The Escape Of The Giant Bug

  • Author: Cheryl Marshall
  • Publisher: StreetLib
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"About the Han Group and Lin Xiaoshi? Sister, although you have killed Lin Xiaoshi, I don't blame you anymore. Lin Xiaoshi is now a member of the Han Group. That is our enemy. I do n’t want to control the enemy ’s housework. Too much. "Zhang Chuanshu looked indifferent.

"But this matter, once I say it, you will definitely manage it, and you have to do it. But as long as you get involved in this matter, even if you fall into the trap of the Han Group, your life will be even more complicated. Bumpy. "

"Trap? Who is my Zhang Chuanshu, how could it be known that the trap will still jump in?"

"Don't be too confident. I didn't want to tell you about this, but I know that even if I don't tell you, you will know right away, and will rush to this trap without any hesitation, and I will do a good job with you. Be prepared, and even think about the way back after failure. "

"Sister, let's talk. What the hell is going on?"