Heather Dubrow's World

Not Pointing Fingers: A conversation on Gratitude, Tendencies, & Happiness ft. Gretchen Rubin



Happy Thanksgiving everyone! It’s like we blinked and the holidays are here. We want to thank all of you for the amount of love and support you’ve shown us throughout the years. Not to point fingers(if you know you know) but…YOU have been instrumental to the success of Heather Dubrow’s World and we’re just so grateful. Talking about pointing, if you can't beat them join em'! we're also diving into Heather's recent Instagram stories and calling out BS. Now that it's settled, we know the holidays can be an equally joyous and triggering time so how do we remain happy through it all? That’s where Heather’s guest comes in. Joining us today is multi New York Times best-selling author Gretchen Rubin and we’re talking all about finding your happiness and protecting it even during the most stressful times. They say happiness derives from habits so we’re exploring our own and how it affects us. Plus, have you heard of the four tendencies? If you haven’t then trust us you’re going to be intrigued. To say Heather was SHO