Khrecharged Podcast



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  • E3 Expo 2014 (Episode 5)

    15/06/2014 Duration: 50min

    To celebrate the new trailer from Kingdom Hearts 2.5 HD Remix and teaser from Kingdom Hearts III, we at KHRecharged have recorded our fifth podcast titled “E3 Expo 2014 (Kingdom Hearts Coverage).” In this episode, KHRecharged focuses on the future of the Kingdom Hearts series. We discuss the upcoming features and additions in Kingdom Hearts 2.5 HD Remix, along with the new Kingdom Hearts III teaser that premiered right before the E3 2014 Expo event. In this episode, we’re joined by the Kingdom Hearts Recharged staff, along with the fandub production team and also some fans from the Kingdom Hearts series. Previous podcast members Ryan, Jose, and Justin join, along with Cole (DJ Firewolf) and Sam (TheVader74) speak with KH-Recharged (Mike).

  • Kingdom Hearts 3 Development (Episode 4)

    13/07/2013 Duration: 47min

    To celebrate the announcement of Kingdom Hearts III, we at KHRecharged have recorded our fourth podcast titled “Kingdom Hearts 3 Development.” In this episode, KH-Recharged focuses on the future of the Kingdom Hearts series. We discuss the announcement, what we can expect from Kingdom Hearts III and the unconfirmed release date. Seven fans have joined our episode. Previous podcast members Maggy, Llave and Dr Wigglz join, along with Ryan, Tummer and Malik to speak with KH-Recharged (Mike).

  • Interview With Richard Epcar (Episode 3)

    21/04/2012 Duration: 47min

    To celebrate the announcement of Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance in North America; we at KHRecharged have recorded our third podcast titled “Interview With Epcar.” To celebrate the announcement of Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance in North America; we at KHRecharged have recorded our third podcast titled “Interview With Epcar.” In this special episode, KHRecharged interviews voice actor Richard Epcar who has voiced as Ansem (SOD), Xehanort and Terra-nort in Kingdom Hearts II, Chain of Memories, 358/2 Days and Birth by Sleep. Richard Epcar talks to us exclusively about how he’s reprising his roles in Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance, along with helpful tips for becoming a vocal and performing actor. Joining me (Mike) in the podcast is Maggy, Ace, Dr Wigglz and our beloved staff member Justin.

  • Celebrate 3D Japan! (Episode 2)

    31/03/2012 Duration: 40min

    To celebrate the release of Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance; we at KHRecharged have recorded our second podcast titled “Celebrate 3D Japan!” In this special episode, KHRecharged celebrates the release of Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance and takes a look at the future for the series and the upcoming titles. Joining me (Mike) in the podcast is Maggy, What?, Ace and our beloved staff member Justin.

  • Pilot (Introduction)

    18/02/2012 Duration: 45min

    Our pilot episode includes all the latest news from Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance, which we recorded live last night. The podcast team covers everything from the featured worlds, artwork from the cover and the special trailer that was just released on Valentine’s Day. Joining me (Mike) in the podcast is Llave, Dr Wigglz (Glen), Maggy, What? and Ace.