Love Notes By Love Sanctuary



The Love Notes bi-weekly podcast is hosted by Angela N. Holton, Life & Spiritual Coach, Speaker, and Author. Love Notes is all about self-love, what it means to each of us and how to create it in our daily lives. No matter the obstacles faced, whether challenges in love and relationships, money, health, self-esteem, and general well-being, self-love is the key to healing, transforming, and recreating our lives. In each episode, Angela will provide powerful and transformational tools and techniques to empower radical self-love, healing, and growth in different areas of our lives. Periodic guests who are experts in their field, will appear on the show to discuss their daily self-love practices, how they are living with power and purpose, and provide tools and guidance from their expertise. The mission of Love Notes is to inspire you to love yourself unconditionally, in order to live a healthier, happier, and more purposeful life.


  • Interview with Bermudian Energy & Spiritual Healer, Dr. Larry "Doc" Trott


    The Love Notes Podcast is pleased to have as our guest, Bermuda's top Energy Medicine Specialist and Spiritual Healer, Dr. Larry "Doc" Trott. In this interview Dr. Trott shares with us the multiple health challenges and setbacks he experienced early on in life, which served as his greatest teacher and guide to his life's passion and purpose of helping others heal. Dr. Trott explains how his own medical challenges helped his heart grow even deeper in compassion toward others. Trained in multiple healing modalities from around the globe, including Tai Chi and Qigong, Dr. Trott discusses the differences between these two practices, as well as his expertise in other ancient healing practices.

  • The Power of Our Beliefs


    In this podcast, Angela discusses our belief systems and their power in creating the landscape of our lives. We become what we believe. So, no matter the beliefs we keep, whether conscious or unconscious, we are constantly attracting what we ultimately believe existence. Angela helps us to uncover our unconscious beliefs so that we can reprogram them and align them with the new beliefs we want to keep and manifest into our lives.

  • Interview with Mother/Daughter Life Coach, Lisa Byrd


    Lisa Byrd is a Mother-Daughter Relationship Expert. In this podcast Lisa shares with us her 3 greatest tips for Mothers and Daughters to experience a close, loving, and respectful relationship. Lisa dishes out on the importance of individual self-love and laughter in creating a healthy, happy, and balanced Mother/Daughter Relationship, as well as the key to embracing each child's unique with multiple children. A proud mother of 3 daughters, Lisa has cultivated a close relationship with her daughters using, love, laughter, and compassion. Listen in as Lisa and I laugh a lot while speaking about our own experiences as Daughters. Whether you're a Mother or a Daughter or Both, you don't want to miss this podcast.

  • Interview with Hay House Author James McCrae


    Hay House Author, Brand Strategist, and Blogger of, James McCrae, joins us in this special podcast episode where we dive into the meanings and layers of "creativity". McCrae describes his creative process and dispels the myths and misconceptions of creativity. We are all born of a creative Source, "yet often our creativity lies dormant", as McCrae, describes, but we have access to tap into our creative reservoir at any point of our lives. Listen in, as McCrae helps us use uncertainty in our lives as a powerful and pivotal moment of inspiration and creativity.

  • Why Forgiveness Is So Important


    In this podcast, Angela discusses the transformational power of forgiveness. She brings to light the impasses and burdens that UN-forgiveness creates in our lives and how to shift from UN-forgiveness to Forgiveness, using the self-loving act of compassion. Angela details steps and meditations that one can use to aid in the process of forgiveness.

  • Ending Sabotage To Love


    In this episode Angela discusses some of common ways that we often sabotage Love from entering our lives. She offers tips on how to work through these sabotaging behaviors in our relationships, our health, our success, our joy, etc. Angela also discusses how we can create a shift in our paradigm regarding Love and how to open our hearts to receive Love from wherever it comes.

  • "A Journey To Self-Love"


    In this special episode, in honor of Valentine's Day, Angela begins to unlock and demystify the meaning of Self-Love. She provides information that dispels the myths and preconceived conditioning we may have about Love. Angela offers a new way to think about Self-Love. Describing it as, not an emotion, but as a clear choice and action. Self-Love is a daily and continuous lifetime practice. The more we execute it the more we experience it in our lives. Self-Love is the path to improving our relationships and enhancing any area of our lives.

  • Creating Lasting Transformation


    Many of us desire change but either don't know how to create it or how to stick to it. Whether you desire change spiritually, physically, professionally, or personally, in your life, the tools provided in this podcast will assist you in creating real and lasting transformation. Bring your desires to the podcast and listen as I share powerful tips that have helped me change my life on every level!

  • Interview with Lisa Bonner


    Lisa Bonner Esq, is our guest on today's podcast. Lisa is an Entertainment Lawyer and host of her own podcast, The Laws of Entertainment. She is a world traveler and travel journalist for Yahoo, and is also known as "The Girl On The Fly". Lisa shares with us how she takes stock of her own life to balance a full and enjoyable life. Keeping her faith in God first, Lisa describes her own process of navigating through challenges, as well as creating her own desires and transformations.

  • Harness the Power of Your Intuition


    Would you like to create more miracles in your life and avoid pitfalls and pain? Understanding, knowing, and connecting to our intuition, our inner teacher and guide, is the key to creating the lives we desire and living with greater joy, peace, and purpose. Based on my book, “Whispers of the Heart”, I outline tools to help you harness the power and strength of your intuition and call in your desires.

  • Busting Through Fear


    In this podcast, listen to the tools I implement into my own life to bust through my personal fears, including how I pushed through fear to create this podcast. Learn tips in developing a different and healthier relationship to fear, as I offer unique questions and steps to help you navigate your way through it.

  • Self-Love Is An Action


    This podcast is a brief introduction to a topic I am very passionate about…Self-Love. I offer a cursory discussion about self-love as a consistent and constant practice. My hope in this podcast and in future podcasts is to provide clarity and actionable tasks to help you love yourself more fully.

  • 6 Powerful Keys to Staying Highly Motivated


    We all experience the rise and fall of motivation and inspiration in our lives. Recognizing that motivation is an internal task and choice we make each day is the first key to staying motivated. Listen as I provide you with 6 powerful keys to help you stay motivated whether personally, professionally, or spiritually.