Teach 2 Teach Podcast



Teach 2 Teach is a company that teaches musicians to become music teachers. We talk about attracting more music students and teachers, getting paid what you are really worth, spreading your influence, and balancing your life.


  • J & Kay Podcast Episode 1 (January 2012) - Pre-Teach 2 Teach


    This is our first podcast! It's was Pre-Teach 2 Teach. It wasn't until a month later that we got engaged and then the summer of 2012 that we created Teach 2 Teach.A little follow up... The band that we mentioned in the podcast never panned out. I don't think we were passionate enough about making it work... and bands don't just happen on their own, but we did do several gigs over the past couple years with some of those guys.Also, my blog is no longer called Insplore. It's called RemovingInterferences.com. And here is the link to Kay's blog EndtheSexSlaveTrade.com.

  • Teach 2 Teach Podcast Episode 1: Policies and Their Benefits


    J & Kay discuss Teach 2 Teach Music Policies, and some tips to help you expand your music business.What is one policy you have found helpful to you as you've been teaching music lessons, or one which you feel enforcing will really help you with your music lessons business?Friend one of us on voxer and send along your response - we'll play them on the next episode!Download voxer on your smartphone or tablet, go to the friends tab and search for either Jason Roe or Kay Roe.Teach2Teach.com