Grace Undeserved



Join Gretchen as she shares her life experiences with you. She is a mother of 8 children. She is 43 raising teenagers and a toddler and going through perimenopause. She is a woman of faith who loves people. She loves connecting with all those she comes in contact with. She has learned a lot about people and their struggles and loves being real and sharing her struggles and how she has gotten through them. As she has gone through grief and loss and post partum depression she knows how painful and lonely it can be. And as she has been blessed by the support of others. She desires to help others.


  • Understanding Suicide

    03/05/2022 Duration: 43min

    This episode was recorded October 11, 2021. I’m finally having the courage to publish it. Join me as I express my thoughts and feelings about my grandfather‘s suicide. I speak of mental illness, suicide, alcoholism, bipolar, being an adult child of an alcoholic, loss and grief etc. I speak about my spiritual beliefs and how those beliefs helped me understand things a little better. I’m extremely vulnerable as I share these things. I have wanted to share them for so long. If you are contemplating suicide don’t do it! You are loved!

  • A Conversation with my Maggie girl ( and Malachi)

    07/04/2022 Duration: 09min

    Listen in on a conversation I have with my 18-year-old. We decided as we were sitting in the parking lot of Baskin Robbins to just record an episode for this podcast and you get to listen in on our ramblings and laughing and goofiness. I hope you enjoy it. I sure did as I listened to it to see you f I wanted to edit some things out or not. Decided to keep it as it is. #ASD #ADHD #motherdaughter

  • S2:E9 Covid for Christmas?

    21/12/2021 Duration: 13min

    Santa must’ve gotten my gift mixed up with someone else’s. I didn’t ask for Covid for Christmas… or did I? I share with you how I am feeling. The things I am doing that help. Trying to keep it real.. but not too real yet. I can’t drive away my few loyal listeners.. yet.

  • Veterinary Emergency and a PANICK ATTACK

    11/12/2021 Duration: 46min

    Listen as I share my week with you. I share some things that triggered me to have a panic attack! I am recognizing more and more about myself. The struggle is REAL and difficult at times. However in this storm (that is my life) the Lord has been and ALWAYS will be my anchor. I NEED JESUS everyday.

  • We Sold our Home! What?!

    25/10/2021 Duration: 15min

    What have I been doing these past couple of weeks? Why did we decide to sell our home? Our boys need a bigger yard. A place to run. Have we found a place? Listen to this story.

  • Don’t Give Up on Yourself ❤️

    05/10/2021 Duration: 32min

    I share with you my struggles with anxiety and recent depression. Keeping it real. Not edited. Listen in fastest mode. As I just speak from my heart to share with you what I’ve recently experienced. Hormonal imbalance? What does depression feel like? What are some lies that we believe that don’t serve us? Who are you? Do you have support? Do you have mental health challenges like I do? Do you know someone who struggles with anxiety and depression? Bipolar, PTSD, childhood trauma? Are you suffering in silence because you can’t find the help you need or someone doesn’t understand? Do you struggle with trusting others? Listen to a piece of my story here. You have a friend in me!

  • What Happened to my BODY?

    29/09/2021 Duration: 48min

    How can I go from walking/jogging/running 4 miles a day to not being able to walk across the room without having heart palpitations etc. What was going on with my body? I know I’m not alone in my struggles. Let’s get through our struggles together! Do you struggle with sugar addiction? Perfectionism? Pain? How are you getting healthy? Do you want to Lose weight? What kind of Diet/Food do you crave and eat?Negative thinking? Do you listen to your body? How are you at navigating our medical system and advocating for yourself when your body is struggling? TMI in this episode…..maybe. However, maybe listening will help you know you are not alone and maybe just maybe you will laugh along with me!

  • HAPPY BIRTHDAY Mary Sue (We love and Miss you)

    27/09/2021 Duration: 16min

    I wanted to honor my former mother-in-law and wish her a Happy Birthday in heaven. (September 28th) Mary Sue passed away on March 5, 2012 and I have missed her ever since. I invited my daughter Maggie to join me and to share with you some stories about her grandma. She was nine years old when she passed away.

  • S2:E2 My 1st Miscarriage

    26/09/2021 Duration: 18min

    Listen as I share my experience having a miscarriage when I was a young newlywed. Have you experienced a miscarriage and feel alone? Are grieving a loss? Feeling like your loved ones don’t understand? Depression, anxiety, hormonal changes? I will be sharing more about my losses I’ve had. Love yourself. Your grief is because of the great love you have for your child.

  • S2:E1 I’m Back!

    23/09/2021 Duration: 10min

    Ladies I’m back and I have a lot to say in future podcasts. Hoping you’ll come along with me on this new journey of mine after having major surgery this past Summer.

  • Ep. #9 30 Days of Dating

    06/08/2019 Duration: 20min

    Listen as Brandon and Gretchen share some of their adventures dating for the first 30 days. Gretchen a single Mom with 3 kiddos at the time. How did Brandon feel about that? Laugh along with them as they crack up retelling their stories! Awkward macaroni? Metallica? Another boyfriend? This was “supposed” to be over after 30 days.

  • Ep. #8 How Gretchen Met Brandon

    21/06/2019 Duration: 21min

    This is the beginning of my life with Brandon. Hear how we met and our first date. Listen as Brandon and I share our story with you. (I do a lot of laughing as we reminisce.)

  • Ep. #7 Moms HELPING Moms

    07/05/2019 Duration: 11min

    Do you have a child with special needs? Have you ever been out in public when your child has a major meltdown and it is hard because you have other children to care for? I wanted to share with you an experience I had today and how I was helped by other Moms when I really needed it!

  • Ep. #5 Blessed by Kindness Today (Gasoline and Bubbles)

    15/04/2019 Duration: 06min

    I was blessed today by 2 very kind gentlemen. So before I call it a day I had to share how they blessed me and my family’s life. **Unedited** ;) Recorded it in one try. ** Hard to tell I know. LOL That’s how tired I am. My husband said I was a bit meandering. Just keeping it real in this episode tonight. CLARIFICATION I said I had all 6 kiddos with me. I have 8 kiddos, 6 at home still ;)

  • Ep. #4 Blessed by Angels on Earth

    30/03/2019 Duration: 08min

    As I was remembering my divorce gratitude filled my heart for all those who have reached out to me and were so supportive and loving. I share with you a little story that is an example of someone who demonstrates how we can be angels on this earth. Let us all be the evidence of love one towards another.

  • Ep. #3 My Divorce Part 1: Where Do We Go From Here?

    27/03/2019 Duration: 11min

    Join Gretchen as she shares with you the story of her divorce and how she was guided to where she is today. She found herself as a single mother of three young children not knowing what she was going to do. Hear about the heart break and her struggles as she shares with you how she figured out where to go from there.

  • Ep. #1 Rare and Beautiful

    11/03/2019 Duration: 06min

    Listen while Gretchen introduces herself as she shares why she was named Gretchen. Hear encouragement from this mother of many. Have you ever felt alone? Have struggles that are overwhelming at times. Connect with Gretchen who understands how you feel.

  • Ep. #2 You Are NOT Alone

    11/03/2019 Duration: 06min

    What is perimenopause? Are you having a hard time sleeping? Feel like you’re a hormonal mess? Are you in your early 40’s? Are you having a hard time going back to sleep once you wake up? Raising children and experiencing these things?Listen while Gretchen shares a little about her experience with perimenopause. Maybe you can relate and have a good laugh. Remember you’re never alone!