I Know Not What Tomorrow Will Bring - The Fernando Pessoa Audiotour [eng]

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 2:28:36
  • More information



I know not what tomorrow will bring The Fernando Pessoa audiotour is a documentary series dedicated to Fernando Pessoa. Pessoas story is told in 15 episodes. Each chapter was created having in mind a geographical location in Lisbon, Portugal, so the listener can experience it in two different ways: through a physical journey or through an imaginary journey. Each episode crosses biographical and literary key aspects of Fernando Pessoa and can be listened independently. The story is told by those, critics, scholars, who study Pessoas legacy and by his close relatives, his nephews who shared a lot with him.


  • Episode 15. To live is not necessary: what is necessary is to create

    11/02/2018 Duration: 12min

    Fernando Pessoa’s legacy Voices: Fernando Cabral Martins, Manuela Nogueira, Teresa Rita Lopes, Rita Patrício, António Mega Ferreira, Richard Zenith, Steffen Dix, Antonio Cardiello, Patrícia Nazaré Barbosa and Sofia Saldanha. Bibliography: Escritos Autobiográficos, Automáticos e de Reflexão Pessoal, Poesias. Edição e posfácio Richard Zenith, Lisboa, Assírio e Alvim, 2003. * Free translation by Eugénia Brito

  • Episode 14. I know not what tomorrow will bring

    11/02/2018 Duration: 09min

    Cemitério dos Prazeres / Campo de Ourique Fernando Pessoa's Death Voices: Luís Miguel Nogueira Rosa Dias, Manuela Nogueira, Pablo Javier Pérez López, Jerónimo Pizarro, Steffen Dix and Sofia Saldanha. Music: Tout se transforme (réinterprété par johnny_ripper) by julsy Free Music Archive / License – Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) Bibliography: * I know not what tomorrow will bring: last sentence written by Fernando Pessoa on 29 November 1935

  • Episode 13: And he saw that he was the Princess that was sleeping

    11/02/2018 Duration: 06min

    Location: Route between Casa Fernando Pessoa and Cemitério dos Prazeres / Campo de Ourique Esotericism in Fernando Pessoa Voices: Steffen Dix, Jerónimo Pizarro, Patrícia Nazaré Barbosa, Pedro Teixeira da Mota and Sofia Saldanha. Music: Corale And Serenata by Antonio Russolo. Album: Dada For Now -A Collection Of Futurist And Dada Sound Works. Label: ARK-DOVE 4 Year: 1985. Bibliography: Eros e Psique, Poesias. Fernando Pessoa. (Nota explicativa de João Gaspar Simões e Luiz de Montalvor.) Lisboa: Ática, 1942 (15ª ed. 1995). - 237. 1ª publ. in Presença , nº 41-42. Coimbra: Mai. 1934. * Free translation by Eugénia Brito

  • Episode 12. Eat your chocolates, little girl, Eat your chocolates!

    11/02/2018 Duration: 10min

    Location: Casa Fernando Pessoa / Campo de Ourique Fernando Pessoa’s family life; Fernando Pessoa’s library Voices: Manuela Nogueira, Luís Miguel Nogueira Rosa Dias, Antonio Cardiello, Jerónimo Pizarro, José Barreto and Sofia Saldanha. Bibliography: Fernando Pessoa & CO.: ”The Tobacco Shop”, Selected Poems: Edited and translated from the Portuguese by Richard Zenith. New York: Grove Press, 1998;

  • Episode 11. The hour has come!

    11/02/2018 Duration: 11min

    Location: Terreiro do Paço / Baixa Message and Presença Magazine Voices: José Barreto, António de Oliveira Salazar, Teresa Rita Lopes, Pedro Teixeira da Mota, Steffen Dix, Jorge Louraço, Rita Patrício, Pedro Sepúlveda, António Mega Ferreira and Sofia Saldanha. Music: excerpt of Fado do Embuçado (letra de Gabriel de Oliveira Música de José Marques "Piscalarete". Criado para o repertório de Natália dos Anjos.) Bibliography: Pessoa, Fernando, “Fog”, A Little Larger Than the Entire Universe: Selected Poems, Edited and Translated by Richard Zenith. London: Penguin Books, 2006; António de Oliveira Salazar. Da República (1910 - 1935) . Fernando Pessoa. (Recolha de textos de Maria Isabel Rocheta e Maria Paula Mourão. Introdução e organização de Joel Serrão). Lisboa: Ática, 1979. - p. 349. 1ª publ. in Diário Popular , Lisboa, 30 Maio e 6 Junho 1974 . inc? CF. lello – fotoc * Free translation by Eugénia Brito

  • Episode 10. Down there in café Arcada

    11/02/2018 Duration: 06min

    Location: Martinho da Arcada / Baixa Fernando Pessoa’s multiple interests and businesses Voices: António Mega Ferreira, José Barreto, Pedro Sepúlveda and Sofia Saldanha Bibliography: Sá-Carneiro, Poesias Inéditas (1930-1935). Fernando Pessoa. (Nota prévia de Jorge Nemésio.) Lisboa: Ática, 1955 (imp. 1990). - 184. * Free translation by Eugénia Brito

  • Episode 9. Mouth of Hell

    11/02/2018 Duration: 08min

    Location: Rua Augusta / Baixa Fernando Pessoa’s encounter with Aleister Crowley Voices: Steffen Dix, Aleister Crowley, Luís Miguel Nogueira Rosa Dias, Jerónimo Pizarro, José Filipe Costa and Sofia Saldanha. Bibliography: The Pentagram. Aleister Crowley: https://archive.org/details/ThePentagramByAleisterCrowley Pessoa, Fernando, “Her very being surprises.”, A Little Larger Than the Entire Universe: Selected Poems, Edited and Translated by Richard Zenith. London, Penguin Books, 2006, p. 310. O Mistério da Boca do Inferno - O encontro entre o Poeta Fernando Pessoa e o Mago Aleister Crowley. Victor Belém. Lisboa. Casa Fernando Pessoa, 1995. - .Excerto da reportagem de Augusto Ferreira Gomes. in O Notícias Ilustrado . Lisboa: 5-10-1930. * Free translation by Eugénia Brito

  • Episode 8. All love letters are ridiculous

    11/02/2018 Duration: 11min

    Location: Rua da Assunção / Baixa Fernando Pessoa’s relationship with Ofélia Queiróz Voices: Richard Zenith, Manuela Parreira da Silva, Manuela Nogueira, Marta Campos, Jorge Louraço, Pedro Teixeira da Mota, Steffen Dix, Pablo Javier Pérez López and Sofia Saldanha. Music: “Nocturne Op 9 No 3” by Podington Bear Free Music Archive / Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC 3.0) Bibliography: Fernando Pessoa & CO.: “All love letters are ridiculous”, Selected Poems: Edited and translated from the Portuguese by Richard Zenith. New York: Grove Press, 1998; “Fernando and I”, Testimony of Ofélia Queiroz recorded and organized by her grandniece Maria da Graça Queiroz. Portuguese version: http://www.umfernandopessoa.com/uploads/1/6/1/3/16136746/fernando_e_eu.pdf * Free translation by Eugénia Brito Cartas de Amor de Fernando Pessoa e Ofélia Queiroz, edição de Manuela Parreira da Silva, Lisboa, Assírio & Alvim (2012) * Free translation by Eugénia Brito The Selected Prose of Fernando Pessoa, Edited and tr

  • Episode 7. Sometimes I think I'll never leave the Rua dos Douradores

    11/02/2018 Duration: 09min

    Location: Rua dos Douradores / Baixa The Book of Disquiet Voices: António Fonseca, Richard Zenith, Jerónimo Pizarro, Pablo Javier Pérez López, Pedro Sepúlveda and Sofia Saldanha. Bibliography: Pessoa, Fernando, The Book of Disquiet. Edited and translated by Richard Zenith. London: Allen Lane The Penguin Press, 2001.

  • Episode 6. I Am Large, I Contain Multitudes

    11/02/2018 Duration: 11min

    Location: Praça da Figueira / Baixa Fernando Pessoa’s heteronyms Voices: Jorge Louraço, Antonio Cardiello, Rita Patrício, Jerónimo Pizarro, Richard Zenith, Teresa Rita Lopes, Pablo Javier Pérez López, Fernando Cabral Martins, António Durães and Sofia Saldanha. Bibliography: WHITMAN, Walt, Poem. London : Review od reviews office 1894? (The Masterpiece Library The Penny Poets ; XXVII), p. 7-32. Fernando Pessoa, Lisbon: What the Tourist Should See. Exeter: Shearsman Books, 2008. The Selected Prose of Fernando Pessoa, Edited and translated by Richard Zenith. New York: Grove Press, 2001, p. 256. Pessoa, Fernando, “The shepherd in love lost his staff”, The A Little Larger Than the Entire Universe: Selected Poems, Edited and Translated by Richard Zenith. London: Penguin Books, 2006; The Selected Prose of Fernando Pessoa, Edited and translated by Richard Zenith. New York: Grove Press, 2001.

  • Episode 5: It’s in the air that everything tools! It’s there that everything exists!...**

    11/02/2018 Duration: 12min

    Location: Rossio / Baixa Modernism, Orpheu and Pessoa’s relationship with Mário de Sá-Carneiro Voices: Rita Patrício, Fernando Cabral Martins, Teresa Rita Lopes, Jerónimo Pizarro, Richard Zenith, Hugo Curado, Steffen Dix, Luís Barroso, Paulo Bragança and Sofia Saldanha. Bibliography Pessoa, Fernando, “Triumphal Ode “, A Little Larger Than the Entire Universe: Selected Poems, Edited and Translated by Richard Zenith. London: Penguin Books, 2006. Nós, Os de "orpheu"/ We, the "orpheu" Lot. (Catalog of an exhibition Nós, Os de "orpheu"). Lisboa. Boca - Palavras Que Alimentam, 2015 Edition ** Translated by Jethro Soutar Páginas Íntimas e de Auto-Interpretação. Fernando Pessoa. (Textos estabelecidos e prefaciados por Georg Rudolf Lind e Jacinto do Prado Coelho.) Lisboa: Ática, 1996. - 390. * Free translation by Eugénia Brito Em Ouro e Alma — Correspondência com Fernando Pessoa. Ed. Ricardo Vasconcelos e Jerónimo Pizarro. Lisboa: Tinta-da-china, 2015 * Free translation by Eugénia Brito "Sá-Carneiro”, Poes

  • Episode 4. Ibis, the Egyptian bird

    10/02/2018 Duration: 12min

    Location: Route between Rua do Carmo and Rossio / Chiado – Baixa Ibis typography and Pessoa’s daily life in Lisbon Voices: Teresa Rita Lopes, Richard Zenith, Jorge Louraço, António Mega Ferreira, José Barreto, Fernando Cabral Martins, Luís Miguel Nogueira Rosa Dias, Manuela Nogueira, Pablo Javier Pérez López and Sofia Saldanha. Bibliography: O Íbis, ave do Egipto, Pessoa Inédito. Fernando Pessoa. (Orientação, coordenação e prefácio de Teresa Rita Lopes). Lisboa: Livros Horizonte, 1993. - 24. * Free translation by Eugenia Brito

  • Episode 03. Once more I see you – Lisbon, the Tagus and the rest

    10/02/2018 Duration: 08min

    Location: Café A Brasileira / Chiado Fernando Pessoa’s return to Lisbon Voices: Rita Patrício, António Mega Ferreira, Teresa Rita Lopes, Manuela Parreira da Silva, Richard Zenith, José Barreto, Jorge Louraço, Manuela Nogueira, Pablo Javier Pérez López, Fernando Cabral Martins and Sofia Saldanha. Music: excerpt of Fado do Embuçado (lyrics: Gabriel de Oliveira; music: José Marques "Piscalarete". Bibliography: Pessoa, Fernando, “Lisbon Revisited (1926), A Little Larger Than the Entire Universe: Selected Poems, Edited and Translated by Richard Zenith. London: Penguin Books, 2006; Escritos Autobiográficos, Automáticos e de Reflexão Pessoal, Poesias. Edição e posfácio Richard Zenith, Lisboa, Assírio e Alvim, 2003.

  • Episode 2. In capacious Africa where the moon Outside shines vast and indifferent

    10/02/2018 Duration: 08min

    Location: Largo de Camões / Chiado Fernando Pessoa’s life in South Africa Voices: Richard Zenith, Mahatma Gandhi, Teresa Rita Lopes, Fernando Cabral Martins, Pedro Teixeira da Mota, Jorge Louraço and Sofia Saldanha. Original music inspired by Un soir à Lima, Op.99 de Félix Godefroid: Carolina Machado e Lia Magalhães. Bibliography: A Little Larger Than the Entire Universe: Selected Poems, Edited and Translated by Richard Zenith. London: Penguin Books, 2006; The Selected Prose of Fernando Pessoa, Edited and translated by Richard Zenith. New York: Grove Press, 2001.

  • Episode 1: My backyard takes up the whole theater, my childhood

    10/02/2018 Duration: 07min

    Location: Largo de São Carlos / Chiado Fernando Pessoa childhood in Lisbon Voices: Jerónimo Pizarro, Jorge Louraço, Luís Miguel Nogueira Rosa Dias, Manuela Nogueira, Richard Zenith, Leonor Forjaz, Manuela Parreira da Silva and Sofia Saldanha. Music: “All Will See” by Hyson Free Music Archive / License – Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) “Nocturne Op 9 No 2” by Podington Bear Free Music Archive / Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC 3.0) Bibliography: Fernando Pessoa & CO.: Selected Poems: Edited and translated from the Portuguese by Richard Zenith. New York: Grove Press, 1998 The Selected Prose of Fernando Pessoa, Edited and translated by Richard Zenith. New York: Grove Press, 2001, p. 245. * Free translation by Eugenia Brito

  • Episode 0. Introduction

    10/02/2018 Duration: 02min

    “I know not what tomorrow will bring – The Fernando Pessoa Audiotour” is a documentary series dedicated to Fernando Pessoa. Pessoa’s story is told in 15 episodes. Each chapter was created having in mind a geographical location in Lisbon, Portugal, so the listener can experience it in two different ways: through a physical journey or through an imaginary journey. Each episode crosses biographical and literary key aspects of Fernando Pessoa and can be listened independently. The story is told by those, critics, scholars, who study Pessoa’s legacy and by his close relatives, his niece and his nephew who shared a lot with him.