This Endolife

How POTS and Dysautonomia Treatment Differs for Patients with Endometriosis with Dr Stephanie Harrod



Dr. Stephanie Harrod is a doctor of physical therapy specialising in women’s health - in particular, endometriosis. In her patients, she often sees endo alongside SIBO and interstitial cystitis, but also hypermobility/EDS and POTS. Stephanie saw these patterns in so many patients, that she began developing protocols to support people with endo not just with their pelvic health and pelvic pain, but with all of these co-conditions, that often have an impact on endo and overall health. In today’s episode, Stephanie and I talk about her personalised approach for managing POTS/dysatuonomia with endometriosis and how these strategies differ from typical POTS treatment to better support endometriosis. In this episode we discuss: How managing POTS with endo differs from managing POTS alone and why. How to effectively use salt for POTS and dysautonomia management. The types of exercises that are better suited for POTS and how we can adapt them for endo. The lifestyle modifications and tools we can use to manage th