Eat Blog Talk | Megan Porta



The Eat Blog Talk podcast features interviews with food bloggers and other experts who will bring insight into the world of food blogging. We will cover all the hot food blogging topics you want to learn about (think SEO, Pinterest and how to approach brands) and we will also discuss self-development and how it can improve your job performance, creativity, productivity and add value to your business! Eat Blog Talk will publish new episodes twice/week (Mon and Thur), so there is a lot of great stuff coming your way!


  • 543: How to Hire a Reliable Food Blog Writer and Rank on Google Without Adding More Work to Your Plate with Shyanne Reynolds

    03/06/2024 Duration: 24min

    In episode 543, Megan chats to Shyanne Reynolds about why it is worthwhile to hire a food blog writer, where to find reliable writers and other tips for the hiring process. Shyanne is a food blog content writer who helps bloggers manage editorial teams and rank in Google. She has 7 years of writing experience and a degree in English. Shyanne started her freelancing journey while in college and accidentally on purpose launched a 6 figure career. In this episode, you’ll learn about how to outsource food blog writing, how this benefits your business and why you shouldn’t ask your VA to do blog writing. Key points discussed: - Where to Find Food Blog Writers: Word of mouth is one of the easiest ways to find a reliable blog writer. - Why Should You Outsource Writing: Blog writing takes up most of our time, and can be especially overwhelming during content updates. - What to Look For In a Content Writer: Look at a content writer’s portfolio and someone who has ideally studied English, journalism or another relevant

  • 542: How to Make a Profit By Selling Products That Fill Your Creative Soul and Make Customers Happy with Kathie Lapcevic

    30/05/2024 Duration: 38min

    In episode 542, Kathie Lapcevic teaches us how to create products that fill us up creatively and make customers happy, while making a profit. Kathie Lapcevic is a blogger and teacher living in northwest Montana. She is a quiet rebel, embracing a simple and seasonal life that isn’t exactly mainstream. She can often be found either making a mess in the garden or in the kitchen where she focuses on intentional living that showers love upon the important people in her life. In this episode, you’ll learn about how to brainstorm ideas for products that could work well for your niche and why testing the idea is essential before investing time and money into it. Key points discussed: - Align Your Product and Actions With Your Values: If you stay true to your niche you’ll feel good about your product and selling it will come more naturally. - How to Think Outside of the Box with New Products: Look at your competition - what are they selling? Will it work for your audience? Use it as inspiration but do not copy. - Rese

  • 541: 5 Things to Finish This Week (Mindset & Self-Care)

    29/05/2024 Duration: 15min

    Do you finish your projects or do you postpone them indefinitely? It’s important to finish projects off in order to open up doors to new opportunities. Megan shares 5 things you can finish this week to reap the rewards waiting for you. Finishing off work projects can be hard. It’s sometimes easier to get started on an exciting new idea, but seeing it through to the end requires perseverance. Besides work, there are other things in our life that often get put on the back burner. But what if we just finished them? Stubborn admin tasks, home projects and other to do list items. Imagine the relief you’ll feel if you finish off one thing this week. Action Plan: 1. Finish off a house project: make it small and manageable like tidying up a drawer before moving on to bigger tasks. 2. Finish off a work project. Especially as an entrepreneurs, we tend to collect unfinished projects. If you’re putting something off the whole time, is it really worth your time at all? 3. Finish off a conversation with a family member, fr

  • 540: How to Keep Readers on Your Page By Bringing Powerful Storytelling to Food Photos with Dyutima Jha

    27/05/2024 Duration: 54min

    In episode 540, Dyutima Jha teaches us how to keep readers on our food blogs for longer by creating visually compelling narratives with our photos, and which common mistakes to avoid. Dyutima is an architect-turned commercial and editorial food photographer and podcaster based in Singapore. She is the first South Asian woman to host a food photography podcast, My Food Lens. After 15 years as an architect, designing healthcare facilities around the world, she found her passion in food styling and photography. Today, she has a successful business working with clients around the world and teaching other photographers how to do so as well. Her work has been featured in a range of food & photography magazines like Thrive magazine, Whalebone magazine etc. and she has worked with several prestigious clients like The Intercontinental Hotel Singapore, McCormick etc. In this episode, you’ll learn about the importance of visual storytelling, lighting, angles, and consistency in creating compelling narratives that en

  • 539: The Low-Cost Investment That Can Change Your Blogging Career - Benefits of Joining an Accountability Group with MaryAnne Hoekstra

    23/05/2024 Duration: 38min

    In episode 539, Megan chats to MaryAnne Hoekstra about why joining an accountability group can help you refocus and gain direction, especially after a drop in traffic. MaryAnne is the writer, recipe developer, and photographer behind Gastronotherapy, where she creates delicious recipes that are mainly vegetarian and vegan. MaryAnne grew up in Minnesota with a fondness for baking, and lived in NYC for 17 years. While there, she sharpened her palate over the years while taking cooking and baking classes, making dinner for friends, and trying as many restaurants as she could afford. In this episode, you’ll learn about 7 benefits of joining an accountability group, including having a supportive community with which to share resources, ideas and receive weekly support to help you set and achieve your blogging goals. Key points discussed: - Get Specific Support From an Engaged Community: Unlike general food blogger groups, a focused accountability group, like the Eat Blog Talk Accountability group, allows for more

  • 538: 5 Ways to Not Let "Time Off" Sink You (Mindset & Self-Care)

    22/05/2024 Duration: 23min

    Time off can often derail us from our goals. In this episode, Megan talks through 5 ways you can prepare for time off, whether planned or unplanned, so that you get back into work without disruption. Whether it’s a planned vacation or sudden sickness, if we don’t plan for time off, it can be challenging to get back on track when we return to work, especially as entrepreneurs. Therefore, some entrepreneurs never take time off. But there’s a way around it!  Action Plan: - Plan ahead and have your content ready and scheduled a few weeks or months in advance. - When planning time off, allow for wiggle room so that you give yourself time to get back into your routine - Don’t overload your to do list on the first day back! - Set a ‘jump back in date’ and stick to it to avoid compounding work. This counts for your self-care and workout routine as well. - Work on your mindset as many of the struggles related to getting back into work after “time off” is related to mindset. - Do not feel guilty for taking time off - i

  • 537: What You Should Prioritize Now for Long-Term Success As a Blogger (+Why Google Analytics Should Be Your Friend) with Madeeha Anwar

    20/05/2024 Duration: 36min

    In episode 537, Megan chats to Madeeha Anwar about why blogging is a marathon and not a sprint and how to prepare yourself accordingly, especially if you’re starting out, including what to prioritize now for long-term success as a blogger. Madeeha is a baker, recipe developer, food stylist, and photographer. Her blog, Now Delish, was started in December 2021. In addition to the blog, Madeeha continues to work full time, and has reached a point where she knows how to organize her blog well to keep things moving forward. Now Delish primarily features baking recipes and easy main course recipes, especially the authentic Pakistani recipes that Madeeha grew up with. In this episode, you’ll learn about common difficulties food bloggers face, the need for patience, why you should spend time to understand your analytics and invest in your blog, as well as other strategies for continued growth. Key points discussed: - Prepare Your Mindset For A Marathon: Blogging is complex with many layers to learn; there is no get r

  • 536: Is Social Media Ruining Your Productivity? How to Prioritize Deep Work and Minimize Distractions with Mike Cleavenger

    16/05/2024 Duration: 37min

    In episode 536, Mike Cleavenger teaches us how to prioritize deep work and set boundaries to minimize distractions to get more done in less time. Mike Cleavenger of the Frizzled Leek started his career after culinary school working in professional kitchens in the San Diego area. He got laid off during the Covid-19 pandemic and as a result decided to embark on a journey as a food blogger. The goal of The Frizzled Leek is to show people that cooking shouldn't be intimidating but fun! They specialize in Sous Vide and Air Fryer recipes. In this episode, you’ll learn about managing social media distractions, time management strategies and creating a conducive work environment to maximize productivity and focus. Key points discussed: - Why Should you Prioritize ‘Deep Work’: Deep work is when you focus on one task and eliminate all distractions in order to be more productive. - Manage Distractions to Increase Your Focus: Put phones in a different room and remove other distractions that may prevent you from focusing

  • 535: 5 Things to Put in Your Calendar for a Balanced Week (Mindset & Self-Care)

    15/05/2024 Duration: 17min

    How you plan your calendar can either lead to increased productivity or burnout. In this episode, Megan shares 5 things to put in your calendar for a balanced week and how to avoid work backlogs. If you want to maintain a healthy work-life balance, it’s essential to start your calendar planning with self-care, downtime and family time. While it might seem counterintuitive to prioritize non-work related activities, if you plan on constantly working, especially at unrealistic times and without quality breaks, you’ll risk low levels of motivation, productivity and potentially burnout. Action Plan: 1 - Block out self-care and downtime for the following week before adding other items. 2 - Consider when and for how long you want to spend quality time with loved ones - plan dates or meetings with friends/family. 3 - Schedule regular time for life and work admin tasks on a weekly basis to avoid backlogs. 4 - Schedule calls and appointments on your calendar to avoid last-minute chaos and ensure preparedness. 5 - Once

  • 534: It's OK to Ask for Help As a Food Blogger with Teri-Ann Carty

    13/05/2024 Duration: 35min

    In episode 534, Megan chats to Teri-Ann Carty about the value of asking for help in life and food blogging, including the potential for growth and success. Teri-Ann is a Toronto native renowned for her culinary creations and photography skills. Formerly a high-end restaurant manager grappling with addiction, she chose a different path, traveling solo and becoming a certified yoga instructor. Now settled in Toronto with her hubby and their two cats, Teri-Ann focuses on recipe development and photography, while also teaching yoga. Her journey to sobriety fuels her determination for future endeavors. In this episode, you’ll learn about embracing your vulnerability, being courageous, the importance of surrounding oneself with supportive people and learning from others to succeed as a food content creator. Key points discussed: - Don’t be Afraid to Ask for Help: Everybody who seems successful, probably has help. It may seem scary, but asking for help will be a game-changer for your life and business. - How to Ask

  • 533: Increase Your Passive Income Through Affiliate Marketing and SEO (+What You Should Do to Adhere to Google’s Helpful Content Update) with Tonya Lawson

    09/05/2024 Duration: 35min

    In episode 533, Megan chats to Tonya Lawson about strategies to generate regular passive income through affiliate marketing and what you should do to make sure your affiliate posts adhere to Google’s Helpful Content Update. Dr. Tonya Lawson is a musician, blogger, passive income and SEO specialist whose mission is to empower creatives to build out passive income streams so they have the financial freedom to live the life they want to live. She is a multi-passionate entrepreneur who runs 3 blogs, a coaching business, a private music studio, and teaches at Middle Tennessee State University. In this episode, you’ll learn more about creating valuable content that attracts organic traffic and affiliate income, through programs like the Amazon Associates Program or while working with brands. Key points discussed: - Passive Income Through Affiliate Marketing and Niche Websites: Make it easier to rank on Google by having a well-defined niche and using new SEO strategies. - Amazon Associates Program and the AAWP Plugi

  • 532: 5 Ways to Get the Most Juice Out of Your Wins (Mindset & Self-Care)

    08/05/2024 Duration: 19min

    Do you celebrate your wins or do you let them pass by quickly? Megan shares 5 ways to get the most juice out of your wins, so that you can fully enjoy your success and invite more good things into your life. As we are often rushing to our next goal, it is easy to brush off our wins when they do happen. In this episode, Megan emphasizes the value of gratitude and appreciation in attracting positivity as well as the importance of acknowledging and appreciating small and big wins in life, encouraging us to create a win list and journal about them to keep gratitude alive. Action Plan: - Write down 5-10 wins in a Google Doc or notebook daily to reflect on and feel accomplished. - Journal about wins when they occur as this will help you understand the process that bring you success. - Set up win triggers in daily life so that you can remind yourself daily of your accomplishments and express gratitude. - Practice meditating while focusing on wins - this will help you appreciate life’s wins leading to personal growth

  • 531: How To Build A Profitable 7-Figure Business With Ease with Octavia Conner

    06/05/2024 Duration: 36min

    In episode 531, Octavia Conner teaches us strategies to increase profits, including how to determine the overall financial health of our business, identify financial leaks and avoid overpaying on tax. Octavia Conner stands as an esteemed financial and tax strategist, celebrated best-selling author of two books, accomplished speaker, and the visionary proprietor of not one but three successful enterprises: Say Yes To Profits, Her CEO Space, and Octavia’s Helping Hands Inc. With notable mentions in Forbes and prominent features in Essence, Fox Five News, Portia TV, Fox Soul, ENSPIRE Magazine, Voyage ATL, Authority Magazine, Intuit, and numerous other esteemed platforms, Octavia’s unwavering mission is to eradicate small business failure and create wealthy entrepreneurs. Recognized as one of the top 50 accountants in North America for two consecutive years, Octavia boasts a remarkable history of guiding more than 90% of her clients to achieve remarkable growth ranging from 30% to a staggering 350% within just 12

  • 530: How to Get the Most Out of Canva - Content Creation and Organizational Tips For Food Bloggers with Brenda Cadman

    02/05/2024 Duration: 36min

    In episode 530, Megan chats to Brenda Cadman about how to use Canva efficiently to organize and optimize content creation for food bloggers. Brenda Cadman is a Canva Verified Expert from Prince Edward Island, Canada. After spending more than two decades supporting businesses with their website development needs, she now focuses on teaching small business owners how to use Canva more effectively and efficiently. Brenda has taught thousands of business owners through her courses, and in particular, she loves to help business owners tame their hot mess Canva accounts by creating an organizational system that ensures they can spend less time in Canva, and more time doing what they love. In this episode, you’ll learn about how to use features effectively, like the brand kit and magic tools, and how to organize your Canva account using folders to save time and boost productivity. Key points discussed (and action items!): - Declutter Your Canva Account: Create an "Archive" folder and move all old Canva designs and i

  • 529: 5 Steps to Inviting More People into Your Life (Mindset & Self-Care)

    01/05/2024 Duration: 21min

    In this episode, Megan talks about the importance of social connections for well-being and business success, sharing five steps to nurture healthy relationships and turn your network into a strong support system. How will inviting more people into your life change anything? Will it not be overwhelming and give you more to do? That is why Megan explains, firstly, the benefits for personal growth and business success by inviting high-quality people into your life. Secondly, she share five steps that will help you manage new connections, making them a meaningful part of your life and potentially opening up new business opportunities. Action Plan: - Send an invitation to the universe / God for more high-quality people in your life. - Prepare your calendar or routine to make room and time for new connections. - Express gratitude daily for the people already in your life. - Host something new, even if small, to take action on your invitation. - Show up as the best version of yourself when interacting with others. R

  • 528: Why What You Believe About Yourself Can Change Your Business And Life with Cheryl Norris

    29/04/2024 Duration: 55min

    In episode 528, Cheryl Norris teaches us the importance of our core belief system and how we to replace negative beliefs with positive affirmations. Cheryl Norris is a food blogger in Portland, OR where she lives with her husband. Her blog, Bakes by Brown Sugar, in business since 2018, specializes in desserts with a focus on using seasonal and quality ingredients. In addition to running her food blog business, she works full-time as an engineer. She loves to travel, with Paris being her favorite place to visit. In this episode, you’ll learn about the pervasive nature of negative self-talk and its consequences on self-perception, decision-making, and success, highlighting the importance of recognizing and managing these emotions to achieve personal growth. Key points discussed (and action items!): - Identify and Address Your Pain Points: Be aware of what you're thinking and saying about yourself and what you struggle with most. - Journal to Increase Awareness: Journal your thoughts so that you know exactly wha

  • 527: The Quickest Way to Become Profitable (+The Most Time Efficient Way to Pitch Brands) with Candice Ward

    25/04/2024 Duration: 44min

    In episode 527, Megan chats to Candice Ward about the importance of having multiple income streams and how to pitch brands in an effective and time efficient way. Candice is the Founder of Eat More Cake Dessert Blog, Food Photographer, Educator, and Sales Expert. Candice spent over a decade in corporate sales and translated that experience to help other food content creators monetize and scale their businesses. She has coached hundreds of food content creators in her business course, The Confident Pitch Program. She is passionate about helping other food bloggers reach their full potential! In this episode, you’ll learn about different ways to diversify your revenue streams, including freelancing, affiliate work and coaching, but most importantly how to tap into sponsored work by pitching brands using Candice’s time efficient, strategic pitching method (i.e. the Strategic Pitching Approach). Key points discussed: - Diversify Your Revenue Streams to Reduce Business Risk: Diversifying income sources helps mitig

  • 526: 5 Ways to Bring More Money Into Your Business (Part 3 of 3) (Mindset & Self-Care)

    24/04/2024 Duration: 14min

    Megan dives into the final part of her series on how to bring more money into your business, focusing on improving your financial mindset through positive language and preparing the way for financial abundance. What is the source of your income? Can the way you perceive this change your financial situation? And do you generally speak positively or negatively about money? Addressing these questions, Megan suggest various ways in which we can further shift our mindset when it comes to money in order to increase our revenue. Including, these key points: - Shift Your Perception of Income Sources: The true source of income lies beyond people and businesses, emphasizing a universal force as the primary source of abundance. - Release Mental Pressure on Income Channels: By reframing the source of income from external entities to a limitless universal force, you open yourself to alternative channels for financial flow, reducing pressure on specific revenue streams. - Align Actions with Serving and Value Creation: Reme

  • 525: Stay True to Who You Are and Focus on What Lights You Up with Nicole Winegardner

    22/04/2024 Duration: 38min

    In episode 525, Nicole Winegardner teaches us the importance of staying true to who we are in a world full of distractions and focus on what lights us up. Nicole blogs with her bestie Andrea, who lives in Washington and you’ll find Nicole in Virginia. Together they have a food blog where they specialize in simple delicious recipes for busy families. Nicole is the one to do the recipe development and food photography and keyword research. Andrea takes care of the writing and Pinterest, web stories, social media and is currently learning video editing. Their blog was founded in 2021. In this episode, you’ll learn how to overcome blogging challenges like spreading yourself too thin, struggling to achieve your goals and feeling bogged down by your responsibilities. Key points discussed: - Focus: Evaluate where your focus lies regularly. Redirecting your focus can guide you towards positive outcomes and away from distractions. - Stay True to Yourself: Authenticity fuels success. It's crucial to reassess your goals

  • 524: 8 Mindset Hacks to Build a Successful Blog with Lauren Woodger

    18/04/2024 Duration: 36min

    In episode 524, Megan talks to Lauren Woodger about why mindset is such an important element of building a successful business and 8 mindset hacks we can implement today. Lauren began "The Scatty Mum" in 2019 as a hobby blog to share allergy-friendly recipes when her daughter was diagnosed with multiple food allergies. In 2022, she took a leap and left her day job to focus on her blog full-time. Even though her daughter has outgrown her allergies, Lauren still understands the struggle of preparing meals for everyone. She's passionate about creating easy, allergy-friendly recipes that the entire family can enjoy. Lauren lives in Surrey in the UK, with her husband and two children. In this episode, you’ll learn about how to cultivate a positive mindset as a blogger and entrepreneur, including prioritizing networking, becoming a more productive entrepreneur and celebrating your progress every day. Key points discussed: - Connecting with other bloggers: Build connections within the blogging community through soci

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