Let Her Live



This podcast is to address the broad and narrow topics people dont care to address or afraid to say they too have gone through. To address the funny and embarrassing topics we all been through or know nothing of and to uplift those who are down. Unpopular opinions and blunt content will be present so be aware and expect the unexpected.


  • Why is self love important? Needed ? How does it impact future greatness?

    13/03/2019 Duration: 06min

    This episode is to uplift individuals to create love within. It’s okay to rebuild yourself alone instead of relying on people or opportunities. Make sure you’re okay because you’re your own support system! To love yourself is to prepare yourself for any down fall you will face and to pull yourself back up and dust your knees off. To love yourself, you will be happy no matter what’s going on and look for you to make yourself happy.