Purpose With Corie Clark

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 41:15:05
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Corie Clark is just a normal girl who decided to go for it. She created a thriving business from the ground up without sacrificing her sanity and she believes that you can do the same. You were created on purpose, for a purpose, and you can turn that purpose into profit. Each week, Corie will bring you practical advice to help you live your life, and grow your business, on purpose.


  • Integrity in Your Business as a Christian Entrepreneur

    21/08/2023 Duration: 16min

    Now, more than ever before, we need to know our values and build our business with integrity. In a world where we can't tell if something is real or fake, we need to be showing our true selves and know where we draw the line on issues. If you're a Christian entrepreneur, I hope this inspires you to assess your values and be set apart. xox Corie ============================= Corie is passionate about helping women discover their God given purpose and equipping them to live it out. She believes that YOU were created On Purpose, For Purpose!  Here are ways to work with Corie ✨Join Corie’s FREE community for all things Purpose! https://www.facebook.com/groups/corieclarkcommunity ✨Get Corie’s Purposeful Life Method: https://www.purposefullifemembership.com/ ✨Join Corie’s Christian Female Entrepreneur Community: https://www.corieclark.com/vip ✨Get Corie’s book, The Simplicity Project for FREE! (just pay S&H) https://www.simplicityprojectbook.com/ ✨Buy the best selling Purposeful Planner® https://corieclarkshop

  • Jaime Cross Herbal Alchemy - From Her Kitchen to Over a Million Customers

    26/04/2023 Duration: 51min

    Welcome to the first official episode recorded for YouTube! I'm kicking things off with the amazing Jaime Cross. She shares all about her God idea and building her business literally from scratch and heading towards a BILLION dollars! Plus, these products are actually clean (not greenwashed) and made in the USA on small regenerative farms! The best!!! I'm proud to partner with Jaime and you can too: https://herbalalchemy.com/corie/enrollment *If someone else has referred you, please ask them for their enrollment link! Get $10 off your first Herbal Alchemy Purchase: https://herbalalchemy.com/corie

  • Living with Beauty & Purpose with Jessica Shakir

    20/09/2022 Duration: 43min

    This week I’m chatting with the beautiful Jessica Shakir! She shares the purpose behind her entrepreneurial journey and the big pivot she had to make in 2022. Jessica Shakir is a Biblical Beauty Coach and Founder of The Beautiful Mind Academy, a global online community of Jesus-loving women renewing their minds with the Word of God and transforming their worlds through spiritual growth and trustworthy sisterhood! Through Soul Care and Spiritual Leadership Coaching Programs, Guest Speaker Masterclasses, and epic In-Person Retreats, Jessica helps women understand and live out Biblical Beauty to the Glory of God! Jessica has worked as a Celebrity Hair + Makeup Artist for 25 years with a clientele that includes Colbie Caillat, Kevin Bacon, Jane Lynch, Rachel Hunter, Grace Park, Daniel Dae Kim, The Backstreet Boys, and Eminem. She’s even more excited to get to work with women of God whom she admires including Lisa Bevere, Lisa Harper, Havilah Cunnington, Laurie Crouch, Victoria Osteen, Cece Winans, and many more.


    13/09/2022 Duration: 14min

    Now more than ever before christians need to step fully into all God has called them to! For those of us who have been called to the marketplace and to entrepreneurship, it’s time to rise up and take ground for the kingdom. No more hiding and suppressing your gifts. If God has put this on you, you now have the responsibility of carrying it out. The ball is in your court! Tune in to hear the full episode. Links mentioned Corie's Free Training (expires soon) Purposeful Business Academy 


    30/08/2022 Duration: 15min

    Sometimes we can get so caught up in keeping things going that we start to feel behind and like all we’re doing is keeping up. Especially when we're working from home over summer. But, it's time to get back in the game and be the boss of your business and your goals! Tune in to episode 82 for five quick tips to get back in the game! Register for Corie's brand new training here


    23/08/2022 Duration: 16min

    Is there something in your life you’re just living with? Something that you just assume will always be part of your life and never go away? If you’re believing for a miracle, tune in to this episode to hear how God gave me my healing miracle! Simplicity Project Book + Challenge  Corie on Instagram

  • MONETIZE YOUR GENIUS: How Jen Purga Went From $17 to $2.7 Million in Network Marketing

    17/08/2022 Duration: 46min

    Have you ever wondered how someone can make millions in network marketing? Well, this is the episode for you! I’m chatting with my friend Jen Purga who has earned over 2.7 million dollars and she does it with class. Plus we dive into some money story issues that came up for her when she started getting BIG checks in the mail. It’s a must listen for anyone in business, not just network marketing! Jen Purga a former university administrator turned million dollar earner and top leader in network marketing and the creator of MonetizeUrGenius She’s been in the industry for 11 years and her first check was just $17 but she has gone on to make 2.7 million and climbing!  She’s a mom of two boys, ages 13 and 16 and lives in sunny Southern California. Jen is passionate about Raising up Leaders in this profession, & even helped co-create the first ever 15 Laws of Growth course for Network Marketing professions with Leadership Expert John C. Maxwell. Her greatest joy is helping moms decide to STEP into their unique g


    10/08/2022 Duration: 25min

    It’s officially launch week for The Simplicity Project and I’m so excited to dive into the story behind the book and how I simplified my life so I could step FULLY into my purpose! I shared 3 secrets I learned along the way that might surprise you! If you’re feeling overwhelmed or like you don’t have the time or capacity to fully live out the purpose God has called you to, then watch or listen to this episode! Purchase the book here so you can go through the Simplicity Challenge with the group! Purpose Babe Society: corieclark.com/vip Simplicity Project: simplicityprojectbook.com Follow Corie on Instagram: instagram.com/corieclark


    03/08/2022 Duration: 18min

    You’ve found your dream, your vision, your purpose. You’re fired up and ready to change the world… But, you’re way too distracted. Too much to do to focus on your dream. Other things that are far less important seem to be nagging you. In order to accomplish your dreams, your purpose, and your goals, you need to eliminate those time wasting distractions. On today's episode, I share 5 Simple Tips to Overcome Distractions Tune in to hear my take and how you can implement these things right now and step more fully into your purpose! EPISODE LINKS: PurposefulBrandBundle.com Simplicity Project Book Join Corie's FREE community for purpose driven women Follow Corie on Instagram Full show notes: https://www.corieclark.com/blog/5-simple-tips-to-overcome-distractions


    27/07/2022 Duration: 19min

    This week, I’m sharing an important lesson I learned that I constantly need to be reminded of. When I realized that my current situation is a direct result of MY past decisions. Mine & Ryan’s past decisions…. That’s when everything changed. Your life right now is a direct reflection of all of your past decisions. Decisions you made 20 years ago, a year ago, even yesterday. That means that right now, the decisions you’re making will create the life you’re living a month, a year, or even 10 years from now. Theos U  Preorder The Simplicity Project for free (just pay S&H) + get free audio and ebook + other bonuses! Simplicityprojectbook.com Purpose Babe Society: corieclark.com/vip Simplicity Project: simplicityprojectbook.com


    19/07/2022 Duration: 25min

    There’s no denying that the last couple of years have been a doozy. And it honestly took a toll on me for many reasons. I took time to really focus on my family and being a wife and mom and have zero regrets. But I’m so excited to be back in the swing of things and to share how I got back in my groove by choosing to master what God has already put in my hands. As an entrepreneur I can get easily distracted by shiny new objects and want to move on to the next best thing. But, if we can learn to be faithful and disciplined and become a master at what God has already given us, we can trust that he will take us to that next level when we are ready. Tune in to today’s episode to hear all about it and share the questions I asked myself to make sure I was on the right track! Preorder The Simplicity Project for free (just pay S&H) + get free audio and ebook + other bonuses! Simplicityprojectbook.com Purpose Babe Society: corieclark.com/vip Simplicity Project: simplicityprojectbook.com Full show notes: https://www


    29/06/2022 Duration: 20min

    I’m back!! It’s been a wild first half of the year. Heck, it’s been a wild couple of years! But I’m so excited to be back into my routine and bringing you tools and resources to help you live your life on purpose! Tune in to hear what’s been going on around here. As well as my… Four Tips for Getting Through these Uncertain Times Plus, you can download this guide to help you work through these things and really come out on top! Grab the guide and full show notes here: https://corieclark.com/blog/four-things-postion-yourself-in-uncertain-times Other links: Free community Corie on Instagram Purpose Babe Society waitlist.  

  • New Age & Enneagram Deception with Jessi Green

    22/03/2022 Duration: 01h28min

    This week, Corie & Jessi Green dive into the deception of the New Age Movement and the Enneagram and the dangers that can open us up to. Listen in as we talk about how we have everything we need in Jesus and what it looks like to be radically obedient to him. Jessi is a passionate revivalist and preaches the Gospel with power, shaking religious systems, casting out demons and equipping the Saints to be full of fire and making disciples of Jesus. Alongside her husband Parker Green, they lead Saturate Global, a grassroots revival movement baptizing thousands and awakening the nations to the resurrection power in Jesus!  She believes that everyone is qualified to share the Good News and challenges status quo Christianity in her most recent book “Wildfires”. Jessi resides near the coast in North Carolina with her husband and three children, when not traveling around the nation visiting churches, setting up tents on fields and calling people to run into the ocean from coast to coast calling all who will listen

  • The Best Decision I Made to Start the Year

    15/03/2022 Duration: 20min

    This year did not start off as I had hoped or planned. If you follow me on social media, you probably know that on January 4th my dad suffered a mild stroke. He is doing very well by the grace of God and is a walking talking miracle! But that definitely changed things for a while and ultimately changed my life forever. Tune in to hear more about that and how reading the entire Bible in the first 30 days of the year is likely one of the best decisions I've made in a long time! Links mentioned in this episode: 30 Day Shred TheosU Corie on Instagram

  • Why I Removed These New Age Books From My Home

    15/03/2022 Duration: 26min

    I recently got rid of every single "new age" type book (books that I never realized were demonic). I had been mislead and didn't even know that they were actually demonic.  I never really practiced any of what they taught but they did inspire me to renew my mind and change my thinking. Sadly, so many Christian entrepreneurs are led down this path and taught more about the renewing of their mind through some of these books than from other Christians or pastors. Tune in to hear how I came to this realization and what God asked me to do about it. Links mentioned in this episode: 4th Dimension by Dr. David Yonggi Cho 4th Dimensional Living in a 3 Dimensional World Doreen Virtue on Instagram See these show notes on Corie's Website: Show Notes Corie on Instagram

  • Honoring God in Entrepreneurship

    31/12/2021 Duration: 34min

    This is the second interview I did with Dr. Matt Hubbard for his Business Accelerator students and we talk all about being an entrepreneur who glorifies God and furthers the kingdom. From gossip, to praying for our husbands, to sharing the gospel… we covered a TON! I hope this conversation encourages you to step into everything God is calling you to whether it’s in your home life, business, or both! Follow Dr. Matt on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/askdrmatt/ Join the 30 Days of Purpose Challenge: https://www.30daysofpurposechallenge.com/  

  • Simplifying Your Life So You Can Live on Purpose with Dr. Matt Hubbard

    28/12/2021 Duration: 41min

    A few weeks ago, I had the honor of sharing with Dr. Matt Hubbard’s Business Accelerator students and he so kindly has allowed me to share these interviews with you! In this bonus episode, Matt and I talk about Kingdom order and getting our lives in order so that we can live the life we were called to live! Follow Dr. Matt on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/askdrmatt/ Join the 30 Days of Purpose Challenge: https://www.30daysofpurposechallenge.com/

  • The 30 Day Challenge That Changed My Life

    17/12/2021 Duration: 11min

    It’s been almost eight years since I raised my hand and committed to a challenge that I had no idea would actually lead me to where I am today. In this episode I’m sharing how a micro decision like joining a challenge can completely rock your world and flip it upside down in the best of ways. Join Corie’s 30 Days of Purpose Challenge 30daysofpurposechallenge.com Apply for the Marriage & Entrepreneurship Mastermind corieclark.com/marriage Preorder your new Purposeful Planner corieclarkshop.com

  • Four Questions to Ask Yourself at the End of the Year

    15/12/2021 Duration: 19min

    This week, I asked my email subscribers on a scale of 1-10 how happy they are with where they are finishing this year. And to be honest, I’m not totally happy with where I’m ending this year. So I spent some time reflecting and asking myself some questions that really helped me shift my perspective. On today’s episode I’m sharing those four questions with you so that you can finish the year excited for what’s to come and kick off 2022 with momentum. Join Corie’s 30 Days of Purpose Challenge 30daysofpurposechallenge.com Apply for the Marriage & Entrepreneurship Mastermind corieclark.com/marriage Preorder your new Purposeful Planner corieclarkshop.com  

  • PURPOSE CHALLENGE: Strategic Action

    19/11/2021 Duration: 15min

    This week, I'm inviting you to join us in my brand new Purpose Challenge! Tune in to day three of the challenge! Today, we discussed how to take strategic action with a vision and values. If you know deep down inside you're called to something more. Something bigger than yourself... But you just aren't sure how to tap into that or how to walk it out in authority, this is for you! >>corieclark.com/challenge Now, more than ever, the world needs more women standing up in the authority God has given them. To use their gifts and talents to further the Kingdom and bring glory to God! You were created ON PURPOSE for a PURPOSE and I want you to not only find that, but to step into it unapologetically.   Join the free challenge here: corieclark.com/challenge Preorder the new Purposeful Planner here

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