Cmn News



CMN NEWS - It's Like A Bruce Bowen Flying Side Kick To Your Face!

CMN NEWS is political/news podcast for people who don't fit comfortably into either the Democratic or Republican party. The host, Chris Novembrino (Independent), espouses a platform of 'radical reform' perhaps best encapsulated in his catchphrase "America doesn't need a revolution, it needs an emergency meeting." America doesn't need more centrism or bipartisanship, America needs new ideas and a new center.

The Saturday News Hangover, the flagship show of CMN NEWS, offers analysis of the 'hard news' of the week (with a dose of humor) featuring panelists from all over the political spectrum who agree on one thing (if nothing else). America is heading in the wrong direction and something needs to be done.

Senior News Analyst of News - Sean Freeder
Senior News Correspondent - Kevin Gosztola
Senior Sports Correspondent - Brian Halverson
Senior News Journalist - Jordan Williams

The Best Damn News Team in News!

Heads up, this is a show done by adults (?) with some adult language.

All music and audio copyright Chris Novembrino. (Except for the appearance on LostBlog)

Thanks for listening!

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