate based on the ethnicity of its citizens? How should a democratic Jewish state resolve this dilemma? Mike hosts this episode’s debate, where Matt takes the position that we can racially profile to maintain security, and Jordana argues that ethnicity must be ignored among Israeli citizens. Am Yisrael Chai!

  • Can Hamas be Contained?

    12/04/2024 Duration: 27min

    406 Can Hamas be Contained? Until October 6th, the shared Israeli conception was that Hamas could be contained in the Gaza strip. Sure, the IDF would occasionally have to knock out their rocket launchers. But overall, that is something we could live with. Now since October 7th, is it possible to go back to that plan? Or has the reality changed leaving destruction of our enemies as the only valid option?Matt hosts this episode’s debate, where Calev takes the position that we can restore containment of our adversaries, and Mike argues that prompt and utter destruction is the only valid option. Am Yisrael Chai!

  • American Abstention

    05/04/2024 Duration: 28min

    405 American AbstentionThe routine is that if Israel doesn’t approve of a United Nation Security Council resolution, the United States vetoes it. But in March, America abstained on UNSC resolution 2728. Israeli leaders (and many Israelis) were furious. Is this a big deal and a sign of things to come? Is the allyship between these two democratic nations deteriorating? Or is this just a typical dustup between administrations, soon to be in our rear view mirror? Benji hosts this episode’s debate, where Matt takes the position that this is a major setback in Israel/US relations that will have lasting consequences, and Mike argues that this is a tempest in a teapot that will be mostly forgotten. Am Yisrael Chai!

  • How will this war be seen by history?

    31/03/2024 Duration: 23min

    404 - How will this war be seen by history?Israel has fought Hamas in Gaza over and over again. There was Operation Cast Lead in 2008, Operation Pillar of Defense in 2012, and Operation Protective Edge in 2014 just to name a few. Thousands of rockets have been launched at civilian areas of Israel and Israel has counter attacked over and over again. Will the current war, Operation Swords of Iron be just another battle in this long running war? Or will this war be remembered as a moment of change in Israel and the region? Matt hosts this episode’s debate, where Alan takes the position that this is a major turning point in Israeli History, and Calev argues that this will be another round in our long battles with Hamas. Am Yisrael Chai!

  • Should Freeing Hostages Be the Priority?

    22/03/2024 Duration: 23min

    403 Should Freeing Hostages Be the Priority?The Gaza war has challenged Israel with countless moral dilemmas. One of the most painful relates to the efforts to free the hostages. Inevitably, missions to destroy Hamas will put the lives of Israeli hostages at risk. Conversely, delays for negotiations and deals to release hostages give Hamas time to regroup or escape. How should our leaders decide to prioritize between defeating our enemies and rescuing our citizens? Matt hosts this episode’s debate, where Jordana takes the position that the destruction of Hamas must be the highest priority, and Mike argues that freeing the . Am Yisrael Chai! Let us know what you think about the issue, and who you agree with. Enjoy! Please let us know what you think! This episode was edited by the amazing Ben Wallick Studios. Ben is awesome!Theme music by Akiva Y. Unterberg.Masa WebsitePlease rate, review, share and recommend our podcast.

  • When can we critique the government?

    15/03/2024 Duration: 25min

    402 When can we critique the government?  “Don’t swap horses in the middle of the stream” - associated with Abraham Lincoln’s re-election campaign. Israelis, and Zionists worldwide, consistently complain about whatever government is in power.  But in the middle of a war, what are the rules? Can we openly critique, complain or even demand change of a government in the middle of a national crisis? Can we afford not to? Benji hosts this episode’s debate, where Calev takes the position that we must aggressively bring our complaints and demands to the government, and Liel argues that we must currently be cautious and gentle at this time. Am Yisrael Chai!

  • Proportionality and International Humanitarian Law (IHL)

    08/03/2024 Duration: 31min

    401 - Proportionality and International Humanitarian Law (IHL)After defining proportionality (enjoy the audio clip from the West Wing) there is so much to debate about the ethical conduct of the current war. While it is difficult for citizens to debate these issues with limited information, it is arguably their duty to do so. Is Israel correctly protecting civilian life in Gaza? Should it be sending in more humanitarian aid? How much should international opinion be taken into account? Calev hosts this episode’s debate, where Matt takes the position that Israel must improve its conduct in the conflict, and Mike argues that it does not. (followed by another West Wing clip)Am Yisrael Chai!

  • 308 Framing the Conflict Post October 7

    05/01/2024 Duration: 31min

    308 Framing the Conflict Post October 7Israelis and Zionists all had to have some understanding of the conflict with Palestinian Arabs. This was as true before October 7th as afterwards. In what ways do we need to reframe those understandings after the massacres? What discomforting truths did we avoid? What misconceptions have been disproven? Calev hosts this episode’s debate, where Benji takes the position that he must reframe his understanding of the conflict, and Mike argues that he does not. Am Yisrael Chai!

  • Israel Citizens Filling the Breach When Government Fails

    29/12/2023 Duration: 28min

    Israel Citizens Filling the Breach When Government FailsThis is an era when citizens around the world don’t have a tremendous amount of trust in government. Israelis and Jews around the world are still shaken by the intelligence and operational failures that led to the October 7th massacres. In the weeks and months since, many are still complaining that the work still isn’t being taken care of. We never know what’s really happening in “the room where it happens”, and there are concerns that the decisions aren’t being made well. Israelis from all parts of society jumped in to fill the breach. A tremendous amount of civic pride arose from those who rushed to bring food and materiel to the soldiers on the front. But is that a good or bad sign about Israeli life? Is it a positive, or a negative, that grassroots support is required for the success of vital national missions? Mike hosts this episode’s debate, where Matt takes the position that citizens should never expect the government to get the job done, and Lie

  • Are Shoah Analogies Appropriate?

    22/12/2023 Duration: 25min

    Are Shoah Analogies Appropriate?We are all living with the trauma of the post October 7th world. It is often referred to as the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust. But do comparisons to the Shoah help us contextualize and understand the world we live in? Or are any such comparisons not at best unhelpful, and at worst inappropriate? Can those analogies help us understand the victims? The perpetrators? Calev hosts this episode’s debate, where Matt takes the position that Shoah analogies are helpful, and Alan argues that it isn’t, and never was, a good idea they are not. Am Yisrael Chai!

  • Who should be hired to do the labor in Israel?

    15/12/2023 Duration: 31min

    Who should be hired to do the labor in Israel?Evidence has been uncovered that Arab laborers from the Gaza strip provided Hamas with intel on the Israeli towns where they worked. In the wake of this shocking news, Israelis are debating who to hire for many basic jobs. How should we balance insecurity with inclusivity? Should Israeli Arabs return to work in Israeli Jewish businesses? What about West Bank Arabs? Should Israel return to an old Zionist idea, “Avoda Ivrit” - “Jewish Labor”?Mike hosts this episode’s debate, where Liel takes the position that Israelis should take this opportunity to reexamine the Avoda Ivrit principle, and Alan argues that it isn’t, and never was, a good idea. Am Yisrael Chai!

  • Should Israel Fight Hezbollah?

    08/12/2023 Duration: 27min

    Should Israel Fight Hezbollah?While most of our attention is on the war in Gaza, there has been constant combat on our northern border. Will the battle with Hezbollah heat up to a full scale war? Should it? While war is always horrible, should Israel extend the conflict and eliminate Hezbollah as it has pledged to do to Hamas? Benji hosts this episode’s debate, where Calev takes the position that Israel should resist preemptive attacks, and Mike argues that Israel must do just that. Am Yisrael Chai!

  • What will happen after the war?

    01/12/2023 Duration: 24min

    What will happen after the war?When the dust settles, what will Gaza look like? What would be success for Israelis? What could make a better future for Gazans? While the war is far from over, the question is already relevant. Many are speaking about this issue in Israel and around the world. While we aren’t privy to the discussions behind the scenes where people in power are working the plans out, we can still try to figure out what the possibilities are. This is a difficult debate. All of the possibilities seem difficult and problematic. So which of the options are the best, or perhaps the least bad?Liel hosts this episode’s debate, where Matt takes the position that Israel must retain control, and Mike argues for handing it over to foreign powers. Am Yisrael Chai!

  • What will winning the war look like?

    24/11/2023 Duration: 31min

    What will winning the war look like?This episode was recorded before the deal to recover hostages was announced. Has Israel set realistic goals in its war with Hamas? What would victory look like? Is it possible to eliminate Hamas as an organization? As an idea? Can the hostages be rescued? Can Israel win the public relations battle? Should it? Join us as we dissect these complex events, aiming to provide insight and understanding. Our goal is to help listeners process these challenging moments, fostering resilience and guiding us towards the light at the end of the tunnel. Together, we navigate the intricacies of history, seeking a deeper comprehension of the path ahead. Am Yisrael Chai!

  • How did we get here?

    17/11/2023 Duration: 28min

    How did we get here?In this gripping podcast episode, Calev, Alan, and Matt delve into the intricate factors that led to the October 7 massacre. Was it a result of tactical errors, intelligence failures, or misinterpretations of Hamas' intentions? Or does the root cause trace back to Israel's strategic decision to disengage from Gaza in 2005? Join us as we dissect these complex events, aiming to provide insight and understanding. Our goal is to help listeners process these challenging moments, fostering resilience and guiding us towards the light at the end of the tunnel. Together, we navigate the intricacies of history, seeking a deeper comprehension of the path ahead. Am Yisrael Chai!

  • Crisis on Campus

    23/10/2023 Duration: 35min

    Special: Israel at War - Episode 3Crisis on CampusIn this third special current event episode, Calev, Liel and Mike, discuss what is happening outside of Israel in college campuses during Israel’s war with Hamas in Gaza. How should students understand the anti-Israel protests? What should they do? We hope these special episodes help our listeners understand and process these difficult events in order to build up our own resilience. Together we will find the light at the end of the tunnel. Am Yisrael Chai!

  • Special: Israel at War - Episode 2

    13/10/2023 Duration: 33min

    Special: Israel at War - Episode 2What happens next? In this second of two special current event episodes, Mike, Alan, Mordechai and Jordana discuss what may come next in Israel’s war with Hamas in Gaza. They share their feelings and observations in this difficult time. We hope these special episodes help our listeners understand and process these difficult events in order to build up our own resilience. Together we will find the light at the end of the tunnel. Am Yisrael Chai!

  • Special Israel at War - Episode 1

    11/10/2023 Duration: 28min

    Special Israel at War - Episode 1Where are we now? In this first of two special current event episodes, Calev, Liel and Matt discuss where we are on day 4 of Israel’s war with Hamas in Gaza. They share their feelings and observations in this difficult time. We hope these special episodes help our listeners understand and process these difficult events in order to build up our own resilience. Together we will find the light at the end of the tunnel. Am Yisrael Chai!

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