Pioneering Today With Melissa K. Norris

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 238:30:52
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Pioneering Today focuses on inspiring your faith and pioneer roots with Melissa K. Norris and all aspects of old-fashioned living from heirloom gardening, preserving the harvest, cooking from scratch, raising livestock, traditional kitchen and skills, faith, family, frugal living, and modern homesteading.


  • EP: 415 The Gut-Brain Connection w/ Dr. Mayer

    26/01/2024 Duration: 01h03min

    Let's dive into the gut-brain connection and how to improve our gut for better overall health and wellness. If you've been around here for any length of time, you know we discuss the importance of our gut health. 70-80% of our gut health is located in our gut. So what we eat, food-wise, not only affects our digestion and overall health, but our immune system. The amazing thing is that it goes beyond our immune system because it impacts the way our brain communicates with all the other systems in our body. For more information and any links mentioned in this episode, visit  

  • EP: 414 Health Update & the Need for Margin in Our Lives

    19/01/2024 Duration: 49min

    This week I’m sharing my health update (post surgery) as well as my battle with a 35 day virus(es). I’m also sharing my need for margin, and some of the health changes I’m making in 2024. If you find yourself nearing burnout, don’t wait until it finally happens to make necessary changes in your life. This is so important not only for mental health, but our physical health as well. For more information and any links mentioned in this episode, visit

  • EP: 413 What Happens in Winter When You Double Your Cattle Herd

    15/12/2023 Duration: 24min

    This past week we were running our cattle herd through the system for getting tags (which helps track lineage), castration and overall wellbeing. Having a larger operation has meant some changes for these practices. If you’re thinking about raising cattle, I highly recommend you listen to today’s podcast as I’m sharing some of the differences between owning one, nine or 20+ head of cattle. I also discuss the differences between banding or cut castration and why we switched. For more information and any links mentioned in this episode, visit

  • EP: 412 The Nourishing Asian Kitchen with Sophia Eng

    08/12/2023 Duration: 51min

    Join me with Sophia Eng, author of The Nourishing Asian Kitchen, as we discuss her journey into homesteading, motherhood, homeschooling, blogging and becoming a cookbook author. No doubt you’ve heard of the Nourishing Traditions cookbook by Sally Fallon. Sophia took her inspiration from there and recreated over 100 traditional Asian recipes that had been passed down for generations in her family. But instead of using processed ingredients, she used only real whole foods. For more information and any links mentioned in this episode, visit

  • EP: 411 My Health Update and Need for Surgery

    17/11/2023 Duration: 31min

    As promised, in today’s episode I’m spilling the beans on the health issues I’ve been having for the past few years. Turns out, what I thought was a damaged muscle turned out to be a tumor. By the time you’re hearing this, I should be happily recovering from surgery and will be sure to give you an update once I’m able. In this episode, I’m also sharing my frustrations about the broken medical system (hint: they match my frustrations about the broken food system) and sharing encouragement on ways to be your own advocate. For more information and any links mentioned in this episode, visit

  • EP: 410 Our Broken Food System

    10/11/2023 Duration: 23min

    I’ve been traveling for the past two weeks. In fact, in about a 14 day period, I was only home a few of those days. What I noticed was the huge lack of healthy food available in many parts of the United States. I’ve become quite accustomed to what’s available in my own slice of the world, and I can easily forget that not everyone has available to them what I do here. So what is it that we need to focus on today in order to fix our broken food system? Listen to this podcast episode and hear my own thoughts on the changes I want to see start happening, and how you can be a part of that change. For more information and any links mentioned in this episode, visit

  • EP 409: How Much $$ Can YOU REALLY Make Homesteading

    27/10/2023 Duration: 35min

    Welcome back to part two of my series on answering your questions. In today’s episode, I’m sharing a bit more of the “behind-the-scenes” of what it takes to run my business. From how much time per day I spend on my job, to how many people I have working with me. Plus how to create a homestead that can sustain itself financially and all the different ways that can look. For more information and any links mentioned in this episode, visit

  • EP: 408 - Answering Your Questions: Homesteading Edition

    19/10/2023 Duration: 44min

    Welcome back to another episode of the Pioneering Today Podcast. In today’s episode, I’ll be answering your questions from social media. All these questions pertain to homesteading, so we’re calling this the “Homesteading Edition” and I’ll be back next week to answer more of your questions pertaining to the financial side of homesteading and running a business. For more information and any links mentioned in this episode, visit

  • EP: 407 - Creating a No-Waste Kitchen w/ Mary's Nest

    13/10/2023 Duration: 01h08min

    Have you ever wondered how people manage to grocery shop, cook from-scratch meals for their family, and have no waste coming out of their homes? They make it look so easy! Though it might not be easy, it is simple. Join me for today’s podcast with special guest, Mary Shrader from Mary’s Nest as we discuss the skills that were passed down to us from our parents who lived through the Great Depression. For more information and any links mentioned in this episode, visit

  • EP: 406 Can You SAFELY Can Previously Frozen Foods?

    06/10/2023 Duration: 28min

    Have you ever wondered if it’s safe to can previously frozen foods? I’m here to tell you it is, but with a few caveats. There are certain foods I wouldn’t feel comfortable canning after it has been frozen (and I’ll share why in the podcast), but there are also a few things you want to consider before tossing those precious veggies into the freezer. For more information and any links mentioned in this episode, visit

  • EP: 405 Medicinal Herbs & Their Uses with Kaylee Richardson

    15/09/2023 Duration: 52min

    Come hang out with me and Kaylee Richardson (from The Honeystead) as we discuss our favorite medicinal herbs and their uses. For more information and any links mentioned in this episode, visit

  • EP: 404 Herbal Secret - Do this Daily to Reduce Stress & Overwhelm

    08/09/2023 Duration: 53min

    What is an adaptogen and why should you consider incorporating them into your daily routine? Learn about adaptogen herbs and how they can be used to help support your body on a daily basis, including what adaptogens to use, where to buy them, and how to use them.  For more information and any links mentioned in this episode, visit

  • EP: 402 Bridging Heritage and Health: Hunting 101

    25/08/2023 Duration: 59min

    Join me for today’s episode of the Pioneering Today Podcast with hunting expert Chris Gilmour. For many, hunting brings up negative connotations or even sadness. My guest can completely understand that as he wasn't raised with hunting as I was. In fact, he was even a vegetarian for eight years! Listen in to this episode because we’re discussing all things hunting, from the various hunting styles, how much it costs to get into hunting, how to find the best places to hunt, and where you can join Chris for a hunting course. For more information and any links mentioned in this episode, visit

  • EP: 401 Preserving Food When it's Too Hot to Can

    18/08/2023 Duration: 25min

    Today’s episode of the Pioneering Today Podcast is all about how to preserve food when it’s too hot to can (even canning outdoors). For many of us, August comes with some extreme heat. This isn’t always great for our garden, especially during the peak of the harvest. Learn how to make sure your harvest doesn’t go to waste and that you can preserve all that garden goodness without heating up your house in the process. For more information and any links mentioned in this episode, visit

  • What is a Working Bee & How it's Relevant in Our Lives Today

    11/08/2023 Duration: 01h22min

    Today’s episode of the Pioneering Today Podcast is a special one with a local friend of mine, Andrea. Andrea is co-host of the Ancestral Kitchen Podcast and is shedding light on a very interesting topic of a “working bee.” In today’s episode, she’s sharing what a working bee is, how it can be different based on whatever your particular interests or needs, and how they are extremely relevant and needed in today’s day and age. Have a listen because I think you’re going to find this episode very encouraging and inspiring. Maybe you’ll start a working bee of your own? For more information and any links mentioned in this episode, visit

  • EP: 403 Foraging for Wild Medicinal Herbs with Dr. Patrick Jones

    04/08/2023 Duration: 41min

    Join me for today’s episode of the Pioneering Today Podcast with Dr. Patrick Jones. He’s sharing his wisdom for harvesting, preserving and using wild medicinal herbs that can be found right in our own backyard. If you’re interested in herbal medicine, this is one episode you won’t want to miss. For more information and any links mentioned in this episode, visit  

  • Truth Behind Seed Oils & Pressing Your Own

    04/08/2023 Duration: 57min

    Today’s episode of the Pioneering Today Podcast is with author Bevin Cohen. He’s spearheaded the movement for at home pressing of seed and nut oils and loves to share his years of knowledge and experience with us. If you’ve ever wondered about the health of seed oils, this podcast may surprise you! And, find out why I’ll be growing mamoth sunflowers in my garden next year! For more information and any links mentioned in this episode, visit

  • Lid Reuse, Sugar Secrets & More: Candid Conversations with Canning Pros

    28/07/2023 Duration: 01h02min

    Today’s episode of the Pioneering Today Podcast is with master canning expert Georgia Varozza. She and I are discussing the ins and outs of safe canning, including questions such as reusing canning lids, sugar secrets, how to know if a canning recipe is safe, and so much more. For more information and any links mentioned in this episode, visit

  • Behind the Scenes of the Modern Homesteading Conference

    21/07/2023 Duration: 39min

    Join me for today’s Pioneering Today Podcast as I share some behind the scenes from the Modern Homesteading Conference. There were some crazy events that took place, and more than one miracle to share about. If you want to snag your early-bird tickets for next year’s conference, visit and for more information and any links mentioned in this episode, visit

  • How to Take a Vacation From the Homestead

    30/06/2023 Duration: 29min

    Join me for today’s Pioneering Today Podcast as I discuss how to set yourself up for the possibility of taking a vacation from the homestead. This doesn’t happen overnight, and there are some systems you may need to get in place. However, from my own experience (and hearing from others) you’ll never regret getting these systems in place because they only make your own life easier for the future. For more information and any links mentioned in this episode, visit:

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