The Sadness Of A Genius

  • Author: Judy Lay
  • Publisher: StreetLib
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However, Yuntianqi grief, summoned out the town god sword, cut the various factions of the real monk and many on the fairy, kill the red-eyed cloud Tianqi hate the world, there are several door factions almost to the door, the death and injury of tens of thousands, I do not know how many people break the dead wife ion scattered. Town demon god sword swallowed countless hero blood and soul, absorb the world between the grievances into a red magic sword, and the vast ness of the wonder of the vast fairy is a generation of the world's god of death, by the fairy world and the world's true-seekers to kill, after the war, the cloud tianqi disappeared, but the major gate faction will let go of this generation of demons.

The cold wind whistling, snowflakes flying, clouds and sky strange closed eyes, or in that eagle ice sculpture on the quiet floating, as if to feel the snow mountain on the top of the frozen bitter cold, but also seemto in meditation to feel the moonlight.

As if everything in heaven and earth had nothing to do with him, the wind came in a flurry of wind, a burst of violent, blowing the sky-like robe.

In the distance, several like meteors of light and shadow flying, one, two, three 、...... twenty-six. Twenty-six people came with their moths.

Killing gas, a strong killing gas instantly filled the whole sky.