Bob Enyart Live

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Daily conservative talk show hosted by American's most popular, self-proclaimed right-wing, religious fanatic.


  • Refuting Professor Dave Pt I


    *One Last Refrain: (Well maybe three to five), because this week  Fred Williams and Doug McBurney take on one of Youtube's deeper basement dwellers: "Professor Dave" (David James Farina) and his thinly veiled cries for momma disguised as "debunking" God's record of creation.   *A Scale of Dumb to Dave: Doug asks why "theistic" and "deistic evolution" rate higher than Intelligent Design on Dave's spectrum from least to most "scientific", (which are really listed from least to most "secular"), except for David's odd conjunction of Flat Earth and geocentrism, (as if the two cannot be considered separately).   *Holey Cheese: Fred compares "professor" Dave's debunking tactics to a hunk of swiss cheese, full of holes, attractive to rats and mice (and the longer it sits around the stinkier it gets). Unlike his debate with James Tour, which for Christian creationists is aging quite well thank you very much.   The Stuff of Giants: In the case of David J

  • ThThurs: Revelation Pt. 12


    * Revelation: The Book of Revelation vents God's final warning toward those who will not follow Him. Often clouded in mystery, this book has eluded the understanding of millions, and has been used as a pretext for many false prophets. Bob Enyart presents this conclusion of Scripture in light of the Bible's overview. This clear method of study helps to cut through much of the confusion regarding Revelation. For over a quarter century Bob Enyart has studied God's Word praying for the wisdom to share the truth of Scripture with a lost and dying world. Now you can benefit from this very exciting Bible study. The two Revelation albums address matters of eternal consequence head on. Before listening to these tapes, Bob strongly urges that you read The Plot book or listen to The Plot album that will introduce you to the overview of the Bible. Available on MP3-CD or download.   BEL SUBSCRIPTIONS: Please consider one of our monthly subscriptions that will not only help support BEL, but

  • Open Theism & Dr. Richard Rice, Pt. 3


    LEGACY BROADCAST Bob Enyart, co-founder of, continues his interview of Dr. Richard Rice, a leading advocate of Open Theism, just retired Loma Linda theology professor, and co-author of the famed 1994 book The Openness of God with Pinnock, Hasker, Basinger, and Sanders. The guys continue their relaxed yet compelling discussion. * KGOV & Richard Rice:  - (6/9/20) - (10/20/20) - (10/21/20 this program) - And see Richard features on the homepage of Today's Resource: Open Theism Seminar   Open theism seminar with Bob Enyart on three DVDs! BEL January 2007 Seminar Indianapolis, IN Another fantastic BEL seminar, this time, on the topic of Open Theism, answering the question, is the future settled or open? The Open View teaches that God can change the future. He interacts with the flow of history and changes the outcome of the future as it unfolds by His decisions and actions. 

  • Open Theism & Dr. Richard Rice, Pt. 2


    Bob Enyart, co-founder of, continues his interview of Dr. Richard Rice, a leading advocate of Open Theism, just retired Loma Linda theology professor, and co-author of the famed 1994 book The Openness of God with Pinnock, Hasker, Basinger, and Sanders. The guys continue their relaxed yet compelling discussion. * KGOV & Richard Rice:  - Part 1: (6/9/20) - Part 2: (10/20/20 this program) - Part 3: (10/21/20) - And see Richard featured on the homepage of

  • The Guy Who Put Two Words Together: Open & Theism!


    LEGACY BROADCAST * The Future is Open: Dr. Richard Rice, Loma Linda theology professor and a leading advocate of open theism, is interviewed by Denver Bible Church pastor Bob Enyart. (Enyart is the co-founder of Dr. Rice's book, The Openness of God, was published in 1980, 14 years before he co-authored the famed 1994 book by the same name that he co-authored with Pinnock, Hasker, Basinger, and Sanders. Rice and Enyart have a relaxed and very interesting discussion of open theism and recent developments, and then go back in history to consider the way that Arminius himself wrestled with the matter. * Book Blurb: Open theism has reached its adolescence. How did it get here? And where does it go from here? Since IVP's publication of The Openness of God in 1994, evangelical theology has grappled with the alternative vision of the doctrine of God that open theism offers. Responding to critics who claim that it proposes a truncated version of God that fails to account for Scripture and denies m

  • ezWater with Dr. Gerald Pollack Part II The Physics


    *Hear Part I: Listen to the first half of our interview with Dr. Pollack regarding how Fourth Phase Water acts as a battery and can supply energy to the cell and lots of other interesting items from damp to soaking wet.   *Dr. Gerald Pollack: Fred Williams and Doug McBurney welcome back Gerald Pollack, Ph.D. who maintains an active laboratory at the University of Washington in Seattle. He is the Founding Editor-in-Chief of WATER: A Multidisciplinary Research Journal; Executive Director of the Institute for Venture Science; co-founder of 4th-Phase Inc.; and founder of the Annual Conference on the Physics, Chemistry, and Biology of Water.  He has received numerous honors including: the Prigogine Medal for Thermodynamics; the University of Washington Annual Faculty Lecturer; the NIH Director’s Transformative Research Award; and the 1 Emoto Peace Prize.  He is recognized internationally as an accomplished speaker and author of The

  • ThThurs: 2 Corinthians Pt. 11


      * 2 Corinthians: Paul constructed Second Corinthians as a key for understanding all of the Pauline Epistles, especially for the Christians who doubt the unique teaching that Jesus revealed through this Apostle.  To undergird his controversial Gospel of Grace (Rom. 4:5; 11:13; 1 Cor. 3:10; 15:1; Gal. 2:7; Eph. 2:8-9; etc.), the Apostle Paul realized that he must defend his own unique authority against his critics and against negative comparisons to the other apostles. He does this more aggressively when writing to the Galatians, but in greater length when writing to the Corinthians, beginning with his initial letter (1 Cor. 1:1, 17; 3:10; 4:16; 9:1-2, 17; 11:1; 14:37; 15:3, 9). Then the first half of Second Corinthians (chapters 1 – 7) describes the characteristics of an apostle as Paul builds toward the defense of his own ministry to rebut the attacks against his own apostleship.  The greater eloquence of the other apostles, for example, in no way diminishes the revelation that God has given to Paul (1

  • ezWater with Dr. Gerald Pollack Part I: The Energy


    *Dr. Gerald Pollack: Fred Williams and Doug McBurney welcome Gerald Pollack, Ph.D. who maintains an active laboratory at the University of Washington in Seattle. He is the Founding Editor-in-Chief of WATER: A Multidisciplinary Research Journal; Executive Director of the Institute for Venture Science; co-founder of 4th-Phase Inc.; and founder of the Annual Conference on the Physics, Chemistry, and Biology of Water.  He has received numerous honors including: the Prigogine Medal for Thermodynamics; the University of Washington Annual Faculty Lecturer; the NIH Director’s Transformative Research Award; and the 1 Emoto Peace Prize.  He is recognized internationally as an accomplished speaker and author of The Fourth Phase of Water.   *Water, Water Everywhere! Did you know there's more fresh water in the atmosphere than in all the rivers on earth! And Antarctica contains 90%+ of ALL the freshwater on Earth! And if we can ever figure out how to get it, there may be even more in E

  • ThThurs: 2 Corinthians Pt. 10


    * 2 Corinthians: Paul constructed Second Corinthians as a key for understanding all of the Pauline Epistles, especially for the Christians who doubt the unique teaching that Jesus revealed through this Apostle.  To undergird his controversial Gospel of Grace (Rom. 4:5; 11:13; 1 Cor. 3:10; 15:1; Gal. 2:7; Eph. 2:8-9; etc.), the Apostle Paul realized that he must defend his own unique authority against his critics and against negative comparisons to the other apostles. He does this more aggressively when writing to the Galatians, but in greater length when writing to the Corinthians, beginning with his initial letter (1 Cor. 1:1, 17; 3:10; 4:16; 9:1-2, 17; 11:1; 14:37; 15:3, 9). Then the first half of Second Corinthians (chapters 1 – 7) describes the characteristics of an apostle as Paul builds toward the defense of his own ministry to rebut the attacks against his own apostleship.  The greater eloquence of the other apostles, for example, in no way diminishes the revelation that God has given to Paul (11:5-6

  • The Shroud of Turin and Other Science Headlines


    *Cool, Clear Water: Tune in NEXT FRIDAY to hear Dr. Gerald Pollack describe some mind blowing experiments revealing the beautiful sophistication of water! *Millions and Millions: Well a million anyway... RSR just went over 1 million views on YouTube! *X Marks the Shroud: Updating RSR's coverage, hear how Wide Angle X-Ray Scattering has dated the Shroud of Turin to around the time of Christ, and how the standard biblical refutation of a separate head cloth from John 20:7 may be explained in light of the linen cloth of Joseph of Arimathea in Matthew 27:59. *Big Bag of Nothing: Hear how the hunt for Dark Matter & WIMPs using LUX-ZEPLIN is going! *Revisiting Dr. Seyfried: Hear the latest from Dr. Pierre Kory on cancer research questioning the Somatic Mutation Theory & re-assessing the Metabolic Theory of cancer as described on RSR by Dr. Thomas Seyfried. *Cane These Hooligans! ...and the San Francisco