Mike Murphy Unplugged

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 42:01:29
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Learn. Create. Move Forward.


  • The 2024 Show

    05/01/2024 Duration: 11min

    Episode Summary: In this episode 161, Happy New Year, a brief walk down memory lane and a sneak peak into 2024. Episode 161 Overview: Happy New Year. A walk down memory lane and a sneak peak into 2024. Who am I and When and why did I start my online business and this podcast?What were my goals when I started and what are they today?What is the future of this podcast, Mike Murphy Unplugged?What would make 2024 a successful year?Housekeeping:Email me with any questions: info@mikemurphy.coSign Up For My Email List To Stay In TouchSubscribe To YouTube ChannelSign Up For My Domestika Audition Course at: mikemurphy.co/domestika Full Episode Notes: https://mikemurphy.co/ep161Support the showMy Domestika Course:Introduction To Adobe Audition

  • The Domestika Show

    24/03/2023 Duration: 17min

    Episode Summary:In this episode 160, I share the details of my brand new class called Introduction to Adobe Audition and the experience I had creating it with the online learning platform, Domestika.

  • The Ai Show

    13/01/2023 Duration: 14min

    Ep159: The Ai ShowEpisode Summary:Today’s episode is all about Ai or Artificial Intelligence and ChatGPT and how they can be used by podcasters and content creators.The Confession:The entire script of this episode was written by ChatGPT in a matter of minutes and I read it word for word.My reason for creating this episode was to have a little fun while also teaching the basics of Ai that I think is a mystery to many (including myself), but it is certain to have an enormous impact on life as we know it.  If this is your first time hearing about ChatGPT, I encourage you to give it a try. To say it is impressive is an understatement.Give ChatGPT a try:https://chat.openai.com/ Episode 159 Overview:In this episode 159, I will discuss the benefits of using AI for podcasting, how ChatGPT works, and some of the ethical and social considerations that come with the use of AI.What is Artificial Intelligence?What is Chat GPT?What are some benefits of using ChatGPT & Ai for podcasting in 2023?What are some of the ethi

  • The Pilgrimage

    23/09/2022 Duration: 19min

    Ep158: The PilgrimageThis episode marks the 7-year anniversary of Mike Murphy Unplugged.  In this episode, I share the story of my pilgrimage on the Camino de Santiago in France & Spain.About:My name is Mike Murphy and I started Mike Murphy Unplugged in September 2015 to teach and document my journey of building an online business and brand creating content. The goal of the podcast has always been to share what I am learning and doing to create the life I want to inspire others to create the life they want. The Pilgrimage:A Pilgrim or Peregrino is defined as a person who journeys to a sacred place often for religious or spiritual reasons.The Camino de Santiago (or, the Way of St. James) is a pilgrimage that can be traced back to medieval times. There are several different routes, but all lead to the tomb of the Apostle Saint James, in the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela in Spain. The most popular route and the one documented in the movie The Way starring Martin Sheen is called the Camino Frances and i

  • The 2022 Life Update Show

    08/04/2022 Duration: 10min

    Ep157: The 2022 Life Update ShowAs Eleanor Roosevelt famously said, Absence makes the heart grow fonder, so today I simply want to say hello, reconnect and bring you up to speed on what I’ve been up to and what I have planned for 2022.Episode Summary:Hello and welcome to episode 157: The 2022 Life Update Show. It’s been a minute since I published an episode and I simply wanted to touch base and provide a quick life and business update. So, let’s go.Life Updates 2022:In early January of 2022, I had to move out of my little old beach cottage that I have been happily renting for over 11 years because it was sold (big bummer)I lost my full-time job of 3+ years at Simplecast/SiriusXM on the exact same day (also a bummer because of the bad timing)The good news is I found an awesome place for rent right across the alley from my old cottage and I love the new digs/studio.The other good news is that I can focus on Mike Murphy Co and making a living as a tutorial maker and content creator (which is my North Star)Quote:

  • The Change Show

    14/02/2020 Duration: 09min

    In Today’s episode, I am going to read a simple, but practical checklist from a book that I recently finished to help or inspire you to create a positive change in your lifeSummary:The checklist I am going to share with you today is from the book, What to Say When You Talk To Yourself by Shad Helmstetter which is all about rewiring your brain with positive thoughts and self-talk.Buy Book on Amazon: (affiliate link)What to Say When You Talk to Your Selfby Shad Helmstetter Ph.Dhttps://amzn.to/3bGMbkjTIPIf you have an Amazon Alexa device, you can buy Kindle books on Amazon usually for $3.99 or less and use the Alexa app on our iOS Device and listen to your Kindle books like an audiobook. The voice of Alexa is a little robotic and not nearly as high of a production value as an Audible book, but it’s been a great discovery for me and I’m finding myself consuming a lot more books listening like I do podcasts at a fraction of the cost of Audible books.Quote From Book:Whatever you put into your mind in one way or ano

  • The 4th Anniversary Show

    27/09/2019 Duration: 13min

    Today is the 4th Anniversary of Mike Murphy Unplugged and I take a walk down memory lane and look at the takeaways from year 1 and see how they hold up today…a few years later !In this Episode 155:A big thank you to all of you who have been with me since the beginning of this journey! Cheers!In this episode, I look at my Top 10 Takeaways from Year One and see how they stack up today. Year 1 Mike vs. 2019 MikeEpisode Notes:https://mikemurphy.co/ep155The Top 10 List is from 2016 (Listen for 2019 Comparison)Podcasting is a big commitment and hard work:I am proud to be a one-man bandPodcasting has made me a better teacher, thinker, writer…Podcasting has me be more confident in my abilitiesPodcasting can be fun and creativeWriting scripts is not fun (but are rewarding)Done is definitely better than perfectHaving templates and systems are EssentialI stink at self-promotion & marketingDo it for yourself and everything will always be worth it. (2019)Quotes from 2016:Karen Lamb: “A year from now you will wish you

  • The Migration Show

    30/08/2019 Duration: 17min

    This episode breaks down the process of how to move your show (podcast) from one podcast hosting company to another without losing any subscribers.Topics covered in this episode:What is a podcast host?What is a podcast directory?What is an RSS Feed?What is a 301 Redirect?How do you move your show without losing subscribers?What is a podcast host?When you start podcast, one of the major decisions you will make is where to host your show. There are many podcast hosts available but some of the more popular ones include:Simplecast. Where I work full-time on the product support and content team.Others hosting companies include:LibsynBlubrryPodbeanBuzzSproutSpreakerSoundcloudAnchorWhat do podcast hosting platforms do?Overview of Podcast Hosts:1. Audio File Storage & Delivery2. Generate your RSS Feed3. Publishing & Syndication to directories.Audio File Storage & Delivery To store your audio files and serve them to listener devices when someone clicks play or download from a podcast app or an embed player

  • The Budget Show

    09/08/2019 Duration: 15min

    Behind the scenes of my simple and practical new financial freedom plan to help me create the life I want. Today is about taking action and control of your finances so you can create the life you want.The motivation or my why for taking action on my finances.The two books that helped me build the framework and key takeaways from each.My new plan along with the tools I am using to put my financial plan on auto-pilot.Part 1: Why am I taking action on my finances? I turn 50 in November Reduce stress and self-doubt Financial Freedom Peace of Mind Control & Clarity Always Moving Forward Opportunity to AdvancePart 2: The 2 Books that led me to action I Will Teach You To Be Rich by Ramit Sethi(Buy on Amazon) The Latte Factor by David Bach(Buy on Amazon) I Will Teach You To Be Rich By Ramit Sethi1st Edition:My biggest takeaway from the 1st edition was setting up online banks for automating your finances. Set it and forget it. Deposit your paycheck in a checking account and have set amounts go to bills, savings, a

  • The Merry Show

    21/12/2018 Duration: 11min

    Today is an update episode and I simply wanted to say hey wish you all a very happy Holiday Season.Episode Summary:So welcome to this holiday episode 152. In this episode I wanted to bring you up to speed on my journey and plans for 2019, but more importantly I really just wanted to make sure I took the time to wish each and every one of you a very merry holiday season and to wish you the best as we approach a new year.The Update:A couple of months ago I told you I was taking a hiatus from Mike Murphy Unplugged for a variety of reasons. This was not an easy decision to make and it saddened me a little to give up a piece of something that I worked extremely hard every single week for 3 years. I was and still am very proud of the consistency and hard work I put into this podcast and all of the content I make surrounding it, but I listened to my heart and took a step back. It was the right decision at the right time. I needed to get the weight off my shoulders as it was introducing negativity into my world and b

  • The 3 Year Show

    21/09/2018 Duration: 13min

    Today is the 3rd anniversary of Mike Murphy Unplugged and this an update episode about change, development and creating the life you want. I have some exciting news to share with you.Episode Summary:I started this show on Friday 9/25/2015. Thank you to all of you who have supported me over the past 3 years.The podcast is still on hiatus, but I created this episode:1) To acknowledge you and the anniversary2) Share some updates since Episode 1503) Let you know about my new position with podcast hosting company SimplecastWhat is a Milestone?:A milestone is an action or event marking a significant change or stage in development.Change is to make or become different.Development is state of growth or advancement.So Why Did I Start Mike Murphy UnpluggedReason 1: To connect, teach and help people figure things out, Reason 2: To figure out how to make a living as an online educator and content creator.My solution: Starting a podcast was the perfect medium for me:Why Podcasting?:-I have been an avid podcast listener si

  • The Summer Break Show

    20/07/2018 Duration: 14min

    Taking a breakResting your mind is vital to your health and wellness, but that does not mean you stop your efforts to create the life you wantThe life I want is making a living as a content creator and online educator.My sights are on the long-term, so I’m in it for the marathon and not the sprint, so pace is important.**Mid-Year Review:**July 18th is the halfway mark of the year.The perfect time to evaluate your life and business roadmap for the year and set yourself up for a strong finish to 2018.**Are you on the right track?**Do you know where you are headed?Are you doing everything necessary to get there?Are you in control or are you in reaction mode?**Summary of Episode:**I share my content strategy and plan for the second half of 2018 as I get ready to refresh and head out for a 2-week vacation to Nantucket.I plan my summer vacation by planning my 3rd and 4th quarter content strategy and business goals.My version of work-life balance.The Podcast HiatusI shared in Episode 149 The Freedom Show that I was

  • The Freedom Show

    13/07/2018 Duration: 12min

    The Art of Letting Go“The secret to happiness is freedom… And the secret to freedom is courage. ”–Thucydides, PhilosopherToday is all about freedom, happiness and the power of letting go andEpisode Summary:I have spent the past few months aggressively purging and de-cluttering my physical and digital environments and taking inventory of my business and life.Taking inventory means looking in the mirror and doing an honest self-audit.One of the difficult truths or realities I came to terms with in doing a self-audit is this podcast is holding me back and it is weighing me down.My stubbornness and determination could keep it going forever, but the reality is it has become a bit of a burden and I know that is not healthy.I have had to remind the self-critic in me that letting go is not the same as quitting or giving up. It simply means letting go to make room for something new.Announcement: Mike Murphy Unplugged is going on Summer Hiatus.I have decided to press the pause button on Mike Murphy Unplugged after epis

  • The IGTV Show

    06/07/2018 Duration: 14min

    All about Instagram TV. Episode Summary:What is IGTV?How does it work?Why might you use it for your business & brand?How do I plan on using it for Mike Murphy Co?Follow me on Instagram & IGTV@mikeunplugged.What is IGTV?IGTV was launched in late June 2018 by Instagram.Instagram is owned by Facebook. There are now over 1 Billion users on Instagram.There are over 2 Billion users on Facebook.IGTV is a standalone app, separate from Instagram, but you can access IGTV from the main Instagram app. So what exactly is IGTV?Many are referring to it as TV for mobile devices, aka your phones.The channels on IGTV are you and me. Every content creator is their own channel and it is open to anyone and everyone.IGTV gives you a channel for you to create content that people browsing IGTV and can stop and watch and if they like what they can see, they can let you know by liking or commenting and following you, just like on Instagram. When you open IGTV, videos start playing automatically. Just like when you turn on your

  • The Be Good Show

    29/06/2018 Duration: 13min

    I have spent the past week laughing and crying and I also figured out the recipe for success as a content creator and I share it with you in this episode. Today’s is about understanding what matters in life and how to build a brand and create content that makes a positive impact on others.Life Lessons for Content CreatorsEpisode Summary:Today’s episode 147 is about understanding what matters in life and how to build a brand and create content that makes a positive impact on others.Today is about priorities and urgency. You have one chance at this game of life and sometimes you need to do a self-audit to get back on track.Questions, Comments, Feedback?mike@mikemurphy.coComplete Show Notes:https://mikemurphy.co/ep147Buy My New eBook:How To Podcast on Wordpress com: The Step-By-Step Guidehttps://www.amazon.com/dp/B07D6DSVVM

  • The Writing A Book Show

    22/06/2018 Duration: 15min

    Ep146: The Writing A Book ShowBehind The Scenes of Writing & Self-Publishing a Book/p>Episode Summary:How did I write my new eBook: How To Podcast on Wordrpess.com?What tools and resources did I use?What was my process and workflow and my overall experience?Questions, Comments, Feedback?mike@mikemurphy.coComplete Show Notes:https://mikemurphy.co/ep146Buy My New eBook:How To Podcast on Wordpress com: The Step-By-Step Guidehttps://www.amazon.com/dp/B07D6DSVVM

  • The Creator Show

    15/06/2018 Duration: 15min

    Ep145: The Creator ShowWhat does it really take to create online content and to create the life you want?/p>Episode Summary:What does it take to make it as a content creator?What does it take to succeed in business?What does it take to create the life you want?Questions, Comments, Feedback?mike@mikemurphy.coComplete Show Notes:https://mikemurphy.co/ep144Buy My New eBook:How To Podcast on Wordpress com: The Step-By-Step Guidehttps://www.amazon.com/dp/B07D6DSVVM

  • The WordPress.com Show

    08/06/2018 Duration: 16min

    Ep144: The Wordpress.com ShowIn today’s episode, I share a chapter from my new eBook How To Podcast on Wordpress.com and share 14 reasons to consider using Wordpress.com to launch your podcast and website.Chapter 1 of my new eBook: Why Use Wordpress.com as a Podcast Media Host?Why should you consider using Wordpress.com if you are launching a new podcast and website?What are 14 benefits Wordpress.com brings to the table?Free PDF:https://howtopodcaston.files.wordpress.com/2018/06/why-wordpress-com-1.pdfQuestions, Comments, Feedback?mike@mikemurphy.coComplete Show Notes:https://mikemurphy.co/ep144Buy The eBook:How To Podcast on Wordpress com: The Step-By-Step Guidehttps://www.amazon.com/dp/B07D6DSVVM

  • The Podcast Hosting Show

    01/06/2018 Duration: 15min

    Ep143: The Podcast Hosting ShowIn today’s episode, you will learn what a podcast media host is, what to look for when choosing one and how much do they costEpisode Summary:What is a podcast media host?How Does Podcast Media Hosting Work?What should you look for when choosing a media host?What podcast hosts do I use?How much does podcast hosting cost?Questions, Comments, Feedback?mike@mikemurphy.coComplete Show Notes:https://mikemurphy.co/ep143Buy The eBook: How To Podcast on Wordpress comhttps://www.amazon.com/dp/B07D6DSVVM

  • The Why WordPress.com Show

    25/05/2018 Duration: 15min

    Episode Summary: The story of Why I Wrote The How To Podcast on Wordpress.com:The Step by Step Guide.The Anatomy of a Good EmailIs Wordpress.com a legitimate podcast host?What makes Wordpress.com a good option for some podcasters?What ultimately made me decide to write my first ebook on Podcasting on Wordpress.com?Comments, Questions & Feedback:mike@mikemurphy.co

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