Banned Phrases - Grace Umc



Daily we are bombarded by the newest, latest and greatest catch phrases. In a hash tagged cultured, it might be good to stop and look around and hear what we are really communicating. Over three weeks, we will discuss some rather popular phrases and decide whether we should ban them from our personal and public conversations. With great humor and joy, we engage the culture and reflect the light of Christ with and on us.




    What do we crave in this world? Experience? Relationships? To faithfully follow Jesus? The temptation of unhealthy experiences and relationships can lead us down a path of sadness and misery. Temporary pleasure and gratification do not last. We must choose to live a life that glorifies God in word and deed. Choose the better way in Christ.

  • Devil's Advocate


    At one time or another, we have all used the phrase “To play devil’s advocate”. Why would we do that? If we love Jesus and claim to follow Him, we should flee from the devil! Flee from sin! It’s a common phrase that has a very interesting origin. Listen today to how we might each stop using it in our everyday language and start glorifying God.

  • Selfie


    We live in a new world of social media. With likes, follows, friends and shares, life is moving pretty fast. The speed at which “selfie” has taken over all our cultures is extraordinary. Should we be concerned with the culture? Should we attempt to change the trajectory of the conversation and our witness? Let’s hear what kind of follower Jesus called us to be, and we might be surprised as to His language in talking about disciples.