Heather Dubrow's World

Enough is enough! Fair Play & carving out your Unicorn Space ft. Eve Rodsky



Listen up, this episode is required listening for all those who are feeling overwhelmed, spread thin, and completely exhausted by this *little thing* we call life. We often talk about this in private but it’s time to make it public–why is it that women are expected to bear the brunt of the domestic workload?! Managing a career and a household is most certainly a gateway to burnout. So how do we adjust our lives to alleviate the crush of the invisible workload? That’s where Heather’s next guest comes in. Heather is joined by the best-selling author of “Fair Play” and “Unicorn Space”, Eve Rodsky, who will define this unique challenge in terms that you’ll most definitely relate to. It’s a conversation that will completely change the way you perceive yourself, your partnerships, and will encourage you to carve out time for yourself. Eve opens up about her own journey and how her research ultimately resulted in being “mesearch” while also providing you with the tools needed to mitigate being complicit in your ow